Looking for Porsche’s Booth at NAIAS? Don’t Bother

Looking for Porsche’s Booth at NAIAS? Don’t Bother

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Porsche - Detroit

Rolls-Royce and Bentley also Skip 2017 Detroit Auto Show

We don’t know about you, but when we go to an event with the caliber of Detroit’s Auto Show, we expect every major manufacturer to be there. Sadly, Porsche decided otherwise. Unfortunately, we can’t really blame them.

We found ourselves walking around the Cobo Center in Detroit during the North American International Auto Show’s press-exclusive days. We looked left, we looked right, and we couldn’t find Porsche anywhere. Then it hit us, they had skipped it. We were shocked. We remember many years ago attending the show as spectators, seeing a single Ferrari in the Italian maker’s booth, and the same for Maserati and Lamborghini. We always thought: What the heck? It’s the bloody Detroit auto show!

Then some years went by, and Ferrari, Lamborghini and others don’t even bother bringing one car?!? Then Mini skipped the show last year. But all along, Porsche always had a ridiculously large and fancy booth — complete with enormous LED screens, a second level, a full vehicle lineup, and even a private room for media VIPs. Porsche always put on a show for their fans despite having big news or not. Now, not so much.

Porsche - Detroit

Word is that Porsche is doubling the size of its booth at the upcoming Chicago Auto Show, where the cost of admission is much cheaper. According to Automotive News, Porsche “viewed the cost and value of participating in the Detroit Auto Show [as] no longer viable.” If you ask us, that’s baloney. Detroit may not be L.A. or NYC, but it’s where news is spread and deals are made.

What now?

We’d agree with Porsche that increasing the brand’s presence at the NYC and L.A. auto shows is vital, but not at the expense of Detroit. Along with Porsche, Bentley and Rolls Royce also skipped this year’s show despite holding private media events outside of the convention center.

Is this where most high-end manufacturers are headed? Come in to Detroit, hold private events, not rent any floor space at Cobo? Basically get in and get out much cheaper?

We certainly hope not. What do you think?

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