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Difool 02-28-2019 11:54 AM

AiM iPhone App?
I got a kick out of this sentence printed in the Solo 2 DL user guide (1.01): "An app for the iPhone is coming! In a few weeks you will be able to...."

I was just at the very good seminar with Matt and Roger, and maybe this was was covered while I was focused on something unrelated ;). I assume "a few weeks" means something like 20-30 weeks, but was surprised to see it in print, in a manual that was probably run several months ago. Anyone know anything more?

ProCoach 02-28-2019 02:31 PM

Yes, the manual was written January of 2018, so seventy to ninety weeks is a fair guess...

Seriously, the old app engineer took off and a new one was in place as of last December. They're working concurrently on an Apple OS app as well as the basic iOS app, but I would expect to see the iOS app sometime this year.

Plenty of other loggers have GREAT iOS apps, like the Apex Pro and the RacePak CL1/CL2 combo, as well as VBOX Circuit Tools 2, available in iOS and native Apple OS application.

A lot of people don't want to tote a laptop to the track...

Matt Romanowski 02-28-2019 03:24 PM

Originally Posted by Difool (Post 15670739)
I got a kick out of this sentence printed in the Solo 2 DL user guide (1.01): "An app for the iPhone is coming! In a few weeks you will be able to...."

I was just at the very good seminar with Matt and Roger, and maybe this was was covered while I was focused on something unrelated ;). I assume "a few weeks" means something like 20-30 weeks, but was surprised to see it in print, in a manual that was probably run several months ago. Anyone know anything more?

We did :)

Their are 2 guys working on this in Italy. They had a great developer previously and his shoes are not easy to fill, but the new people are doing well.

mglobe 05-03-2019 09:20 AM
Will this be enough :corn:

ProCoach 05-03-2019 09:27 AM



I’d rather have synced video within the data window than a “lite” iOS app, but that’s just as far out, I’m sure.

GT3_Driver 05-03-2019 10:38 AM

Originally Posted by ProCoach


I’d rather have synced video within the data window than a “lite” iOS app, but that’s just as far out, I’m sure.

This would be very helpful

Matt Romanowski 05-03-2019 10:59 AM

It's a different group doing each. I haven't heard on the app, but the development of RS3A has been moving quick.

mglobe 05-03-2019 11:22 AM

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 15815503)


I’d rather have synced video within the data window than a “lite” iOS app, but that’s just as far out, I’m sure.


ProCoach 05-03-2019 11:53 AM

Actually, I just found out progress IS being made...

No timetable, however.

mglobe 05-03-2019 01:40 PM


Rob in VA 05-03-2019 05:35 PM

I don't know the internal workings over at AIM, but it seems they try to do too much, with too little. And it is extremely frustrating to be one of their customers, dealing with so many software issues.

ProCoach 05-03-2019 07:14 PM

Even more frustrating as a longtime dealer...

Matt Romanowski 05-03-2019 09:16 PM

Not to make excuses, but they have had tremendous growth in the last few years. With that growth has been some challenges, but it's not for lack of effort. They have been adding people and working on the issues people have.

Can it be frustrating? Sure. Are they working on it? Yes.

ProCoach 05-03-2019 09:20 PM

They’re working on things all the time. The Dallara project threw a big wrench in things, plus the Audi RS3 and BMW GT4 series. Just a lot of things going on.

Wouldn't be a problem if they didn’t create the expectation and just announced the feature or product when they’re done.

mglobe 05-04-2019 04:00 AM

One thing they have not sacrificed as they attended to the big race series has been service. Every time I’ve needed help, or something fixed, it gets done quickly. Hard for me to find fault with AIM’s customer service. I may bitch about the slow pace of video integration, but all in all I’m a happy customer.

It’s gotten to point for me where a session without data is a waste of rubber and fuel.

gtreddy 06-04-2019 12:38 AM

Originally Posted by Matt Romanowski (Post 15671259)
We did :)

Their are 2 guys working on this in Italy. They had a great developer previously and his shoes are not easy to fill, but the new people are doing well.

Nope. A 1+ year delay is not due to a "great" developer leaving.

