A Young Kristen Stewart Shows Us Why We Love Porsche

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Regardless of your personal views on Kristen Stewart, there are some truly wonderful traits about this celebrity. Her filmography is long, her performances varied, and her background is, overall, pretty admirable. That’s not to say that we love all the characters she’s played or the performances that she has given, but she certainly isn’t as bad as some of her haters would have us believe. How could she be? After all, she starred in a Porsche commercial from 1999.

In the video below, we get to see that exact commercial, and we look forward to seeing your jaws drop when you see how different young Kristen looks from her modern day appearance. And of course, when you see the gorgeous Porsche 911 Carrera hit the screen, there’s bound to be some jaw dropping as well. All in all, this is a commercial worth remembering. But, really, what Porsche commercial isn’t worth remembering?

Check out the video below and see the ad for yourself.

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