992 GT3 RS In-Depth: Andreas Preuninger Showcases All the Features on This Amazing Car

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992 GT3 RS

Porsche 992 GT3 RS is a remarkable car with immense capabilities. The man behind it all explains what makes the car so special.

It is a racecar for the road. How many times have you heard that tired phrase? It has been said of everything from Miatas to Mustangs. And in most cases, it is just hyperbole. But in the case of the new 992 GT3 RS that phrase really does apply. The car has a Drag Reduction System (DRS) taken directly from Formula One for Pete’s sake. When you start to put that type of technology into a car you really begin to blur the line between streetcar and racecar. And DRS is not the end of the story when it comes to the new GT3 RS. The car is jammed packed with racing technology. In fact, it is enough to make your head spin.

But if there is one man that can help you to make sense of it all it would be Andreas Preuninger. As most of you know Preuninger has been the man behind the Porsche GT cars for over two decades. If anyone can explain the finer points of the new GT3 RS it is this man. In a video recently posted to the DPCcars YouTube channel Preuninger does a deep dive into many of the GT3 RS features while we see a red GT3 RS ripping around a racetrack. The video is extremely informative, and it really helps you to understand why the 992 GT3 RS is the fastest and most advanced that Porsche has ever made.

Most Track Oriented GT Car

992 GT3 RS

Preuninger begins by stating that the 992 GT3 RS is the most track-oriented GT car Porsche has ever developed. That is a bold claim considering some of the fantastic GT cars that Porsche has released in the last several years. But as he begins to walk us through all the details it becomes obvious that he is not exaggerating. The video has a lot of information so no need to recap everything here. But a couple highlights include the aforementioned DRS. The aerodynamics of the car produce downforce values that are DOUBLE what the 991.2 GT3 RS could manage. The GT3 RS uses a more aggressive camshaft than the regular GT3. The steel brake rotors are thicker than what is found in the base GT3. And suspension settings can be controlled from inside the cockpit. It is an astonishing machine.

Does Any of this Matter?


A saying you hear a lot in the football world is that the best ability a player can have is availability. Meaning, you can be the most talented quarterback in the world. But if you are hurt every week and can’t play then you are not available and thus not helping your team. The same applies to cars. The 992 GT3 RS is a phenomenal track weapon. Porsche pulled out all the stops on this one and it may be the last naturally aspirated Porsche GT car we ever see. But you can’t get one. Even if you have the money, the allocations are so tight that unless you have an inside connection you will never be able to obtain one.

Most of these cars will be hoarded by collectors and parked between their GT2 RS that they never drive and their Speedster that they never drive. So, does the fact that this 992 GT3 RS can set a blistering lap time really matter? Not to most of us. But hopefully there are at least a couple people out there (counting on you, Rennlist members) that will buy one of these and actually drive it as intended.

End of the Line


The 992 GT3 RS is like a lot of other sportscars that are being released today. They are marking the end of an era. It is peak internal combustion engine season. We are sure that Porsche will continue to make GT cars and future generations will somehow manage to be even faster around a track. But will they be all-electric or have hybrid powerplants? More than likely, they will. So, enjoy this GT3 RS now. The days of these types of cars are numbered.

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Joe has been obsessed with cars since he got his very first Matchbox toy in the ‘70s. In 2003, he found a new obsession in track days that led to obtaining his SCCA competition license in 2015. In 2019, he became a certified driving instructor for the National Auto Sport Association. His love for all things four wheels has never wavered, whether it's driving some of the best cars in the world on the racetrack, tackling 2,000-mile road trips in 2-seat sports cars or being winched off the side of a mountaintop in a Jeep. Writing for the suite of Internet Brands Auto Communities sites, including Rennlist.com, Ford Truck Enthusiasts, 6 Speed and more allows him to share that knowledge and passion with others.

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