Tranny issues. Options??
Tranny issues. Options??
I had an incident at Road America yesterday with my trans. I have not had it diagnosed yet, but it very well could mean my tans is shot. If so, what exactly are my options? How much is a new one? How much is a rebuild? How much to used ones go for? Also, what are the labor requirements for these options, as I will not be doing the work myself. It is a 2001 2.7 with the 5 speed with just under 60k on it. I am trying to break down my worst case scenario. TIA
Very easy to swap. Takes a few hours in and out with right tools. The boxes are throw away usually. Cost for labor, parts, and expertise to do is expensive. Get a Porsche rebuild. Many times they are new boxes anyway (just got a 6 speed 3.8l box as rebuild but was brand new). Same 2 year warranty as a new box also. Have not done a 5 speed box for sometime now. New they are like $6600. Rebuild list around $4000??? IIRC. Probably had for under $3k.