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95 NC 993 03-20-2011 12:01 PM

Although this site is very good, this site is not that much better or informational than the BMW or GM sites that I have posted in for many more years than here. They are just as helpful to 'newbies' and have an equal number of DIY fixes for all the issues associated with each car. On the downside, there are also an equal number of a**holes. I don't pay there so I don't pay here. I do frequent some sponsors so maybe that earns a few points with some of you. I contribute with many topics, from my lengthy buying experiences to several posts about my 25 years in law enforcement. Maybe I have actually assisted someone or changed a viewpoint. I know my original post about 'NO top end re-build' has alleviated a lot of anxiety for new owners and I'll also pat myself on the back about the KBB values. Some of you know what I did there and I received a lot of 'thank you' posts. You are welcome. Now back to the forum.

Ed Burdell 03-20-2011 12:23 PM

I bought the membership just so I could meet girls. ;)

But seriously, not ponying up for a membership is akin to sneaking in to a movie theater and watching for free. Yeah, you can get away with it, but do you really need to stick it to the Man that badly? C'mon, be magnanimous - if you're accomplished enough to own or consider owning a Porsche, surely doing the right thing here isn't a stretch, is it?

cabrio993 03-20-2011 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by Ed Burdell (Post 8399548)
I bought the membership just so I could meet girls. ;)


IXLR8 03-20-2011 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by Ed Burdell (Post 8399548)
I bought the membership just so I could meet girls. ;)

Nahhhh, like many Porsche owners, you bought the car hoping to meet girls. :roflmao:

Loudan 03-23-2011 04:47 PM

I just joined, no brainer - up until i read this post, i had not realized the difference between User and Member - well worth the price.

Leander 03-23-2011 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by Ed Burdell (Post 8399548)
I bought the membership just so I could meet girls. ;)

But seriously, not ponying up for a membership is akin to sneaking in to a movie theater and watching for free. Yeah, you can get away with it, but do you really need to stick it to the Man that badly? C'mon, be magnanimous - if you're accomplished enough to own or consider owning a Porsche, surely doing the right thing here isn't a stretch, is it?

But WHO is the Man and what does he do with the money, and what would be different here if it was free? Just asking.

I also notice that the old Man chimed in, but the new Man isn't interested?

CAA 03-23-2011 05:34 PM

I've been on here a while as you can probably tell by my reg date. While not totally active and sometimes absent for quite a while, in the past 10 years I've been a member, a site sponsor, and probably contributed to this site more $$$ than you may be able to interpret by my "User" status.

I hear what you are saying but would tread lightly in casting judgment on "non-members". Because you just never know. I've also seen a lot of the old timers bail not just because they've moved on from 993's but from a fundamental shift in board demeanor. Anyway, that's my two cents. I'll move along now.

ABCar 03-23-2011 10:15 PM

Originally Posted by CAA (Post 8409722)
I've been on here a while as you can probably tell by my reg date. While not totally active and sometimes absent for quite a while, in the past 10 years I've been a member, a site sponsor, and probably contributed to this site more $$$ than you may be able to interpret by my "User" status.

I hear what you are saying but would tread lightly in casting judgment on "non-members". Because you just never know. I've also seen a lot of the old timers bail not just because they've moved on from 993's but from a fundamental shift in board demeanor. Anyway, that's my two cents. I'll move along now.

Hmmmm...never thought of it that way. I can see your occasional visitor foregoing the yearly fee if they just drop in once in a while. I think the people who spend alot of time giving and taking are not in that catagory.

But if the fundemental board demeanor is not to one's liking than would it be in good judgement to visit or post? I mean, why would you be here if the others offend your sensibilities? It's like going to a party and saying, "you guys are all jerks...and by the way, where is the kegger?" :cheers:

CAA 03-23-2011 10:32 PM

My sensibilities aren't offended one bit. But this all has to be taken in context. If this was posted in 2002, yep, I agree. John and Jenn are bootstrapping the whole gig, paying for hosting, maintenance, the COUNTLESS hours they put into it, and all the other overhead for us to have a place to hang out. But this is 2011 and that IS NOT the case. Let's walk through this......

Internet Brands


Domain servers in listed order:

Why INET is unique.

The INET portfolio is unique:

* 72+ million uniques per month
* 100+ websites
* 98% of visitors are from organic (non-paid) sources Rennlisters consider yourselves special for ponying up $17!!!
* Each site a leader in high value vertical markets

Our results speak for themselves:

* 40%+ EBITDA margins
* 15% EBITDA growth, even during the recession

In other words, "Thanks for all those $17 subscriptions Rennlisters"!!! - Link to the other 100 or so car forums / sites they own. Do those have $17 membership fees? I don't know but I'm guessing not many of them.

And as far as the keg party analogy, I love beer. And as far as this party is concerned I think I've bought my own keg.

CalvinC4S 03-23-2011 10:34 PM

The "addict"/"user" title is a pathetic way of pressuring people into membership.

There is an aviation forum I frequent. It is run by one man, not a company. He accepts contributions anonymously and makes more then enough to stage a place on the web people can share knowledge.

Ed Hughes 03-23-2011 10:50 PM

Originally Posted by CAA (Post 8409722)
I've been on here a while as you can probably tell by my reg date. While not totally active and sometimes absent for quite a while, in the past 10 years I've been a member, a site sponsor, and probably contributed to this site more $$$ than you may be able to interpret by my "User" status.

I hear what you are saying but would tread lightly in casting judgment on "non-members". Because you just never know. I've also seen a lot of the old timers bail not just because they've moved on from 993's but from a fundamental shift in board demeanor. Anyway, that's my two cents. I'll move along now.

I'm not sure your view is the same as most of us. Just over 200 posts in 10 years shows that you aren't much of a contributor or participant. And before you dig in on this, I dont equate post count to knowledge. I'm simply observing you are not much of a participant anyway.

CAA 03-23-2011 11:02 PM

Originally Posted by Ed Hughes (Post 8410622)
I'm not sure your view is the same as most of us. Just over 200 posts in 10 years shows that you aren't much of a contributor or participant. And before you dig in on this, I dont equate post count to knowledge. I'm simply observing you are not much of a participant anyway.

You're right Ed - by post count definitely not. I do like to come visit when I have time and still love 993s.

goldcountryboy 03-23-2011 11:11 PM

With your membership you get a card and a sticker. Wooooo Hooooooo.

JGarcia-Bertran 03-23-2011 11:34 PM

why don't we let this subject matter die once and for all...lets face it, users will be users and contributors well....its the 80/20 rule.

deadhead1960 03-23-2011 11:40 PM

I've posted twice on this thread, in favor of the "pay for play" position. However this was done without really examining the business model of the parent company. As a result of CAA's post, I took a cursory look at Internet Brands website, the fact that they've been purchased by an investment company and their status as a public company. It seems they have thrived as an advertising supported, mostly free membership company. It is very unusual to have this type of dual membership status without a much wider delineation of benefits between the two classes of members. That being said, I think Internet Brands should make a decision whether to charge a fair fee, or not accept one; similar to what AOL did several years. ago when they stopped charging a monthly fee. I am officially on the fence now about renewing my membership when it comes up for renewal. Plus, I never got the sticker :roflmao:

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