Porsche Product Manager Thinks Tesla’s Model S Is Ludicrous

Porsche Product Manager Thinks Tesla’s Model S Is Ludicrous

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While some have implied that the “Ludicrous Mode” in Tesla’s Model S makes the all-electric sports sedan a “supercar,” at least one Porsche product manager isn’t nearly as impressed.

Automobile recently spoke to the unidentified source, who had this mouthful to say about the already set for production all-electric Porsche Mission E, and its would be competitors:

“It’ll be something entirely different than any of its competitors, across the board… The thing about [Tesla’s] Ludicrous mode is that it’s a façade. Two launches saps the whole battery. That won’t be the case with the Mission E. You’ll be able to run it hard, over and over; the battery will not overheat, the power control module will not overheat, and the seats will not suck.â€

Boom. Shots fired.

If that’s not enough to get you excited about the upcoming Model S fighter, Automobile also talked to another Porsche insider — an engineer not working on the project, who says the company is putting a ton of effort into making the Mission E “something special” and a “a true Porsche through and through.â€

In order to accomplish as much, it sure helps to be able to rip off electric tech from the 919 hybrid race car that just took Le Mans by storm. The Mission E concept already uses two electric motors to make upwards of 600 hp, so we know they’re well on the way. But we’ll likely have to wait until 2019 to see a production version.

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Via [Automobile]

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