Two Teens Steal 1979 Porsche 911 to Kick Off Crime Spree

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stolen porsche

An anonymous philosopher once mused, “If you don’t do stupid things while you’re young, you’ll have nothing to smile about when you’re old.”

This story may be what that philosopher had in mind, but I’m pretty sure these two car-thieving, joy-riding teens in Maine aren’t smiling now. Certainly not after being arrested in connection to an eight-car burglary string on Tuesday, and charged with theft, burglary, aggravated criminal mischief, and misdemeanor unauthorized taking of a motor vehicle.

Still, while both these 15-year-old boys are obviously criminals who can never contribute to society again, at least they have good taste — see the whole crime spree started when they stole a 1979 Porsche 911 from a campground on the Kennebec River on June 21.

The two teens apparently took the classic Porsche for quite a spin too. Residents in a nearby neighborhood called cops to report erratic driving that night, close to where the car was eventually abandoned with the engine running.

After that, the boys must have gotten a taste for it, because they’re charged with stealing seven more cars, all from a used car lot in Farmingdale (speaking of stupid). They never quite got the thrill of driving another Porsche, but they did manage to take a Chevy Tahoe, two Subaru Outbacks, a Pontiac Grand Prix, and a Mazda Protégé, all of which were apparently abandoned in far worse shape than when they were stolen. Total damage is estimated at roughly $50k.

Oh, and they also stole a license plate off a parked car, which they then affixed to one of the joy-ride vehicles: “STOL3N.”

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