Driving Lessons With the Porsche 911 R: Mastering Over/Under Steer

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porsche 911 r

Remember a couple of weeks ago when I posted a story about Porsche’s new video, “Driving Lessons with the 911 R – Lesson 1: Warm-up”?

Well, in case you haven’t been following along at home, Lesson 1 features Porsche factory driver Patrick Long making sure you’re optimally positioned in the 911 R. At the end of that story, I promised you that in the next video, “Long starts ‘exploring the limits’ of the 911 R.”

Yes, I’m quoting myself. But I do so as a means of showing you I that I did not lie. In the video below, Long familiarizes a couple of lucky enthusiasts (and us!) with the concepts of oversteer and understeer. To do this, they take Porsche’s new stripped-down driver’s car, the 911 R, to the Traction Circle at Weissach’s testing ground.

The vid features some helpful illustrations and some good tips, but probably the most interesting part is the explanation of how the Porsche Stability Management (PSM) button electronically stabilizes each individual wheel.

The effect allows you to drive far more instinctively. As one of the lucky enthusiasts puts it: “The connection you feel to the pavement is pretty incredible with this car. It’s as though you, and the car, and the road are part of one thing.”

Stay tuned for Long’s next Porche 911 R lesson soon!

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