Size Matters: Porsche 918 Spyder Slips Under Parking Barrier

Size Matters: Porsche 918 Spyder Slips Under Parking Barrier

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spyder 918 parking

The 2015 Porsche 918 Spyder features a naturally-aspirated 4.6 litre V8 engine and two independent electric motors which combine to produce an astonishing 887 horsepower and 944 lb-ft of torque. But for today’s lesson in Spyder-awesomeness, the only stat that really matters is its height: 45.95 inches.

As you can see in maxige78’s Instagram video below, the Spyder’s height helps with a lot more than just aero, it also helps with parking barriers.

The good thing about the 918 is that if in a hurry you don’t need to wait for the barrier to lift when getting into a parking!! #918Spyder #CarPorn #FreeParking #SlowestBarrierEver #QuickestCarEver

A video posted by M.T. (@maxige78) on

Pretty impressive right?

But we’re not just here to show you cool videos. We’re also here to help. So remember this video in the future. Because in case you are lucky enough to come across one of the 918 Porsche 918 Spyders that were ever built, you may flinch at the asking price, which will likely be a heck of lot more than the original $845,000 MSRP. But don’t worry, because you’ll make up for all that spendyness by saving big money on parking.

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Via [Art of Gears, maxige78]

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