Longtail 1969 Porsche 908 LH Inspires Porsche Vision GT Car

Longtail 1969 Porsche 908 LH Inspires Porsche Vision GT Car

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Even if you’re not a gamer, you’ll appreciate this Porsche 908/04, an impeccably envisioned Vision GT render. And odds are pretty good that most guys who can afford Porsches don’t have a lot of spare gaming time.

Either way, check out this beautiful concept, precisely and imaginatively designed with Gran Turismo 6‘s Vision GT cars in mind. Of course, since it’s a Porsche, it’ll never be featured in the game. Many a good lawyer has made that nearly impossible. So we’ll just have to enjoy it in theory and photos, if not officially licensed virtual reality.


As far as actual reality goes, six auto industry pros (working in their own time, for the love of it) designed the concept with the classic 1969 Porsche 908 LH race car in mind, particularly its longtail look. The 918 Spyder, 919 Hybrid racer, and upcoming all-electric Mission E sedan also influenced the project.

The manual car was designed specifically for “Car guys” and “Piston heads,” according to the group’s website, PorscheVisionGT.com. So yeah, Porsche was the logical choice: “From the beginning [we] wanted it to be clearly Porsche in appearance, creating the car in a way [we] believe Porsche enthusiasts would love.”

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Via [AutoBlog, PorscheVisionGT.com, The Revs Institute]

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