
The Moron is still fighting the world

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Old 08-27-2007, 09:19 PM
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Remember how I told Frank that whoever told him that you were slow must have been a REALLY good friend, Dave? I guess he didn't get the hint. I mean, I'm sure you not the fastest driver in the world, but you aren't slow, either, unlike the Honda humper.

Frank kind of reminds me of myself in some ways when I started going to the track and getting involved with news forums (back then, I was only on the Miata forum). I was telling everyone how fast I was, that I was some super driver -- and I had only been to a few track days at that point. Funny how as we get better and faster, we don't brag or talk about it so much. That's kinda why I saw Frank as one who must be slow -- fast drivers don't need to brag. They just ARE.
Old 08-27-2007, 09:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Veloce Raptor
My friend, who races a LOT at the pro level (and is much better than I am), just revealed who he is to Francine, after Francine called him "stupid" and a number of other names. I saw the email before it went out. To say that this man is the epitome of everything Mumu Haha is not is a vast understatement.

I wish I could see Francine's face right now, as he self-owned on a thermonuclear level.
That's funny!

Now: Let's see the correspondence!
Old 08-27-2007, 09:31 PM
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Originally Posted by LoanWolf
That's funny!

Now: Let's see the correspondence!
Can it be redacted in such a way as to make it untraceable or attributable???
Old 08-27-2007, 09:37 PM
The Penguin King
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The guy is clearly someone with a national reputation, and VR is doing the right thing by not posting any of the correspondence, regardless of how cloaked the information might be.
Old 08-27-2007, 09:46 PM
Veloce Raptor
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Yeah, no can do, guys. I gave my word. The guy has raced & won at the top levels of sports car racing for years. Not a Said or an Auberlen or a Leh Keen, but very similar. Very very well known in BMW circles. He sent Mumu Haha a list of all the championships he has won & all of his podium finishes in pro races, along with a little life lesson that will likely be ignored by Mumu.

Anyway, Bonni, I see your point. We all have probably been Greens & Blues. But Francine has been going to the track for 13 years, and has apparently learned NOTHING. Know what I mean?
Old 08-27-2007, 11:19 PM
Veloce Raptor
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Ding! As predicted, life lesson 100% ignored, and spat back with an insult. Priceless!
Old 08-27-2007, 11:27 PM
Food Angel
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Originally Posted by Veloce Raptor
Ding! As predicted, life lesson 100% ignored, and spat back with an insult. Priceless!

Freaking hilarious.

Tell your buddy I owe him a beer, or a cookie (his choice), for his troubles.
Old 08-27-2007, 11:31 PM
Veloce Raptor
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I may post some redacted parts of their volumes of emails tomorrow. It's.........classic.
Old 08-27-2007, 11:56 PM
Mike in Chi

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How Frankie will spin this

"I correspond regularly with one of the top pros in America!!!!!"

Kinda like his numerous photo ops with pro drovers
Old 08-28-2007, 09:51 AM
Veloce Raptor
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Francine keeps asking the guy "How old are you?" and is offended when the response is "How is that any of your business?"
Old 08-28-2007, 10:25 AM
Veloce Raptor
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Some tidbits:

GR: i know. no big deal.

to tell you the truth, i'm glad i got banned. that place is just a distraction.
TWS is a waste of my time. i' would've win and get paid, but it is
irrelevant since
Dave is a nobody. i'm still going to PIR though...

Dude: If you say so. That track is a lot harder than it looks. My money was
on Dave. If he is a "nobody", what does that make you??

GR: duh. that was the the whole point was to find out. bench racing is pointless.

Dude: And since you chickened out, you now claim he is a nobody? That is a very interesting view into your psyche.

GR: you're logic is wacked. LSR PCA messed up and gave up my spot.
(because i was waiting on PCA membership #).
i already offer VR to race me any time he wants heads up $1000 / sec.
he claims he have no time. who's chicken out? since VR has such "special" person. why don't he get LSR PCA to get
me a spot. i'm still game to go.

