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qbix 05-10-2017 06:26 AM

Originally Posted by fxz (Post 14173302)
very big difference

He said who paid 500k not who bought the R...

It is and what he said was rude. It makes all R owners look stupid now.

But I can only imagine that those paying 500k for 911 are living on a different financial levels and for those it is the matter of willing to have it. Like pulling out 2EUR for an ice cream in my case :)
And I believe they couldn't care less.

STG 05-10-2017 08:44 AM

Originally Posted by fxz
very big difference

He said who paid 500k not who bought the R...


How is it that everyone has become so hyper sensitive these days. Where are the real men?? Has it spread to 50+ avg age of the Rennlist crowd?

Everyone is so easily offended. Let's just say "we're all winners" no losers and make everyone feel special like they teach in schools these days. When real losing or disappointment comes up in life, many people can't cope these days or deal with reality.

Bardman 05-10-2017 09:11 AM

+1 on the sensitivity. And he is not wrong.

I still prefer Chris Harris to Jethro, however, he manages to convey what it's actually like to drive the car - cuts to the heart of it if without going overboard with superlatives.

A great example was his review of the GT4. He was obviously excited by the return of the manual to GT cars but does make the statement that he would still take a 911.1 GT3 over it because the engine was more special. He rightly slotted the GT4 down a peg (I say this as a GT4 owner).

Im looking forward to Chris's review of the 991.2 GT3.

RennOracle 05-10-2017 09:41 AM

Originally Posted by qbix (Post 14173380)
It is and what he said was rude. It makes all R owners look stupid now.

But I can only imagine that those paying 500k for 911 are living on a different financial levels and for those it is the matter of willing to have it. Like pulling out 2EUR for an ice cream in my case :)
And I believe they couldn't care less.

It makes the massive appreciation of the car look stupid as well the people that bought at those prices (500k), no matter how you put it, the people that bought the R for 500k either have more money than they can ever spend in a lifetime or just have more money than brains.
He is not wrong, but people didn't knew better at the time, the R still is a pretty special car at many levels, but never an 500k car, that's Carrera GT prices.

robmypro 05-10-2017 10:10 AM

One guy's opinion.

Drifting 05-10-2017 10:16 AM

Not Jethro's best review, as he looked like he needed sleep, but still managed to convey some key points.

I appreciate his honesty overall. Most auto journalists don't have that.

Also glad to hear him confirm what I've been thinking, that the .2 GT3 is much better car than the 911R, particularly in a manual. I would pay 30K more for a manual .2 GT3 over a 911R.

911R is pointless other than for collectors, IMHO.

RealityGT 05-10-2017 10:22 AM

911R = 991 cars total WW
.2 GT3 = 4000-6000 total WW (?)

And as robmypro pointed out.. Just some guys opinion folks..
Peace - Love - Brake Dust & Burnouts!:D

IrishAndy 05-10-2017 10:54 AM

I fear some of the sensitivity comes from the big investment game/bubble that GT cars have begun.

IMO his review doesn't make 911R owners look stupid. I think it was aimed at those non-original owners that decided to pay multiples for a car that has only just been released.

Given that the image and collectability of cars is always judged in the context of what came before then and what came after them, you have to be either a through-and-through enthusiast or a very brave speculator to pay multiples for a car at the time that the 'after' part isn't known. Either you don't care because you just love cars, or you're taking a massive gamble.

What is happening with R values is a sobering reminder that cars are not shoe-in investments. The next car can completely change the perception of the current car. A couple of hastily edited 7-minute YouTube videos can change the value of your 'stock' overnight.

As to R owners being idiots, if I was ever lucky enough to be able to park my .2 GT3 beside an R I'd have tremendous respect for both the car and the owner who was willing to drive it and enjoy it. I'd still be very happy that I'm lucky enough to own a car that is considered by some to be a better driver's car than the R. Everybody wins, except maybe the speculator.

trebien 05-10-2017 11:30 AM

Originally Posted by IrishAndy (Post 14173712)
I fear some of the sensitivity comes from the big investment game/bubble that GT cars have begun.

Agreed, emotions are strong when financially motivated.

Originally Posted by IrishAndy (Post 14173712)
...if I was ever lucky enough to be able to park my .2 GT3 beside an R I'd have tremendous respect for both the car and the owner who was willing to drive it and enjoy it...

Agreed, however that will never happen as nearly all 911Rs are parked in climate controlled storage warehouses.

But god forbid, if I see one dirty on the street with corded tires and over 5,000 miles... I'll be the first to shake that man's hand.

neanicu 05-10-2017 12:02 PM

I personally would never be able to afford paying 500K for a car,but I could probably gossip here all day with my fellow earthlings till we're blue in the face,calling those that did " f idiots ". But when you're a public figure that influence other people's actions and opinions,you CAN'T express yourself in such manner if you want to be taken seriously.
Also,if I want to see a review of a guy that acts like a teenager that has just seen his first girl naked,I go watch Shmee's channel.

Alan Smithee 05-10-2017 12:10 PM

^ I take people more seriously when they express their honest opinions.

Footsoldier 05-10-2017 12:15 PM

I'm not caring about the value, I just think it's silly to give any credence to a review that contradicts what the same guy said last year. has he even driven an R since to discover it's becom synthetic..?

Is that anything to be bothered about? No, not on its own, but I really think that someone who makes a living out of car enthusiasts should not get his cheap thrills about calling any of them idiots. Says more about him than them.

Is someone who pays over list for an RS an idiot? Is someone who buys a 997 4.0RS an idiot because they could have bought a 3.8 for much less? A McLaren F1 etc etc.

To most people in the street we are probably all idiots but that doesn't mean a journo who relies on whatever level of mediocrity he's reached, needs to basically become an internet troll and giggle like a child at others, who probably would be having mid-life crises if they only achieved what he has so far.

The test for me is, would he walk up to someone who has just bought an expensive car for way over list, and call them a f@cking idiot? Of course he wouldn't, so he's no better than a keyboard warrior.

NateOZ 05-10-2017 12:24 PM

That is the issue for me - he's now changing everything he said last year and has no journalistic integrity. Call the review a GT3 vs 911 R is a farce and the video was very uninformative. Felt more like something Porsche would shoot themselves.

Alan Smithee 05-10-2017 12:29 PM

^ He did no such thing.

neanicu 05-10-2017 12:33 PM

^^I'd like to understand what value calling those that paid 500 K for an R " f idiots " brings to his review... He definitely could've relayed that message in a different manner...

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