Worst Son Ever Hit-and-Runs Mom’s Cayenne, Fails Garage Parking

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There are some people who just aren’t meant to, and frankly don’t deserve, the pleasure and the privilege of driving a car. The son of this Porsche Cayenne owner in Vancouver is one of those people.

Reportedly, the 16-year-old unlicensed driver took out his mother’s car when she was out of town. He then hit somebody while out driving, and absolutely wrecked the front passenger side of the Cayenne. Like, to the point that the tire was shredded, and the wheel was completely out of place.

Running from the scene of the accident was about the dumbest thing he could have done. Well, at least until he tried to get into his garage. According to Constable Brian Montague, he likely would have only had to deal with a $265 ticket for driving without his license. Insurance probably would have taken care of everything, and it wouldn’t have been a huge thing. But now, the kid’s in a whole load of trouble.

To top off the mess, once he got home, he put on one of the worst parking displays of all time, which unfortunately for his sake, was all caught on the video below. While trying to maneuver the vehicle with a shredded front end, he repeatedly runs into the side of the garage wall. Over, and over, and over again. It’s painful. But not as painful as it must have been facing his mom after all this.

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via [Jalopnik]

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