Dude: First of all, LSR PCA does NOT require PCA membership for their
events, so that is a poor excuse.. Second, after you pulled out, they
registered 30 more people. They have 180 now, VR tells me.

Are you sure there wasn't another reason you withdrew?

GR: i did NOT withdraw. RIchard informed me that he was giving my spot to
someone else. he claimed he had sent me a "reminder" email before
doing that. i never got it.
it was mis communication of some sort. from the time that i "register" online
to the time i got "removed" was with in like 2-3 days.

why with i withdraw? it's an "easy win". do you have any clue how long
5 sec is? it will be extremely for VR to cover. even if he is a damn
good driver.

also, my offer to race him HEADSUP $1000/sec is open. he's the one
not stepping it up. not me. i'm ready to do a 4000 miles roundtrip
to smoke him. yet you question my commitment to TWS? *shakes head*. ok i just talked to the track TWS. i can rent it for $6000 all
inclusive. you tell VR that the bet is on. when i get out there and
he fails to cover, he is going to pay $300 (my enty fee), gas, hotel
bills. just like previously agreed. tell him i will come out few days before the PCA event. i'm setting it up now.

Dude: If I recall correctly, HE offered to race YOU heads-up for $1,000 per second. But YOU REFUSED. Consistently. Now, I am not in a position to judge you, but this smells mighty fishy. Also, I am not your messenger. If you want to get a message to VR, get reinstated on Rennlist & post it up yourself.

GR: nope, you are confused or you are stupid. why wouldn't i take advantage
of FREE TRIP (free entry, gas, hotel) which is a sure win?

Dude: I am neither. He has MULTIPLE posts on Rennlist offering exactly this, and you refused. As for your second question, maybe because there was a greater than 50% chance you would have lost, and been out lost of money with nothing to show for it?

GR: i've never refused any race in my own car. you must be confused with
"other challenges" which the terms i don't agree to. not agreeing to
race terms does not equate refusal. it takes 2 to tangle.

Dude: I am sorry, but you are absolutely wrong. I can find the posts in about a minute. There were at least 4 or 5 occasions where VR offered to pay you $1,000 for each second you were faster than him in your car at TWS. Each time you refused, using extreme profanity and insults.

Are you allergic to the truth when it is inconvenient? Come on, man, stop lying. I can prove you wrong multiple times.

GR: no, you're stupid. i told VR after i take his $$ (for failing to cover 5 sec)
THEN i'll race him heads up. what part of taking advantage of his dumb ***
"offer" don't you understand?

Dude: Hmmmm. Yeah, I must be stupid. that's it.

Why do you ALWAYS resort to name calling when proven wrong? Did I call you a name?

GR: yep, i group you the same as the FTT. later son. it's pointless
talking to you.

Dude: Translation: You lost yet another battle, and are running away, just as you did from the TWS challenge. Very sad.

One more thing, Frank. Once again, you messed up. You call me an "FTT" and "stupid" yet you don't know who I am.

Let me clue you in. See my email address? Do you recognize my name? Here is a hint. (hyperlink attached) Here's the relevant text for you:

(champion, champion, co-champion, win, win, win, podium, etc etc etc full amateur & pro race history)

I know VR from his time in Grand Am.

So tell me, Frank: how many championships at the professional level have you won? Let me tell you, FROM EXPERIENCE, you exhibit none of the qualities of a pro driver. None. In fact, you don't even exhibit the qualities of a mediocre club level driver. Your driving "skills" as evidenced by the videos you post, and your abysmal attitude and incredible immaturity (especially considering your age) are an embarassment to this sport.

Wise up, son. And grow up. You may also want to consider another sport.

GR: Yada yada. I know you race in TC. Good for you. I don't even know
why you bother to trash talk to me. You dunno me. You talk ****
about how I won't show up and you expect me to give you courtesy? I
repeated told you I will be there. Driving skills aside, you really
should not be judging my character based on Internet.

How old are you?

Dude: Frank, let me say it again: I AM NOT VR. I never challenged you, nor do I have any interest in racing you.

