How Is This Porsche 912 Worth $4,000?

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There’s a saying that goes, “a car is as good as the potential you see within it.” I actually just made that up, but it seems right for project vehicles. People don’t buy old pieces of crap because they like the way they look in their current states. They buy with grand hopes of transforming them into something beautiful, that hopefully runs beautifully too. Still, how far are you willing to go, and how much are you willing to pay for potential?

We came across this Porsche 912 on eBay posted for the price of $3,950 by the Beverly Hills Car Club in Los Angeles. Don’t get us wrong, the entry-level four-cylinder 912 is cool and all, but this car deserves the label “rust bucket” just as much as anything else out there.

Right now, as we type, there are other decent running examples for $9,000, $9,500, and $15,000. This BHCC listing is selling the 912 more as a “parts car,” noting that the engine alone could go for this much money. But it’s still hard to believe this is worth the scratch. What do you guys think, is it worth $3,950?

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Via [eBay]

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