Originally Posted by Matt Romanowski (Post 15817114)
Not to make excuses, but they have had tremendous growth in the last few years. With that growth has been some challenges, but it's not for lack of effort. They have been adding people and working on the issues people have.

Can it be frustrating? Sure. Are they working on it? Yes.

Once again, Nope. They sold their product based on a promise. It's 100% due to lack of effort because a 1+ year delay on something as simple as a iPhone application is because of a lack of effort/planning.

Originally Posted by Rob in VA (Post 15816641)
I don't know the internal workings over at AIM, but it seems they try to do too much, with too little. And it is extremely frustrating to be one of their customers, dealing with so many software issues.

Yes. It doesn't matter if they are "trying". They should not market a product without the intentions/knowledge to deliver that product with said features in the time they said they would do it. I understand delays, but.... 1.5 years WOW.

All this comes from someone who is a developer. So it's not like I'm rambling/don't know what I'm talking about. I'm just getting super frustrated I spent the money to upgrade from the Solo DL to the Solo 2 DL PURELY for this ability. And the thing that irritates me is, the customer service has been god awful.

I've tried to reach out to them to understand how their protocol works just so I can help (for free) get them going and potentially combine the app I'm developing, in tandem, with theirs. I emailed 4 different people (including the contact I got from Peter) and I have yet to receive a single response over a period of 6 months. It's truly absurd to me that people are standing up for this company when they have pretty much lied to consumers and provided no response for 1.5 years. In most other industries, they would have been sued by now.

NaroEscape 06-04-2019 08:50 AM

Originally Posted by gtreddy (Post 15885010)
Nope. A 1+ year delay is not due to a "great" developer leaving.

Once again, Nope. They sold their product based on a promise. It's 100% due to lack of effort because a 1+ year delay on something as simple as a iPhone application is because of a lack of effort/planning.

Yes. It doesn't matter if they are "trying". They should not market a product without the intentions/knowledge to deliver that product with said features in the time they said they would do it. I understand delays, but.... 1.5 years WOW.

All this comes from someone who is a developer. So it's not like I'm rambling/don't know what I'm talking about. I'm just getting super frustrated I spent the money to upgrade from the Solo DL to the Solo 2 DL PURELY for this ability. And the thing that irritates me is, the customer service has been god awful.

I've tried to reach out to them to understand how their protocol works just so I can help (for free) get them going and potentially combine the app I'm developing, in tandem, with theirs. I emailed 4 different people (including the contact I got from Peter) and I have yet to receive a single response over a period of 6 months. It's truly absurd to me that people are standing up for this company when they have pretty much lied to consumers and provided no response for 1.5 years. In most other industries, they would have been sued by now.

As a developer, you also understand how quickly priorities based on need or demand can change. As a long time IT project manger, I saw it all the time - we were developing something to a deadline that had been promoted by the business, only to be told that something else took priority and to shelve it - or put less effort into the original project. Yes, AiM has a habit of promoting things before they're ready, but I truely beleive in this case that they felt like they were SOMEWHAT on track, then other bigger priorities took over and pushed the iOS project to the side a little. They've been pulled into a lot of custom work lately, plus upgrading and advancing their product lines to stay ahead of the curve...but they have limited resources to handle everything. Not to mention the never ending protocol requirements that all the car manufacturers keep putting out that need to be updated. And as Peter noted, most dealers, coaches and super users of AiM products would rather see integrated video/data along the lines of VBox than an iOS app, so AiM's priorities I'm sure have moved to who yells the loudest.

No, this doesn't excuse the expectations that have been set, but again, as a developer, you know that Marketing typically is always WAY more optimistic about product launches than the rest of the team is and tends to jump the gun on promoting "vapor"ware before it's "reality"ware.

ProCoach 06-04-2019 09:21 AM

Good post, Bob.

