Porsche Owner Blocks BMW for Yearlong Epic Standoff

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porsche block bmw

I can’t decide if I admire this Chinese Porsche owner for his unwavering determination, or if I think he’s just a stubborn idiot. Perhaps a little of both.

According to the Daily Mail, a Porsche Boxster owner in Xi’an, Shaanxi province got into a fight with one of his neighbors, who owns a 5-Series BMW. In retaliation, or perhaps in antagonization, the Porsche owner decided to use his Boxster to block in the BMW.

That was over a year ago! As you can see in the photos, the BMW is squeezed between a garage and the dusty Porsche, with seemingly no place to go. Unless they get a fork lift involved. Or a teleportation device.

Which they haven’t. In fact, there’s reportedly been no sighting of either car owner. Not since the incident. Apparently flinching is not an option.

While I’m certainly worried about this Boxster‘s sad lack of mobility, the car may yet again see highway speeds soon enough, as police are trying to mediate the matter. But something tells me there’s not just one stubborn idiot to reason with here.

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Via [Daily Mail]

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