Paul Walker’s Lawyer Reveals Damaging Porsche Emails

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Porsche- Paul Walker

Late Actor’s Defense Thinks ‘Any Reputable Company Would’ve Withdrawn the Car From the Market’

Believe it or not, the legal battle between Porsche of North America and Paul Walker‘s daughter, Meadow Walker, is still going. Heck, it’s actually becoming more and more heated thanks to new evidence that Porsche “failed” to do the right thing, claims Walker’s legal team.

Let’s make this clear, Paul Walker and his friend Roger Rodas‘ deaths are a huge tragedy. That being said, blaming an auto manufacturer for their deaths is also a tragedy, and for many reasons. First, despite their best efforts, the Walker defense has yet to come up with legitimate proof that Porsche either purposely or negligently caused the deadly crash.

Any chance that Porsche purposely caused the accident is obviously out of the question, so the defense has focused on the negligence route. They claim that Porsche was aware that the Carrera GT was more dangerous than the average supercar, and failed to take the right measures to prevent more accidents.

Porsche - Paul Walker

Further backing this claim are several emails TMZ got a hold of, in which Porsche Cars North America (PCNA) employees flaunt the deadly characteristics of the Carrera GT. In one of the emails made public, the PCNA employee clearly mentions that the demise of the Carrera GT due to crashes is actually “great news,” as they’ll be “more rare.”

Do these emails sit well with the public? No. Are they of crude taste? Yes. Do they prove that Porsche was directly involved in the deadly crash? No.

Of course, Walker’s defense disagrees, and said that “Any ethical company would have withdrawn the car from the market — or, at the very least, warned the public about its dangers.”

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