Porsche Cayenne 2012
Porschefun - my reason for asking the vessel name was I thought that was how you are tracking your pepper. Since it does not appear to be how you are tracking your shipment, would you share with me how you are tracking it? I'm not sure what port mine will come through since I don't know any of the shipping details (hence my questions to you, thinking I could at least follow your shipment for now under the possibility that my pepper would be on the same/similar route).
riporter, the info was conveyed to me by the dealer. He told me, that he bumped into the vessel name in the system and when i asked for it when i was there yesterday he couldn't get it for me. He apologized to me and will get back to me on this. Will post it once I get it from him
Porshefun - ah - ok, now I understand. Thank you for the clarification, and any other information you can secure. You would think that Porsche would make more of the opportunity to keep us informed, and positively build the anticipation. In the end, it will get here when it gets here ;o).
Thank you again for your quick response.
Thank you again for your quick response.
Again not sure where you both are located but I have to think if y'all are around the north east the ship mine Is on is heading to New Jersey first. Supposed to be there on the 15th. Based on your timing porschefun got to believe this is probably the ship.
My dealer was just notified today that my vehicle was just shipped - build of 7/1, ship of 7/12. He has a VIN but no vessel name yet - hopefully tomorrow. Perhaps due to my destination being Florida...I'll keep you posted - thanks again for the vessel info and the follow-up.
My dealer also confirmed the missing components on the back-up camera - said it is due to the quake in Japan.
My dealer also confirmed the missing components on the back-up camera - said it is due to the quake in Japan.
Porschefun, looks like our boat just showed up on marine traffic after crossing the Atlantic. Almost ready to dock in Rhode Island. You should be getting close to delivery. I will be about 15 days behind since the boat needs to leave and head to Texas. The wait is almost over.
Dealer did alert me to the camera issue (which I knew about before he did I believe - bc of this board).