It really shouldn’t be this hard...

gtreddy 06-04-2019 09:50 AM

Originally Posted by NaroEscape (Post 15885361)
As a developer, you also understand how quickly priorities based on need or demand can change. As a long time IT project manger, I saw it all the time - we were developing something to a deadline that had been promoted by the business, only to be told that something else took priority and to shelve it - or put less effort into the original project. Yes, AiM has a habit of promoting things before they're ready, but I truely beleive in this case that they felt like they were SOMEWHAT on track, then other bigger priorities took over and pushed the iOS project to the side a little. They've been pulled into a lot of custom work lately, plus upgrading and advancing their product lines to stay ahead of the curve...but they have limited resources to handle everything. Not to mention the never ending protocol requirements that all the car manufacturers keep putting out that need to be updated. And as Peter noted, most dealers, coaches and super users of AiM products would rather see integrated video/data along the lines of VBox than an iOS app, so AiM's priorities I'm sure have moved to who yells the loudest.

No, this doesn't excuse the expectations that have been set, but again, as a developer, you know that Marketing typically is always WAY more optimistic about product launches than the rest of the team is and tends to jump the gun on promoting "vapor"ware before it's "reality"ware.

There’s a difference between optimistic and flat out lying. If we promised to deliver a feature in a few weeks and then went radio silent for 1.5 years, you better believe there would be repercussions.

Also, the video component has been a want since the Solo 1 so why didn’t they prioritize/market that over the iPhone app with the Solo 2? They didn’t have to market the iPhone App.

What it all boils down too, is there is no excuse. Whether it be poor planning or over marketing. Yes, priorities shift, but shifting a priority from a promised few weeks to what has now become 1.5 years is beyond acceptable to me, as as a project manager and developer, for a consumer facing product.

It’s hard for me to understand any rational circumstance where a consumer buys a product based on a feature the manufacturer promises and the priority shifts, behind the scenes, to a priority that the manufacturer has yet to promise and that’s OK. I personally didn’t buy the unit for video sync and they didn’t promise video sync. I bought it because I tend to not have time to carry a laptop/analyze on track days and would like to have a way to quickly digest information. I get super users would prefer one feature over the other, but the consumer like me feels duped since I purchased the product for a use case the company itself said it would provide only for it to get bumped by use cases not promised when I purchased it.

But it seems that I am in the minority on this stance, which is fine. The thing is, if the non-super user like me doesn’t keep voicing their opinion, only the people who have a direct line of contact with the manufacturer will be heard and that perpetuates the problem. Most of the people on here responding in “defense” (anyone that says, “it’s not an excuse but...”) are dealers for AIM. Speaks volumes to me. But it’s only my opinion and take.

AZWCat 06-04-2019 11:28 AM

You’re not alone in your frustrations. I bought into the Aim system last year and I think it’s garbage. The PC apps are like relics from Windows 3.11. Powerful, yes, but needs a complete overhaul. The hardware is ancient technology too. Smartycam HD is about the same video quality as a GoPro 2 and the audio is not usable without an external mic. No phone app is insane in 2019. Tiny startups like Apex Pro or Lit Pro have great mobile apps with minimal resources. Harrys laptimer is fantastic. Bigger players like Racelogic and Race Navigator haven’t neglected this.

I am not sure if Aim is the market leader in terms of size or revenue, but they must be up near the top. Their lack of development progress is not excusable.

Matt Romanowski 06-04-2019 02:41 PM

Originally Posted by gtreddy (Post 15885459)
There’s a difference between optimistic and flat out lying. If we promised to deliver a feature in a few weeks and then went radio silent for 1.5 years, you better believe there would be repercussions.

Also, the video component has been a want since the Solo 1 so why didn’t they prioritize/market that over the iPhone app with the Solo 2? They didn’t have to market the iPhone App.

What it all boils down too, is there is no excuse. Whether it be poor planning or over marketing. Yes, priorities shift, but shifting a priority from a promised few weeks to what has now become 1.5 years is beyond acceptable to me, as as a project manager and developer, for a consumer facing product.

It’s hard for me to understand any rational circumstance where a consumer buys a product based on a feature the manufacturer promises and the priority shifts, behind the scenes, to a priority that the manufacturer has yet to promise and that’s OK. I personally didn’t buy the unit for video sync and they didn’t promise video sync. I bought it because I tend to not have time to carry a laptop/analyze on track days and would like to have a way to quickly digest information. I get super users would prefer one feature over the other, but the consumer like me feels duped since I purchased the product for a use case the company itself said it would provide only for it to get bumped by use cases not promised when I purchased it.

