Experience Croatia’s Spectacular Coastline in a New Porsche

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Porsche Cabriolet

A week-long tour of Croatia reveals why a Porsche is the perfect vehicle to explore this fascinating country.   

If you are fortunate enough to be able to explore Croatia from its capital city of Zagreb down the coastline to Dubrovnik, nearly any car will do. Porsche, however, offers a travel experience, and vehicles, that are tough to beat. Like a fine wine expertly paired with your meal, Porsche and a tour of Croatia are the perfect compliments. It may not be obvious at first, but the country and the car maker have more in common than you realize.

A Porsche is of course well suited to tackle the narrow winding roads down the coast, some of which are used as rally courses. In addition to that, the company also has a history and philosophy that is similar to this crescent-shaped country along the Mediterranean. Croatia can trace its history to as far back as the 7th century. Porsche has not been making cars quite that long, but in a way they have. The seminal 911 model has been in continuous production for over 55 years, and in the world of automobiles that is essentially as far back as the Roman Empire.

Croatia port city

Croatia is a rugged and beautiful country. It is not as flashy as Monaco or as well-known as Venice. However, the walled-cities, scenic villages, and sapphire blue waters surrounding its endless islands offers an experience that rivals any of its neighbors. You can also satisfy your foodie side here with the famous cheeses and truffles found in the area. Porsche, like Croatia, is not the flashiest car you can buy when compared to the European exotics. Porsche doesn’t make cars with headline grabbing horsepower numbers. What you will get with these cars is a rugged automobile that will perform as well as, if not better than its flashier competitors. A Porsche is meant to be driven and enjoyed, it is not a bauble to impress.

Mediterranean sea

The travel experience starts in the capital city of Zagreb. The city is described as big enough to surprise you but small enough that it’s still cozy. Zagreb is quick to get around, and it is vivid. A modern Porsche can be described in much the same way. After enjoying the city, the tour heads south following twisting roads towards the Adriatic coast and the port city of Rovinj.

Porsche Cabriolet

The next day you will pilot your Porsche down mountain roads along the coast passing vineyards and olive groves along the way. Enjoy a truffle themed dinner and rest up before the tour continues south the next day as you head into the Dalmatia region of Croatia. Those of you that are fans of a certain cute spotted dog breed may be familiar with this area.

Porsche Croatia Travel Experience Route

While in this region you will explore the island of Pag and get to sample the famous hard cheese ‘Paški sir’. Krka National Park allows you to soak in the natural beauty of the area including several waterfalls. Your tour ends at the Old City of Dubrovnik, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Ship in Croatia

Croatia has had its battles over the years. There have been wars, struggles for power, and political uncertainty but through it all it has endured. Today it is well established as a safe, independent and tourist-friendly country. Porsche has likewise, had its battles over the years. It was a small boutique sports car builder that saw some very lean times, and a failed takeover attempt of Volkswagen that nearly ruined the company. Today it is well established as one of the premier automakers in the world. Take a week and see why Croatia and Porsche are the perfect pairing.

Photos: Porsche

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Joe has been obsessed with cars since he got his very first Matchbox toy in the ‘70s. In 2003, he found a new obsession in track days that led to obtaining his SCCA competition license in 2015. In 2019, he became a certified driving instructor for the National Auto Sport Association. His love for all things four wheels has never wavered, whether it's driving some of the best cars in the world on the racetrack, tackling 2,000-mile road trips in 2-seat sports cars or being winched off the side of a mountaintop in a Jeep. Writing for the suite of Internet Brands Auto Communities sites, including Rennlist.com, Ford Truck Enthusiasts, 6 Speed and more allows him to share that knowledge and passion with others.

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