Fellow Canadians which brand of gas station do you use?
Thankfully I have an Esso station close by that only carries ethanol-free gas (all grades). I spoke with someone at the station on the subject and apparently Esso allows a few stations on the province to sell ethanol free. I use it in my car, wife's vehicle, and boat.
Once in a while I'll switch to Petro-Canada 94 (especially for track days) but haven't really noticed a significant difference.
Once in a while I'll switch to Petro-Canada 94 (especially for track days) but haven't really noticed a significant difference.
Live in B.C. Use Chevron 94 in the 3 Porsches year round. In Winter use Chevron 94 in the S5 but in Summer Petro Can 91 or Chevron 91. Audi dealer advises the need for the higher octane in the winter as apparently there are some issues with lower octanes in the winter.
Fellow Canadians which brand of gas station do you use?
I used to use petrocan 94. Switched to shell 91 to avoid ethanol. I notice zero change in performance. I decided to just avoid ethanol. I'll use the others if no shell available.