But it seems that I am in the minority on this stance, which is fine. The thing is, if the non-super user like me doesn’t keep voicing their opinion, only the people who have a direct line of contact with the manufacturer will be heard and that perpetuates the problem. Most of the people on here responding in “defense” (anyone that says, “it’s not an excuse but...”) are dealers for AIM. Speaks volumes to me. But it’s only my opinion and take.

I hear your frustration. If your dealer sold you on the app or integration - they lied to you. There has never been a release date on those features. I understand your frustration and wish I could help you out more. I don't believe you got your unit from me, but if I can help at all, my cell is 603-674-3250.

Originally Posted by AZWCat (Post 15885661)
You’re not alone in your frustrations. I bought into the Aim system last year and I think it’s garbage. The PC apps are like relics from Windows 3.11. Powerful, yes, but needs a complete overhaul. The hardware is ancient technology too. Smartycam HD is about the same video quality as a GoPro 2 and the audio is not usable without an external mic. No phone app is insane in 2019. Tiny startups like Apex Pro or Lit Pro have great mobile apps with minimal resources. Harrys laptimer is fantastic. Bigger players like Racelogic and Race Navigator haven’t neglected this.

I am not sure if Aim is the market leader in terms of size or revenue, but they must be up near the top. Their lack of development progress is not excusable.

I think comparing AiM to Apex Pro is pretty unfair as they are very different devices with different feature sets. Different systems have different features and options. There are comparably few systems that offer phone integration in a useful way. Just like above, if I can help you out with something, even if you didn't buy from me, call me 603-674-3250. If you hate your AiM so much you want out of it, I'll help you with that as well.

AZWCat 06-04-2019 03:02 PM

Matt, thanks for your offer. I may take you up on it.

gtreddy 06-04-2019 03:05 PM

Originally Posted by Matt Romanowski (Post 15886095)
I hear your frustration. If your dealer sold you on the app or integration - they lied to you. There has never been a release date on those features. I understand your frustration and wish I could help you out more. I don't believe you got your unit from me, but if I can help at all, my cell is 603-674-3250.

Thanks Matt. And by the way, my goal was not to lash at you in anyway so sorry if it came off that way. Re-reading my response, I can see it being perceived that way.

The dealer didn't mention it to me, so its not their fault. I took AIM at their word in their version 1.0 user guide (which I studied in depth to inform my decision on whether the upgrade from the 1 to the 2 would be worth it). In version 1 from early 2018, as pointed out above, the wording reads: "An app for iPhone is coming! In a few weeks you will be able to analyse essential data on your iPhone; furthermore, you will be able to see in real time all the values Solo 2 DL samples, upgrade its firmware, create new tracks as well as update your database and modify Wi-Fi settings."

It is what it is, just a little frustrated it doesn't exist and even more frustrated I can't even reach a single person that can give me some technical guidance so I can at least try to code something for myself.

NaroEscape 06-04-2019 03:06 PM

Originally Posted by Matt Romanowski (Post 15886095)
I think comparing AiM to Apex Pro is pretty unfair as they are very different devices with different feature sets. Different systems have different features and options. There are comparably few systems that offer phone integration in a useful way. Just like above, if I can help you out with something, even if you didn't buy from me, call me 603-674-3250. If you hate your AiM so much you want out of it, I'll help you with that as well.

totally agree with Matt here - Apex Pro and AiM are very different systems. We are a dealer for both and I've spent a lot of time with the Apex Pro guys and sold a bunch of them. Their ENTIRE business model was built around iOS app functionality and what its capable of, and what it's limitations are. That said, notice they DO NOT have an Android version, with no foreseeable plans to release one. Why? It's not that simple...Even when you build your whole product around mobile app functionality.

I had originally started a post responding to Peter's "It really shouldn’t be this hard..." comment....but is. Doing things rendered on a small mobile screen has it's limitations - we all know that apps are very limited in functionality compared to their cooresponding software or websites. And with something like AiM, it is very dependent on the hardware it receives the data from, and how it renders and communicates that data. Just think about all the functionality of RS would you render that on iOS? What would you be willing to leave out? How about what RS3 does? Configuring every single product? Could that be done in an app? Where do you draw the line on what stays and what goes?

