Fister Stage III's Porn
I fixed your strap bolts for you (n/c) so they are good to go.
Thanks Darin! I appreciate it! One last question, Since I opted for the cermacrome (sp?) finish, do I need to use the old heatshields?
I hope not because they look like ****!
I hope not because they look like ****!
Last edited by ginch; 02-16-2011 at 07:09 PM.
after install, simply start(e brake on)ad walk around the car for a few minutes. Stand directly behind it, then slowly walk backwards. The Stage lll's project sound so far off the back of the car it's simply amazing.
The tone will change ever so slightly as they burn in. WOT never sounded so good.
warning, your wife will now hate how loud the car is, maybe a neighbor or two, and their grandaughters will too...ask me how I know.
Besides the Rennlist membership, Stage lll's are the best Porsche money I have spent to date.
"warning, your wife will now hate how loud the car is, maybe a neighbor or two, and their grandaughters will too" Not necessarily so. We took the C2S to the local PCA dinner last nite and my wife commented that, at steady throttle, the Stage III's are so quiet, you can carry on a normal conversation. We love 'em! (...and I love her!)
Beautiful Fister III's
I thought I should weight in here since I had a 5000 Mile journey in my new to me 993 c/w Fister III's. A friend of mine found the car for me in LA and I was concerned about driving all the way back to Nova Scotia with them. . . . Well I can tell you I never turned the radio on in 5000 Miles, in my 88 Targa my wife used a set of ear plugs, 2 out the standard drum was pretty loud with the top open or closed. . . . in the 993 we could chat away the entire trip. 14 days on the road and I wish I was still there. Shipping by transport would have been a hellava lot cheaper but not nearly as much fun and the Fister III's were fantastic.