I race in Grand Am Cup, now Koni Challenge, not TC. I haven't raced in TC since 2001.

Did you even read what I put in my email? It doesn't sound like it.

Take it from a guy who has been around pro racing a LONG time, and has had his fair share of winning: you have a lot to learn. About driving (even the basics, like getting to apexes). About people. About courtesy. About not jumping to conclusions & insulting people who could immensely help your career. About life.

I am judging your character based on input from numerous people who have encountered you at tracks. Many of these people have benned you for displays of your character.

And what business is it of yours how old I am?

GR: i'm just curious about your age. based on your replies to me you seem
kind of... immature.
as for your GAC ST stuff, it's great. good for you. are you getting paid to
race (my definition of a pro driver) or are you racing at "pro" level?
i'm guessing you do get paid...

anyhoo, don't you have better things to do that email a "nobody". as
for my pro driver dream/goal, don't worry i have it all mapped out.

ps, if you judge a person's character based on hearsays... then you
will never know it. not only that, true character has to be TESTED.
most ppl put up a front. you will never know unless **** really goes

ever notice on rennlist with exception of Bonster all the guys are
East Coast based? you think they know me? come on and get real...

Dude: And POOF, the point sails right by your head. Well, at least I tried. Look inward, Frank, before you suggest someone else is immature. Good luck to you. You will need it.

These are people I personally know & trust, Frank. Their judgement is flawless. I have no doubts about what they saw/see in you. Integrity is doing the right thing even wen you think no one is looking.

All East Coast? Again, you could not be more wrong. Or more unobservant.

This seems to be a totally consistent trend with you.

Good luck to you, son. You are REALLY going to need it.

GR: you're talking to someone that practices yoga almost everyday.
i do meditations too. if you think me spewing a few nasty words on
the "internet" to ppl who i think are despicable (based on their
internet actions) = me being bipolar... you are wrong.

so, you seem to take a few insults into heart easily. you got all mad
because i called you stupid and immature. grown some skin don, it's
the internet. if you know you are not stupid and you are not
immature, you shouldn't be bothered too much by it right? well that's
the ideal world. but when ppl talk **** about u none stop especially
about things that are not true, that is very personal... that's why i
come off as a pissed off maniac at times. but it is simply venting.
nothing more, nothing less...

i make my own luck. need worry not. i'm in good hands

Dude: I took nothing to heart, son. Once again, the point sails right by your head.

It goes to your character and judgement that you would CHOOSE to hurl insults at a guy you have never met, who has never insulted you, and who could greatly help your career.

So far, after 12 years of you going to the track, that does not seem to be true in any way, shape, or form. And nothing in any track video, race video, or event synopsis you distribute to the world on any of the dozens of Web forums on which you post seems to indicate any change to that whatsoever.

I am not worried abotu you, Frank. You have shown a particularly distasteful lack of interest in taking advice from someone with true experience, who might have been able to help your career a lot, because that is what I do with younger racers.

I say good luck because you WILL need it.

GR: you must be kidding. YOU QUESTIONED and claimed I will not goto TWS
when I explicitly told you i AM going. that is insulting.

like i said. i'm in good hands. thanks but no thanks. you won't
even ask a simple question of how old you are. how can i expect
anything else from you?

i guess you actually know what FTT means... which suggests that
you've been reading the former "GR forum" for some times. i guess i'm
just a infamous nobody.

Dude: Son, FTT is an old medical term meaning "failure to thrive". You did not make it up, nor did anyone on Rennlist.

So you are going to TWS after all? VR tells me that your name is not on the registration list any longer, since you withdrew. How is it possible that you claim to be going when you are not registered? I seriously doubt a sold-out event with 3 wait lists will allow walk-ons.
Old 08-28-2007, 11:22 AM
Food Angel
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How hilarious is it that he calls the dude immature?
Old 08-28-2007, 11:22 AM
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The GutterRacist never changes....just the same BS over and over. You would think he wouls become tired of himself!
Old 08-28-2007, 11:35 AM
Mike in Chi

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The age obsession.