And lets not discuss all the little glitches even the supposedly stable RS3/Analysis has that all of us learn work arounds for, with patches and upgrades coming out often. What's the first thing we all say when someone has an issue? "is your firmware up to date? Are you using the most recent version of RS3?" How do you keep that updated with the app?

AiM hardware is infinitely more complicated and capable than something like and Apex Pro. And most likely was never built to render infomation in a form that an App can process. My guess is that its not just the app...its a complete rewrite of how the hardware would communicate with the app in a way to make the user experience useful without dumbing it all down to become useless.

EDIT: gtreddy - and I am not defending or excusing AiM for falsely promoting something that doesn't seem to have a timeline. Even if they explained to the world WHY they are so late, i think that would help, but you are correct, there is no excuse to say something is coming out SOON then go dark for a very long time about it.

gtreddy 06-04-2019 03:16 PM

Originally Posted by NaroEscape (Post 15886155)

I had originally started a post responding to Peter's "It really shouldn’t be this hard..." comment....but is. Doing things rendered on a small mobile screen has it's limitations - we all know that apps are very limited in functionality compared to their cooresponding software or websites. And with something like AiM, it is very dependent on the hardware it receives the data from, and how it renders and communicates that data. Just think about all the functionality of RS would you render that on iOS? What would you be willing to leave out? How about what RS3 does? Configuring every single product? Could that be done in an app? Where do you draw the line on what stays and what goes?

Both the OEM Porsche Track App and Circuit Tools are good starting points for what I envision the scope of an initial product to me. It doesn't have to be perfect, but some functionality is better than none and can be refined as users give feedback.

Originally Posted by NaroEscape (Post 15886155)
AiM hardware is infinitely more complicated and capable than something like and Apex Pro. And most likely was never built to render infomation in a form that an App can process. My guess is that its not just the app...its a complete rewrite of how the hardware would communicate with the app in a way to make the user experience useful without dumbing it all down to become useless.

AIM re-designed their hardware for the Solo 2 DL and launched their marketing campaign before it was released to include an iPhone app. There is literally no excuse for their hardware to not be capable with an app. A bone standard elm 327 module can relay OBD data to an iphone app for REAL TIME consumption. If their hardware can't do simple data transfer (not even real time) after the fact, AIM has some problems with their hardware/software group thats going to be very difficult to resolve in the future.

ProCoach 06-04-2019 05:25 PM

No one size fits all. VBOX, MoTeC, AiM, Apex Pro all have pros and cons, but I'd rather offer a choice than be tied to one...

gtreddy 06-04-2019 07:04 PM

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 15886454)
No one size fits all. VBOX, MoTeC, AiM, Apex Pro all have pros and cons, but I'd rather offer a choice than be tied to one...

Fully agree with this. And that’s kinda why I am frustrated. I thought the Solo 2 DL fit my needs based on their documentation, when in fact it does not and there’s no timeline or information on when it will. I’m not blaming any other lack of functionality in the AIM because I knew what I was getting into. And it’s disappointing to buy into a $1800 eco system (smarty cam purchased as well) when one of the main functionalities of why I purchased it has been forgotten. Choices become pointless when a manufacturer doesn’t do what they say they will and provide no communication or rationale as to why.

And it doesn’t help that they have not removed the wording “few weeks” from the manual. If they wanted to be truthful and honest, they would have done that (combined with many other things).

Matt Romanowski 06-04-2019 10:19 PM

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 15886454)
No one size fits all. VBOX, MoTeC, AiM, Apex Pro all have pros and cons, but I'd rather offer a choice than be tied to one...

Originally Posted by gtreddy (Post 15886646)
Fully agree with this. And that’s kinda why I am frustrated. I thought the Solo 2 DL fit my needs based on their documentation, when in fact it does not and there’s no timeline or information on when it will. I’m not blaming any other lack of functionality in the AIM because I knew what I was getting into. And it’s disappointing to buy into a $1800 eco system (smarty cam purchased as well) when one of the main functionalities of why I purchased it has been forgotten. Choices become pointless when a manufacturer doesn’t do what they say they will and provide no communication or rationale as to why.

