The Porsche 959 Is an Admirably Elusive Dark Knight

The Porsche 959 Is an Admirably Elusive Dark Knight

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Let’s all say it together now. One, two… “Thaaaaank yooouuuu, Groooouuuup Beeeeee.” Or, if you want to stay authentic, “Gruppe B.” That’s what the original prototype for the 959 had on its front plate, appropriately named because of the specific purpose for which it was created.

In the early ’80s, things had hit a bit of a stand-still for car innovation and tech. Then the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA) created Group B rallying, which had few restrictions on what could race, and everything shifted. B only required that 200 production versions of the rally car be created, and the options for chassis and engine development were pretty much wide open. The new racing series caught Porsche’s attention, thanks to some research and development that was already in the works.

At the time, the Germans were contemplating where to go with the 911, which was already a legend in its own right. Basically, Porsche wanted to use Group B to help with research and development for the next version of the 911. Innovate, learn, and incorporate; that was the idea, essentially. Thus Porsche began the 959 project in January 1983. The final product was magnificent and helped jumpstart an evolution of the supercar.

The 959 blew everybody away when it was revealed. The four-wheel-drive system with active torque, the 444-horsepower twin-turbocharged 2.8-liter flat-six, the four-valve heads, the titanium connecting rods, the computer-controlled suspension … it all added up to the fastest production car in the world. And an unsung part of this whole thing was that it still had a radio, air conditioning, and leather interior. It’s no wonder the car cost Porsche FAR more to make than the company actually sold it for.

The guys over at EVO were lucky enough to get some track time with one of these other worldly creatures, and they made a darn good video while doing so. Watch it below!

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Via [EVO]

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