YouTuber Claims Porsche Owners Make These Seven Mistakes

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Cheap car washes, improper maintenance, and more prompt one YouTuber to help his fellow Porsche owners do better by their cars.

Whether you’re a newly minted Porsche owner, or one with a few of Stuttgart’s finest in their fleet, you might have a few ideas on what to do with your cars. Perhaps you let them warm up a bit before heading out, or you take them to the nearest automatic car wash to do what you don’t have time to do. Perhaps you even keep them garaged up for future earnings on your investment. All of those sound alright for a Porsche owner to do, right?

Not if your name is Al Satch, (a.k.a. YouTube channel The Porsche Network). Those acts are but just three of seven mistakes he claims Porsche owners make, which can all be rectified by following his hard-won advice.

7 Porsche Owner Mistakes

“What I want to say to you is… this is in no way, shape, or form me having a go, or me calling out Porsche owners for doing something wrong,” said Satch. “A lot of it is simply down to education; a lot of these guys don’t even know what they’re doing wrong, myself included in that… As long as you’re learning from these mistakes, the chances are that you’re prolonging the life of your Porsche.”

To begin to right those wrongs, Satch says Porsche owners shouldn’t drop just any grade of gasoline into their cars’ fuel tanks. Owners should always fill-up with the specific grade or higher as noted on the inside of the fuel cap door, as those fuels are of a higher quality, and will provide better performance overall for the price.

7 Porsche Owner Mistakes

“The next mistake I see Porsche owners making is, unfortunately, putting their cars through a car wash, or taking these cars to these pop-up car washes that just seem to randomly appear,” said Satch. “These guys are using these brushes against thousands and thousands of cars… they’re using the same brush to go underneath the car to wash the underbody, wash the wheels, wash the scuffs on the bumper. Then, they’re gonna use that same brush — albeit, it’s probably dipped — to go straight onto your car on the next wash.”

Satch says these car washes will ruin your Porsche’s paint, and suggests in either hiring a personal detailer who cares for their equipment, or to take the time to do it yourself. Either action will ensure your car’s paint will look as good as it did when it left Stuttgart.

7 Porsche Owner Mistakes

The next four pieces of advice to Porsche owners are all related to the proper care and maintenance of your machine. First off, Satch advises owners not to wait so long to warm-up the car before driving, but instead wait until the revs drop from 1,100 rpm to 900 rpm, then head off while keeping the revs under 2,000 rpm until the engine is fully warmed up.

Next, Satch says owners should always have their Porsches regularly serviced, lest it becomes devalued due to neglect. He adds that owners should opt to purchase a diagnosing tool to plug into their cars’ OBD ports to not only find out what problems the cars may have as time goes by, but to save them money in the long run.

YouTuber Claims Porsche Owners Make These Seven Mistakes

Finally, a battery tender will keep your Porsche’s battery fresh, and your car’s electrical system intact, something Satch says he’s learned the hard way when he had to buy a new alternator after the battery was left to drain during the long periods when he didn’t drive his car. All in all, it will protect your investment, which leads to the final mistake he’s seen.

“The biggest mistake that Porsche owners are getting away with is not actually not driving their cars,” said Satch. “It’s letting them sit in a garage, just so they can maybe increase the value, or they want to sit them in a garage because they don’t want to the mileage to go over a certain clock at a certain time in the car’s life, because it’ll devalue the car.”

YouTuber Claims Porsche Owners Make These Seven Mistakes

For him, leaving a Porsche to just sit behind the door of a climate-controlled room is “criminal,” if only due to the damage time can cause to the car. In short, the cars are meant to be driven, not to become trophies.

But what do you think? Did Satch hit the nail on the head, or is he being too much with his complaints?

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Cameron Aubernon's path to automotive journalism began in the early New '10s. Back then, a friend of hers thought she was an independent fashion blogger.

Aubernon wasn't, so she became one, covering fashion in her own way for the next few years.

From there, she's written for: Magazine, Insider Louisville, The Voice-Tribune/The Voice, TOPS Louisville, Jeffersontown Magazine, Dispatches Europe, The Truth About Cars, Automotive News, Yahoo Autos, RideApart, Hagerty, and Street Trucks.

Aubernon also served as the editor-in-chief of a short-lived online society publication in Louisville, Kentucky, interned at the city's NPR affiliate, WFPL-FM, and was the de facto publicist-in-residence for a communal art space near the University of Louisville.

Aubernon is a member of the International Motor Press Association, and the Washington Automotive Press Association.

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