2017 Porsche 911 Proves Its Power, and then Some (Video)

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2017 Porsche 911 GTS and 2017 Nissan GT-R Tackle a Winding Road to Prove which is Superior

It’s finally 2017. It’s taken a long time to get here, but it has finally arrived. Now you’re almost through the first month, and it still feels strange. Of course, with the new year comes new things. You are presented with new opportunities. You make new goals. You try new things. And, if you’re lucky, you have a new ride. A brand-new 2017 model that doesn’t just provide you with bragging rights, but also an entirely new experience.

And a lot of new rides came out this year, many of which we’d love to have. Two of the most notable are the 2017 Porsche 911 GTS and the 2017 Nissan GT-R. They are respectable vehicles that have captured the hearts of many. Maybe it’s the history, or maybe the modern improvement. Regardless, there is no denying that they are great.

In today’s video we get to see both of these superb rides cruising down a winding road. While we’d love to be in the driver’s seat, this clip offers an enjoyable alternative. The landscape is gorgeous, and the rides are enviable. Both are fast, powerful and beautiful.

The rides are more similar than you would think, and you might have a hard time choosing between the two. Of course, the 911 would be difficult to turn down!

Tune in to the video and see these iconic rides fly across the landscape!

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