Pakistani Porsche 912 Restoration Knows No Borders

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Porsche 912

Bringing a used and abused Porsche 912 back to life isn’t easy. It’s even harder when you live in Pakistan.

This is a big world we live in, full of diverse cultures, climates, and opportunities. But no matter how different we are, we all share some similarities. One of which is a love for fine automobiles like those produced by Porsche. And if there’s one thing we’ve learned in our years on this vast planet, it’s that a passion for Porsche knows no boundaries. Or borders.

All you have to do is take a glance at the Rennlist forums for proof of that. We’ve got an incredibly diverse array of folks who live all over the globe. But we all share one thing in common, and that’s a love for Porsches. It’s a love that drives folks likeĀ Kamhus, who is currently in the process of restoring his beloved Porsche 912. But he doesn’t reside in the U.S. or even Germany. He lives in Pakistan.

Porsche 912

Obviously, there aren’t a lot of Porsches in Pakistan. Or Porsche parts. Or even affordable shipping options. But that didn’t stop the surgeon from picking up a 911 Targa six years ago. Or from buying his latest project – a 1966 Porsche 912. He obviously didn’t find the resto candidate in the Middle East, but rather California, where vintage Porsches are readily available. But importing one to Pakistan isn’t always possible, as he explains.

“Used cars over three years old cannot be imported…. this car came in on a scheme whereby used cars in the country at a certain time were allowed to be registered on payment of duty. Car slipped in [during] that period”

It was perfect timing on his part, but there were a couple of problems (aren’t there always?) Not only does the 912 sport a VW engine instead of a proper Porsche powerplant, but it had quite a bit of rot in the floor pans and sills. So out came the rusty bits and in went some fresh metal. Even more troubling, some shoddy, previous repair work was found. Including sheet metal that was simply riveted in place.

Porsche 912

After sorting out the bodywork, it was time to move on to the suspension and mechanicals. And more issues, of course.

“The body work is almost done. Just some rust being taken out of the rear inner arches.Ā 
the suspension has been taken off and the engine dropped. One of the pushrod tubes is bent and there was no oil in the engine probably for theĀ carĀ transport. want to get it sorted.Thank goodness the engines are simple and hopefully easy to fix.”

“All the suspension bushes are here and the front suspension has been prepped with theĀ steeringĀ . The suspension will be attached and then the car will be wheeled to the paint shop for final paint.”

“New brake lines have been ordered…initially from Pelican parts….on way from Dubai….friend is bringing them. The seal kits and front Konis are on the way form Ecklers.. nephew is bringing them from Philadelphia.”

Porsche 912

After spraying the underbody and wrapping up the bodywork, it was time to finally lay down some paint. And the fresh coats of yellow were barely dry before work on the interior and wiring began.

Porsche 912

The project has moved along at a fast pace sinceĀ KamhusĀ started back in December. And you can bet that we’ll be following along in the forums. Be sure and head over here to wish him luck, and maybe even lend him some words of encouragement, or even advice!

Porsche 912

Brett Foote has been covering the automotive industry for over five years and is a longtime contributor to Internet Brandsā€™ Auto Group sites, including Chevrolet Forum, Rennlist, and Ford Truck Enthusiasts, among other popular sites.
He has been an automotive enthusiast since the day he came into this world and rode home from the hospital in a first-gen Mustang, and he's been wrenching on them nearly as long.

In addition to his expertise writing about cars, trucks, motorcycles, and every other type of automobile, Brett had spent several years running parts for local auto dealerships.

You can follow along with his builds and various automotive shenanigans on Instagram: @bfoote.

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