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uraniummetallurgist 11-01-2014 09:35 AM

New Panorama praise for 928
There is a nice recognition of the 928's place in the history and development of Porsche in the LETTERS section of the October 2014 PANORAMA: More Ferdinand than Ferry by David Soares with a note from the editor to acknowledging the 928 as "...Porsche's first truly great GT."

But then we already know that............

Jerry Feather 11-01-2014 10:04 AM

I'm sure that kind of attestation does not set well with the bulk of PCA'rs. My wife and I went to the holiday celebration of the Rocky Mountain Region of the PCA a couple of years ago, ( I hadn't been there for actually several decades) and we were the only ones there having a 928. I had taken one of my fully formed and hand made 928 Spare Tire Covers to donate as a door prize. During that part of the celebration I was asked to come up and tell about what I had brought to give away. When I started by explaining how the 928 was the first real clean sheet of paper Porsche design for a sports car rather than just another workover of the VW Bug, I was boo'd off the podium. The odd thing is that since there was no other 928 folks there they did not give my Cover away, but they still kept it. I haven't yet been able to find out what might have become of it.

(The Booing was of course in good nature and was taken well by us, but it still told the story about how the 928 is looked upon by most of the 911 crowd, I think.)

Bertrand Daoust 11-01-2014 10:35 AM

I didn't read my Panorama yet but will soon.

There is not many - if not any - articles on our car there unfortunately.

Thanks for the info.

I did few events with our PCA club (Rennsport) in the past few years and always had nice comments on my car.
People appreciate the model more and more as time past.
I think things are changing...

Adk46 11-01-2014 11:39 AM

I posted the full text of that letter and the editor's response here:

No good can come from uttering "vee dubba you" at a PCA meeting! At the last meeting I attended, the fellow across from me was clearly not enthusiastic about the Panamera, but liked that the 991 (with its longer wheelbase) had become a proper GT (he had one, 25,000 miles in one year). He appreciated that the 928 was a proper GT.

linderpat 11-01-2014 11:54 AM

Originally Posted by Jerry Feather (Post 11769591)
... When I started by explaining how the 928 was the first real clean sheet of paper Porsche design for a sports car rather than just another workover of the VW Bug, I was boo'd off the podium. )

Do you think there was any connection between the two? I mean what do you think the reaction would be when you went to the podium and dumped all over everyone's cars.

Jerry Feather 11-01-2014 12:27 PM

Ed, I thought it would be about what it was.

F4GIB 11-01-2014 09:59 PM

The 911 guys will let you in the door and some will speak to you, as a person, not as a Porsche owner. As I told one recently, I'd be happy to blow him away at BIR but my pristine 1995 is simply too valuable to risk since I can't just buy a new from one from a dealer tomorrow.

MGW-Fla 11-02-2014 12:15 AM

I have been very active in PCA for many years & most are very accepting of 928s, no matter what model Porsche they own. I can't remember the last time I heard anything derogatory. In fact, at almost every car event I have one of my 928s at the past 9 yrs, I've received positive attention and comments.

I imagine if a 911 aficionado stood in front of the 928 crowd at a SITM, Frenzy, or Sharktoberfest gathering & proceeded to diss on the 928, he'd likely get a bit worse than just some good natured booing. Like if someone sauntered over from one of the 911 forums here on RL to share such unkind thoughts?? Not exactly the best way to endear yourself or our already mostly misunderstood model to the opposing Porsche crowd.

17prospective buyer 11-02-2014 12:19 AM

Biggest niche car and one of the most underrated cars ever made! Glad i got one.

Keith Coe 11-02-2014 12:40 AM

I am also very active in my Lone Star Region of PCA. I own both a 911 and 928 and never feel any issues with other owners concerning my 928.

Tony 11-02-2014 01:22 AM

Originally Posted by Keith Coe (Post 11771168)
I am also very active in my Lone Star Region of PCA. I own both a 911 and 928 and never feel any issues with other owners concerning my 928.

What wheels are those on the car in your avatar? look great.

Hilton 11-02-2014 01:57 AM

Originally Posted by Tony (Post 11771210)
What wheels are those on the car in your avatar? look great.

They're 18" panamera 5-spokes. Very nice, and about the best 928-offset of any modern factory 18" wheel (ET59 front from memory)

soltino 11-02-2014 04:15 PM

Got me wondering whether this 928 vs 911 is unique in the history of cars or if it is, how about any other situation that is public knowledge?


dr bob 11-02-2014 05:47 PM

I'm pretty sure the issue isn't the cars so much as it is the owners. If a 911 owner showed up at a predominantly 928 event and started spewing about how their model is the "only true Porsche", they would likely get the reception that 928'ers do when they show up at a PCA gathering and suggest that the 928 is the only true clean-sheet design. Walk into a crowd with your fists cocked, and you get some instant pushback, either way.

It's about the people, and most are in PCA for the social side. A small minority of 928 owners regularly come to events. Don't be surprised when the friendships you haven't fostered yet aren't as solid as those among members who participate all the time.

oldfrat 11-02-2014 06:05 PM

The Corvette C3's (1968-82) don't get much respect from the Corvette community for anything other than body styling. The difference is that they generally earned this with performance and quality issues. I had a tee shirt back in the late 70's that read, "Sure they made Corvettes after 1967, but who the hell cares?"

C2's are beloved icons and their prices are sky rocketing. C4 and C5 got the make back on the performance track, while C7s are getting great reviews for both performance and a major interior upgrade.


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