Failed smog evap test, ideas?
doesnt matter if we can see the evap canister or not, I am a CA enhanced smog tech. If the evap lines are visible and crimpable, it must get an evap test. 99% of time its the canister lines . I contacted BAR directly about this test for our cars, and they told me all 944's are required to have an evap test in CA even though the canister is not visible, the lines are. So it's weather or not the smog tech knows that .
applies just over 1 psi, and the smallest leak... in the thousanths, will fail. usually our lines are brittle, so in the past, when a tech see's them like that, they wont crimp them to risk damaging the lines and skip the evap test. But now with STAR stations, it is a must. To ad, yes, the initial evap pass or fail results are saved and show up in the vehicle's history.
Last edited by kev951; 12-27-2013 at 05:14 PM.
How long has this been a requirement? This is the first smog I've seen someone do that test since 2006, and the car has been run on a sniff machine 5 times since then.
That explains it I guess. My last smog was at a 'test only' when I sold the black 951 in 8/2009 even though they didn't check the evap loop that time either. Looks like Spencer will be dropping the TA and tank afterall...oh joy of joys! Thanks for the update because I'm actually considering buying another 951, I believe the major scars have healed enough to try again but I'll register it in Oregon this time where no smog is needed