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Mongo 09-30-2005 01:15 PM

Age: 22

Why?: Porsche has been in my family since the 1980s. My dad was originally into muscle cars, until he saw a 1985 928S slate grey metallic on burgundy in the showroom of Alan Johnson Porsche in San Diego (now a Goodwill store). I was 3 at the time when he took me. My dad said that he put me in the back seat to make sure I fit right. It was after that point, my dad made the pruchase with a '66 Chevelle with a 396 for trade + cash down. We had the car for 10 years until we sold it in 1995 because I outgrew the back. It was our family car. Very practical 928 too and my dad had little complaints about it until it started getting around the higher mileage and the throw out bearing welded itself to the pressure plate. My dad's back in a 928 now, the S4 to be exact. He's once again looking for another Porsche when I leave the house and my garage space opens up. There will sit a guards red 1987 or 1988 930S slantnose, his true dream car. :)

It was my dad's addiction and passion that carried over to me that got me started on Porsches. It was in my blood after 3 years old....permanently :)

UDPride 09-30-2005 04:01 PM

Im really impressed with all the long-time pcar famliies. It seems others in your family had a large influence on your eventual porsche ownership.

my family couldnt care less about cars.

alordofchaos 09-30-2005 04:11 PM

Originally Posted by UDPride
my family couldnt care less about cars.

Same here; my dad's (RIP) idea of car maintenance was, every 20k~30k miles or so, when it started running rough would be a good time for an oil change. And if the radiator leaked, throw in a handful of sand.

In my family, car= toaster. Just another appliance.

Come to think of it, I bought my 924 because my girlfriend at the time wanted me to have something more interesting for me to drive than my '82 Plymouth Horizon. I'd nearly forgotten why I got that thing.

Robert D 09-30-2005 04:22 PM

Well, I used to own (up until 2 months ago) a 1988 944S with 218k on it. I'm almost 22 now, and purchased the car when I was 15 with inheritence. My brother and father both got into auto-Xing a few years earlier, which led me away from the 68/69 camaro I always wanted. They both have Porsches, the father an '86 911 with ~75k on it and the brother a '76 912E (carbed) with ~130k. The smart thing at the time seemed to be purchasing a 944S. I would not recommend it to any teenager ever...the car requires too much for a teenager to manage. The car had me working 40hr weeks on top of school to maintain and drive it to work and school. Haha.

Now, after babying the ride for almost 7yrs I fall asleep at the wheel and total a great car. I do plan on owning a porsche in the future...when I'm out of college (25 hours left of EE)...I'd like a 993 Cab.

For now, I'm about to purchase a '91 Full-size GMC Jimmy 4x4. Now I'll be a driving a tank!

Manning 09-30-2005 05:57 PM


Doesn't matter to me whether or not it is a Porsche. Brand means nothing. I just like interesting dark horse automobiles. 924S fits that bill well. Anybody who barely knows Porsches assumes it is a half assed starter Porsche with a 2L VW/Audi lump under the hood. Only Porsche fans seem to know better, and even then seems like most of the 944 guys even dismiss the 924S.

Frankly if I hadn't decided on the 924S I could have gladly gone for something like a Peugeot 405 MI16 or a Merc 190 2.3 16 or another Scirocco.

And while I like for my car to look nice, I'm not going to spend my whole life worrying about every little paint swirl or ding. Where does that get you other than the doctor's office for a prescription for ulcer meds. I stopped worrying about every little ding and scratch when the Ford dealer gave me a few hundred dollars back when I turned in my leased F150 with a completely beat bed interior. It dawned on me then that a desirable vehicle will be desirable no matter what, and a few blemishes are merely haggling points.

theedge 09-30-2005 05:58 PM

Age: 20

Why: My dad had a white and black 914 when he was in his early 20s. In fact he almost lost a finger to one of its brake rotors. Theres a picture showing my mom with the 914 when they were courting. Then I was born, and the 914 had to go. My dad made some good money selling it. So I grew up always wanting a Porsche of my own. When I started car hunting, I though anything Porsche was gonna by out of my price league. Driving to an interview for a practicum job, I saw a Guards Red 944, a 1986 prolly. I knew thats the car I wanted right then an there. I got the practicum, then headed home and started searching. A year later or so, I wound up getting a 944 Turbo.

GOBOGIE 09-30-2005 06:22 PM

I guess you could say it's a family thing :p

mick944 09-30-2005 08:58 PM

I'm Old!
Twice as old as my current unit(83' NA).I'm on my 4th 944 spanning the last 20 yrs so it can't be a mid-life thing.I don't drive it much but I got it out today and its still a blast to drive.

