Need recommendation for cheap replica wheels
Need recommendation for cheap replica wheels
I've got to get my original Sport Techno wheels professionally refinished, and need a set of temporary cheap 20" aftermarket wheels I can mount and use until I get the real wheels back. Anyone have a recommendation for a really inexpensive set of 20x9's with the right offset and center bore? Will consider buying used as well. Any leads or recommendations appreciated.
Not a recomendation, since I have have never seen these in person, but there is this add a few posts down.
Doubt you will find much cheaper for a set of 20" turbo II replicas. Just add a $30 set of colour Porsche centre caps from eBay, and you are all set!
Doubt you will find much cheaper for a set of 20" turbo II replicas. Just add a $30 set of colour Porsche centre caps from eBay, and you are all set!
I have a set of the Alzor style 856, or Turbo II reps in 20"
These are really nice rims, the colour, gun metal, is very very close to the Porsche 21" Turbo II rim.
Don't be fooled by the pics, which basically show them to be black , they are grey.
I wanted black so i am going to repaint them , this is expensive to do properly as you also need to mill off the the 'spokes'.
The 20" doesnt look as sporty as a 21"rim, most would never notice, the benefit is better ride & cheaper tyres.
If you search my name, there are some pics of the other 20" Turbo II reps I have. These are very blue grey in colour, where the Alzor rims are as stated very close to Porsche's colour.
The pics will show you what i mean about the extra chunk of the 20" rims vs 21" rim.
I will use on set for summer & the other for winter tyres.
The 18" OEMs will hang around, maybe for some off road tyres for trips to the outback.
ECS are excellent to deal with , I hope you have the same service as I have.
These are really nice rims, the colour, gun metal, is very very close to the Porsche 21" Turbo II rim.
Don't be fooled by the pics, which basically show them to be black , they are grey.
I wanted black so i am going to repaint them , this is expensive to do properly as you also need to mill off the the 'spokes'.
The 20" doesnt look as sporty as a 21"rim, most would never notice, the benefit is better ride & cheaper tyres.
If you search my name, there are some pics of the other 20" Turbo II reps I have. These are very blue grey in colour, where the Alzor rims are as stated very close to Porsche's colour.
The pics will show you what i mean about the extra chunk of the 20" rims vs 21" rim.
I will use on set for summer & the other for winter tyres.
The 18" OEMs will hang around, maybe for some off road tyres for trips to the outback.
ECS are excellent to deal with , I hope you have the same service as I have.
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I think if you would also post your location you may have better luck. Shipping wheels, especially with tires can cost a fortune.
That said, I have a set of 4 good 19x9 Porsche Design wheels ET60mm with painted crests and a 4x4 Continental Sport Contact (80% tread) that I really don't need. But once again shipping would be expensive if they had to go far.
That said, I have a set of 4 good 19x9 Porsche Design wheels ET60mm with painted crests and a 4x4 Continental Sport Contact (80% tread) that I really don't need. But once again shipping would be expensive if they had to go far.