The location obsession.

The insult spewage when questioned.

The guy is an absolute and total fool.
Old 08-28-2007, 11:44 AM
Veloce Raptor
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It keeps getting better. More whining & excuses:

GR: arrg. you are confused. why are you even involved anyways? you seem
to be a good friend a VR. from what i can see...

Registration Deleted Inbox

from: Registrar
to frank, CDI

show details
Aug 21 (7 days ago)
Mr. Lin,
Your DE registration has been deleted due to non-payment as required by our
club's policies. In addition you were sent a reminder payment email without
any response.

"Frank M. LIN, AKMEE Engineering"

to Registrar

show details
Aug 21 (7 days ago)
I'm waiting for my newly applied PCA number.
to Frank, CDI

show details
Aug 21 (7 days ago)
I regret having to delete you. I consulted our DE committee to confirm their
policies before I had to do it. You were sent a reminder with no reply from
you. We did our best.

Possibly join us in a future event. We also have a full event and our
waiting list is growing.

"Frank M. LIN, AKMEE Engineering"

to Registrar

show details
Aug 22 (6 days ago)
Ohh no! I really need to get there too. I'm coming all the way from
California! Is there room in Adv. group? [THIS CRACKED ME UP TO NO END] I actually need to speak to
the Event Master; the instructor guys. Who should I talk to?! Please help. =)
to Frank, CDI

show details
Aug 22 (6 days ago)
I know you must think being the registrar is a lowly title, but I am also an
instructor and throughout I have cc'd our chief driving instructor. We are
the 2 that put these events together. We are the ones who have to hunt and
peck for registrants who register and don't pay and don't reply to
Now Frank, I have over 150 paid registrants I MUST turn my attention to to
help get this event together. Try contacting us later this year.
Thanks for your interest.
Best regards


"Frank M. LIN, AKMEE Engineering"

to Registrar

show details
Aug 22 (6 days ago)
You mean my spot is already given up to ppl on waiting list and it'd
be logistical nightmare
to put me back in the que right? I understand. I have no clue who's
who in your region. I don't think anybody
that volunteers for DE stuff is lowly. Please don't take offense. I
just REALLY wanna go. I need to be
in Adv. group. I'm bring in a full race car... if i can still get
in. If it's done, it's ok. No big deal. I'm
going to PIR the following weekend at Arizona....


"Frank M. LIN, AKMEE Engineering"

to Registrar

show details
Aug 22 (6 days ago)
BTW, I just registered for it on the 8/19 i think. I looked over my
mailboxes and I saw no sign of an inquiry about the registration at
all! I just got approved for PCA membership this morning!
to Frank, CDI

show details
Aug 22 (6 days ago)
Thanks for understanding and having an interest in our club. Good luck
in Arizona.

"Frank M. LIN, AKMEE Engineering"

to Registrar

show details
Aug 22 (6 days ago)
ps, i see why you thought i was insulting. i'm a new PCA member and i
just wanted to make sure the Even Master will approve me for adv.
driving group [THERE IT IS AGAIN...LOL] . i have my comp license and lot of experience... but
new to TWS. i learn new tracks in about 2 sessions usually though so.[BWHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!]


"Frank M. LIN, AKMEE Engineering"

to Registrar

show details
Aug 24 (4 days ago)
hey Richard, since it was mis communication that got me un-registered. do
you think you can put me on the #1 wait list? i'm still interested to get out
there to with run with you guys. if you can do that, it would be awesome!
since i was registered after all...

now that's my story about TWS.

Umm, I guess you didn't really read the GR forum then. I started
calling certain group of people retards... and then shorten to
tards.. then **** tards, then **** tart twerps....
The people that are on the my FTT list = find negative angle about
_every_ thing I post/do. It is obvious that they are so biased...
and out of the people on the FTT list, only Bonster is logal.

Did you know that the bickering between me and few of the FTT started
in 2002/2003? Did you also know that VR was NOT even involved until
earlier this year?

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