1986 Commercial Shows Just What the Porsche 928S4 Is Made Of

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When it comes to fast cars and ultimate performance, Porsche comes out on top. Really, there is no contest. These rides are absolutely superb and never fail to impress, regardless of what model you’re looking at. From their comfort to their durability, and further still to their wonderful performance, these rides are truly outstanding. That’s why this commercial from 1986 makes us smile so much. After all, Porsche has been on top for quite a long time!

In the commercial, which is specifically for the “new” 928S4, we get to see the car soaring down what seems to be an endless stretch of the Bonneville Salt Flats. It gets going faster than 160 miles per hour, and it doesn’t even break a sweat. At the end, the test driver pops out the cassette, which has been playing a soul-stirring classical track during the run. The narrator then says that the “preceding performance has been brought to you by Porsche.”

It is clear that, while quite a bit of time has gone by, Porsche has been, and still is, the leading manufacturer out there. Check out the video below and get a blast from the past!

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