Crossover SUVs Help Push Porsche Revenue and Profits Up 25 Percent

Crossover SUVs Help Push Porsche Revenue and Profits Up 25 Percent

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Porsche Macan

It’s good to be Porsche right now. Very, very good.

As we found out in December, the company had its best sales effort ever last year, moving more than 225,000 global units and increasing sales by 19%. In doing so, they reached their goal of cracking the 200k mark three years early.

Today, we get the news that Porsche’s revenue and profits both jumped a staggering 25%. Your favorite marque made $24 billion, with $3.8 billion of that as profit. Those are huge numbers.

Helping to fuel that surge is the success of the brand’s crossover SUVs, the Cayenne and Macan. Together, these models accounted for 68% of total sales. According to Business Insider: “With 80,000 units delivered, the Macan outsold the 911, Boxster, Cayman, 918, and Panamera combined.”

It’s also worth noting that Porsche made it’s biggest dents outside of home-base Europe, with China leading the way with 58,000 units sold, followed closely by the U.S. with 52,000 sales.

Porsche expects revenue and profits to continue to grow, but they’re tempering expectations. A repeat of last year is, after all, asking a lot. Also, the Mission E is costing Porsche big bucks at the moment, with no return on investment until the end of the decade when the new Tesla fighter debuts.

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Via [Business Insider]

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