R-134a versus R-12
It claims to be compatible with R12 although it is 80% R134a. The Miata still does have a leak but I really don't know if it leaks any faster with the R12/Freeze12 combination. Topping off at the start of the summer season lasts for the whole summer though.
Freeze 12 is 134a, it just has compatable R-12 oil...
Last year I needed a weeks worth of Cold Air in the 968, and had a can of Enviro-Safe... I know the Compressor is leaking so without pulling a vacuum, I loaded the Enviro-Safe for the hellof it ... Nice and cold for a week... No fire... But this year I'm gonna replace the compressor and drier and clean everything, to convert to 134a...
Last year I needed a weeks worth of Cold Air in the 968, and had a can of Enviro-Safe... I know the Compressor is leaking so without pulling a vacuum, I loaded the Enviro-Safe for the hellof it ... Nice and cold for a week... No fire... But this year I'm gonna replace the compressor and drier and clean everything, to convert to 134a...
I had my '88 recharged with R12 this past summer and it would put icicles on my beard. My '83 I used to have had been converted but retained the old dryer and expansion valve...it worked but not nearly as well as the '88 has. I'm not sure the systess are identical in the cars what with the 5 years difference, but that's just my .02 on the subject...