Take a Look at This Beautiful 356/1600 Speedster

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Writer correction/note: The original version of this post called this 356/1600 Speedster a kit car. When writing the post, I spent a considerable time trying to figure out if it were authentic or a build, and after research and the little information from the video, I decided it must be a replica. I have been informed otherwise and apologize for the mistake. Feel free to yell at me about it on Twitter: @T_Marko (Tony Markovich)

Sometimes in this life, you gotta fake it, and that’s how you sorta make it. For example, DK Garage was recently at a Porsche meet and came across this beautiful Porsche 356/1600 Speedster. There was no other information on the post, and there’s only a little bit of audio in the video below, but you do hear a person say that this is indeed a kit car and not the real thing. Still, it appears to be pretty spot-on.

There are certainly a few differences from the originals. The roll bar sticks out the most, as well as the different wheels. There are a variety of manufacturers that make the replicas, including the best known, Beck Speedsters, as well as Specialty Auto (this one seems to be a Beck, judging by the wheels).

Naturally, the through-and-through purists will look down on such cars, but with the price range on the real ones soaring, you can’t blame people for taking the creative route to own their dream cars.

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Via [DK Garage]

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