Fire Extinguisher for 911SC
Fire Extinguisher for 911SC
What would be the appropriate size of a Halguard extinguisher for a 911SC used for daily use and track days(1 , 2.3, 5 Liter)? Would a suppression system be recommended or is a manual one OK?
A hand held fire extinguisher should do fine for your use assuming it is allowed by the clubs and organizations that you run with. I have a 3 nozzle fire supression system. This is overkill for street use, but my car is a full time track car now.
An installed system is more than you need to pass tech, but I wouldn't call it overkill for any situation. If you're on the infield or a freeway shoulder, you want to put that fire out... right now. I doubt that the little 2.5 pound jobbies most of us carry are going be enough to put out a fire once it's taken hold. They're better than nothing, of course. But I think you really can't have too much with cars as old as ours with their multiple unfused circuits, aging fuel lines, etc.
I have a 10-pound system permanently installed, and I'm in the process of upgrading my 2.5 pound Halon hand-held to a 5-pound version, in spite of the weight gain (it sure doesn't weigh 5 pounds).
I have a 10-pound system permanently installed, and I'm in the process of upgrading my 2.5 pound Halon hand-held to a 5-pound version, in spite of the weight gain (it sure doesn't weigh 5 pounds).