Tom R. 09-30-2005 09:05 PM

bought it because i could. drive it because i want to. got the red S2 five years ago this past wednesday. yep bought a 944 on 928! we purchased it a few months after we got married and it was a gift from my wife to ease the transition into married life and upcoming 40th. i gave her my daily driver legend coupe to replace her escort to ease her transition into married life with me.

the red S2 was stolen two years ago (day after labor day) and replaced with the gray S2. what do i miss you ask? The koni yellows of course!!!

black944 turbo 09-30-2005 09:41 PM

Age: 23

Why?: The first time I saw a 951 I fell in love. I have cut outs from the original catalogue, pinky the cup car. A few matchbox cars. My sister got a 79 924 in 92 and it was the worst car imaginable. Reconstructed very badly. Front suspenion snapped off the chasis and the list goes on. I fell in love with that car though. I thought that it couldn't get any better than that. I have restored 2 corvairs and worked on many cars. Drove my first 951 when I was in high school and said, if I can ever afford one of these cars I will buy one. I saved up every penny and found an immaculate 86 with 67k on it. I jumped on it and have not looked back since. I have driven 911s, classic sports cars of most every shape and size, and to me nothing matches the 951.

fastman 09-30-2005 10:20 PM

Ok, guys and gals. I am 59, and have always been a car guy. 89' n/a. I make a decent living, for a blue collar college drop out. Loved the lines, drove it, spent a lot to get it sorted out. I tell those who ask, it is quick, has big brakes, and goes where I point it. I am hooked. Should have done this much sooner.
When the weather starts to suck here in the northwest, I put my p-car in the garage for as long as I can stand it. Mostly a daily driver.

MoeJoe 10-01-2005 12:25 AM

I'm 45. I've been into cars since highschool. I have been driving 4x4s and motorcycles for the past 20 years . 3 months ago I went looking for a more economical vehicle than my Bronco. I looked at Hondas and Toyotas and similar cars. I came across a couple of 944s and 924s and decided 'this is what I really want'. I sold my '99 CBR1100XX and bought the best Porsche I could find for the price, locally.

KuHL 951 10-01-2005 12:34 AM

I'm 57 have always loved cars and wrenching but put it away while raising 2 boys. When they started driving I got back into the wrenching. I've owned 6 different sports cars over the years. The Porsches and 95 Miata were my favorites. The Miata was the most dependable, the MGA Twin-Cam was a blast but never started after sundown. The Turbo gives me all I need. At my age I like to say 'It's faster than me'

KLR 10-01-2005 02:14 PM

I'm 30. I've loved cars ever since I could crawl, and was lucky enough to have a dad who felt similarly. I never had the $$ for anything other than a hoopty in high school, and then spent 4 years in college in the east (didn't need a car or have the $$), 4 years living in NYC (had company rental cars almost all the time -- should have gotten a motorcycle but never did), and 2 years in grad school in philly (didn't need a car or have the $$). After grad school, work and my wife took me back to NYC, so I yet again was without a car. After a year, I was totally unhappy in my job, had no idea when I would move to the burbs (if ever), and decided I didn't want to end up in a rocking chair telling my grandkids about who I wish I had been. I started looking at well maintained 951s, figuring the lower entry cost vs. a 911 would make more sense for me since I wasn't sure what the reality of keeping a car in NYC would be. I also figured that the 951's better performance, but more benign handling dynamics, would make it a much better starter car. Plus, it's a whole lot more practical as an only car because of the hatch back.

So far, I've done everything I wanted and more with the car. I've DE'd the car a few times and just got promoted to the yellow run group. I've done most of the "advanced beginner" DIY projects now and am becoming a somewhat competent shade tree mechanic.

The only real surprise has been that keeping car in Brooklyn Heights is easy -- I have a great, climate controlled garage where I can park it indoors, covered, and totally protected from dings. Had I known, I'd have started with a nicer car. After openning my wallet several times, though, this one is now pretty nice.

Most interestingly to me, I'm totally happy with the 951 and have zero interest in a 911. I've driven a couple now, and came away unimpressed. I ocassionally look at them and think about it, but where I was once set on eventually getting one, I'm now totally unmotivated and pretty much plan to hold onto the 951 indefinitely. Go figure.

944spitfire 10-01-2005 05:32 PM

1. 38 going on 12

2. A few years back, An individual owed me some money, we came to an arangement. Now I have the car. I was always a Triumph guy, but now I'm a believer.

3. Bought stock in microsoft

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