Ranking the All-Time Greatest Porsches: An Exercise in Futility

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Porsche 356

Trying to rank the greatest Porsches of all time is like trying to pick a favorite child. But that’s exactly what Maxim has just attempted.

In their “definitive ranking” of the 10 Greatest Porsches of All-Time, Maxim offers up their choices for the most outstanding Porsche models. But to say they are the 10 greatest invites all sorts of nay-saying. Still, it’s a fun experiment.

While we don’t necessarily agree with all the entries, or the order in which they appear, it’s still a pretty good starting point for a conversation about such a broad topic. Here’s the full list:

10. Porsche Boxster
9. Porsche Carrera GT
8. Porsche 959
7. Porsche 935
6. Porsche 918 Spyder
5. Porsche 930 Turbo
4. Porsche 550 Spyder
3. Porsche 917
2. Porsche 911
1. Porsche 356

So they stick to the most general models, which makes the list a lot easier to whittle down. It certainly gets even trickier trying to choose which is the best 911 ever made, for example. But while all these Porsches are winners, and deserve adulation, so too do many other models, perhaps the one you drive.

In the thread “VOTE: Best Porsche ENGINE, Best Porsche CAR,” forum member jimcat3 may have summed it up best: “The best Porsche ever is the one you own and particularly on the day you bought it. The second best Porsche ever is the same car…on the day you sell it.”

For the record, jimcat3 drives a 928, so he probably disagrees with this list wholeheartedly. We’re assuming he’s not the only one. So go check out Maxim ‘s reasoning behind their selections, then head on back and let us know what models they  left off!

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

Via [Maxim]

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