Gas or hybrid?
In today's NYT, there is a breakdown, state by state, of sources of energy. It had some surprises. One of the state's with the cleanest electricity? South Dakota! 80% clean. It gets over half of its energy from wind. Wind is a big deal in the middle of the country. CA is not as clean as I would have guessed (80%). In fact it is 60%. Oregon is about the same. WA, where I live, it is about 80%. Coal is still dominant in about 10 states, fewer than twenty years ago. The trend has been to replace coal with natural gas, but perhaps unsurprisingly, wind and solar are bigger players. Check out your state!
9 am today
by noon there will be surplus power exported to other states - storage to meet peak demand between 5 pm and 10 pm is the trend in the future as solar drops off due to the sun setting - there have been recent articles about how well it works…
Texas also has more renewables and less coal than many realize.
Last edited by daveo4porsche; 08-03-2024 at 02:08 PM.