And it doesn’t help that they have not removed the wording “few weeks” from the manual. If they wanted to be truthful and honest, they would have done that (combined with many other things).

Not to get off topic, but I'd say this is where the advice and consultation with a good dealer is important. I'm not excusing the poor marketing, but a quality, knowledgeable dealer could help you navigate the systems and if they will meet your needs. I fall under the category of a single company dealer because I've made the conscientious decision to excel at AiM, not attempt to work at a lower quality through a number of systems. When AiM won't do what someone needs, I tell them. I'm not interested in selling a system to someone and have them either not be able to use it or not be happy. I also value the people I meet at the track, through FB, here on RL, and would never do anything to betray their trust or friendship (I've got lots of RL friends!).

Like I offered before, please feel free to call, email (, or PM me. I'll do whatever I can to help you out.

ProCoach 06-05-2019 09:59 AM

Hahaha! Matt, I think you’ve painted yourself into a “corner of excellence” in this thread. ;)

Again, there is no system that does everything the ideal system for most would encompass.

Having been one of the top two or three dealers for AiM for almost a decade, the top dealer for Racelogic’s Motorsport line of products, the first dealer for the Apex Pro (because it embodies the main thesis and methodology of my most effective work coaching drivers), the second dealer for a RaceVoice (now available in a simple add on kit for Solo 2 DL’s for audible coaching prompts) and now getting into the exciting new world of Cosworth because of it’s widespread use integrated by Porsche, Aston Martin and others in their factory race cars, the broad range of application and utility of these systems is known to me.

The NUMBER one reason why people call me is to investigate what might be the best system for THEM, because they know I have no blind allegiance to one system over the other. Makes for more satisfied customers.

As Joe Hullett has so aptly said, “these aren’t just blister pack products you hand over the counter, they have to be supported.”

Most of the people I talk to just want the equipment they buy to work, and to offer the features and performance the equipment manufacturers promise. That’s it. The idea the a dealer is committed to “excellence” in one product line is pretty easy, I know plenty of people like that all over the country for specific systems. It’s the multi line dealers that really excel, however. Dave and Ellen Ferguson, Chris Brown, Colin Harmer and the list goes on and on.

Bottom line is that those of us who are among the highest performing dealers for AiM have been tested, over and over again. From vaporware presented at PRI only to be delivered 7, 15 or even 23 months later to firmware updates issued the Friday before a big race weekend that breaks things that worked well before, it is a challenge to ride along with the growing pains of even a good, well meaning company. And their stuff is a really good value. I believe in it and use it myself. Every day...

All of the manufacturers have challenges, as this is not simple stuff and the hardware/software linkages are easily disturbed. The OP has a valid complaint, for sure. It’s important that we all listen and seek answers, rather than boast blind faith and allegiance, particularly odious when attempting to diminish others at the same time.

It’s an exciting time with interoperability between systems meaning that people use multiple systems together well (MoTeC-Cosworth, Cosworth-VBOX and AiM-VBOX are the most common combos I look after and supply) to get the best out of each and supply all of what my clients are looking for the best possible way.

I hope the OP gets to a solution and I’m sure, between Matt, Bob and I, we can handle it.

LandShark 06-05-2019 11:20 AM

I too agree the iPhone app was a decision maker for me to purchase the Solo2DL and is a must have. However, 14 months after my purchase, and it's still nowhere to be find is more than a little disappointed. I tried Circuit Tool app and was using HLT with external GPS+GoPro. I like both especially when pull the session data from HLT into CircuitTool app, it will show me the virtual best (by sector) within each session so I know how much I had left on the table given each session's condition. I was hoping I can do the same using Aim app with Solo2DL (and SmartyCam eventually), but that seems like just a dream in the near future (at least this season if you ask me!).

BTW, from you expect here, how do I see a "virtual best lap" (either within the session or within a day) in RS3 if it's available?

ProCoach 06-05-2019 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by LandShark (Post 15887816)

BTW, how do I see a "virtual best lap" (either within the session or within a day) in RS3 if it's available?

