Messing With Perfection? Artist Renders Widebody Porsche 918

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Nothing is perfect. But the Porsche 918 Spyder, McLaren P1, Ferrari LaFerrari, and Koenigsegg Regera and One:1 are about as close as it gets in the advanced automotive world right now. So why touch them? Why play around with their looks or their aero? Well, because true automotive enthusiasts both appreciate what is real, but can also have the creative capacity to imagine what is possible.


That’s what digital artists thrive on. With the computer programs out there today, anybody can put their dreams and visions into a virtual computerized rendering. Take, for example, Jack Darton, who recently wondered what a widebody Porsche 918 Spyder would look like.

“Playing around with the new HDRI pack from HDRI Haven, so I turned a 918 into a wild 918!” said Darton, upon posting up these impressive renders. “Enjoy.”


What do you think? Is a car like this in the untouchable range, or is it just fun to play around and see the possibilities?

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

Via [Jack Darton]

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