AIr Conditioning Diagnosis Question
OK so it’s fixed. I found the connector for the wire that provides 12V to the compressor, shown in the pictures. I disconnected, put a meter on that and didn’t see 12V on the wire when the AC was commanded on. At this point I suspected the pressure switch, relay or fuse. Given the way it failed which was intermittently working I suspected the pressure switch or relay. It was easy to swap a new $20 Chinese relay and when I did, I had the 12V in the wire when AC was commanded. I charged the system and it’s blowing cold.
When charging the AC, I used a scale to put in the 850 g but the low side pressure at the ambient temperature never never reached 40 psi. It hovers around 33. The air is blowing cold. Should I stop there or should I continue to add refrigerant until my low side pressure reads what it should given the ambient temperature?