Patrick Long Uses Porsche 911 R to Teach Proper Seat Positioning

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patrick long porsche seating

The road to perfect vehicle control starts before you even start the car. Or in this case, before you start the Porsche 911 R.

In the video below, Porsche factory driver Patrick Long gives you some helpful pointers about achieving the optimal seating position in the car, whether you have a lightweight, carbon fiber seat or not.

First of all, you need to be able to reach all your controls. Sit low, near the chassis, at steering wheel depth, with a wrist position to the top of the wheel. Next, adjust the seat to achieve a slight bend in your knee, even when pushing all the way down on the pedals.

We’ll let the expert take over from there, as Long goes on to talk about leg distance, forward/aft and up/down wheel adjustment, as well as the function of the steering wheel, which requires equal effort from both the left and right hand.

This may be a bit of a refresher course for some of you, but it’s all valuable information that’s good to reinforce, if you’ve got a couple of minutes to spare. The video is part one of a series of driving lessons starring Long and the new 911 R. In the next one, Long starts “exploring the limits” of the 911 R. Which sounds a whole lot more fun than seat positioning, so we’ll be sure to post that vid too!

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