In Race Studio Analysis, you can make a map of predefined sectors, disable or remove incomplete or seriously outlying laps and select sector report to show a TBL and best rolling lap, as well as the best lap.

Add more tests or sessions to come up with a TBL for several sessions or across driver comparisons.

It’s not automatic. You also have to be careful with the quality of the laps you include in the test.

Matt Romanowski 06-05-2019 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by LandShark (Post 15887816)
BTW, from you expect here, how do I see a "virtual best lap" (either within the session or within a day) in RS3 if it's available?

You still do analysis in RS2 Analysis. This video shows how to create the track map and do the segment analysis. To Peter's point, you want to disable the in and out laps as they will give you false results. Laps in the middle, no matter the pace, don't normally create any problems as the slower laps don't factor in. Now, if you have the Bus Stop at Watkins Glen as a segment and drive straight through, you would want to disable that lap as well.

You can create multiple maps for the same track as long as you save them with different names. That allows you to perform segment analysis on very specific parts of the track as you work on them.

Matt Romanowski 06-05-2019 01:44 PM

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 15887661)
Hahaha! Matt, I think you’ve painted yourself into a “corner of excellence” in this thread. ;)

Again, there is no system that does everything the ideal system for most would encompass.

Having been one of the top two or three dealers for AiM for almost a decade, the top dealer for Racelogic’s Motorsport line of products, the first dealer for the Apex Pro (because it embodies the main thesis and methodology of my most effective work coaching drivers), the second dealer for a RaceVoice (now available in a simple add on kit for Solo 2 DL’s for audible coaching prompts) and now getting into the exciting new world of Cosworth because of it’s widespread use integrated by Porsche, Aston Martin and others in their factory race cars, the broad range of application and utility of these systems is known to me.

The NUMBER one reason why people call me is to investigate what might be the best system for THEM, because they know I have no blind allegiance to one system over the other. Makes for more satisfied customers.

As Joe Hullett has so aptly said, “these aren’t just blister pack products you hand over the counter, they have to be supported.”

Most of the people I talk to just want the equipment they buy to work, and to offer the features and performance the equipment manufacturers promise. That’s it. The idea the a dealer is committed to “excellence” in one product line is pretty easy, I know plenty of people like that all over the country for specific systems. It’s the multi line dealers that really excel, however. Dave and Ellen Ferguson, Chris Brown, Colin Harmer and the list goes on and on.

Bottom line is that those of us who are among the highest performing dealers for AiM have been tested, over and over again. From vaporware presented at PRI only to be delivered 7, 15 or even 23 months later to firmware updates issued the Friday before a big race weekend that breaks things that worked well before, it is a challenge to ride along with the growing pains of even a good, well meaning company. And their stuff is a really good value. I believe in it and use it myself. Every day...

All of the manufacturers have challenges, as this is not simple stuff and the hardware/software linkages are easily disturbed. The OP has a valid complaint, for sure. It’s important that we all listen and seek answers, rather than boast blind faith and allegiance, particularly odious when attempting to diminish others at the same time.

It’s an exciting time with interoperability between systems meaning that people use multiple systems together well (MoTeC-Cosworth, Cosworth-VBOX and AiM-VBOX are the most common combos I look after and supply) to get the best out of each and supply all of what my clients are looking for the best possible way.

I hope the OP gets to a solution and I’m sure, between Matt, Bob and I, we can handle it.

I think you read something into this that wasn't there. I would consider any of the dealers that regularly post on RL like you, Jerry, and Bob to be AiM experts. Some of us have more experience with specific parts and different backgrounds (I think Jerry is the only actual engineer?), but we all know the systems, what they can do, how to work with them, and the software well.

Everyone makes decisions on how to run their business. I've decided for me, it's best to know, carry significant stock, and work in depth with one. You've chosen something different.. I was simply posting the decisions that I've made. I choose to support AiM customers, whether mine of someone else's. That's why I posted up my personal cell phone here to help out the folks who aren't happy. Hopefully I can help them out with their system to get them what they want (besides an app - I'm not an iOS developer).

mglobe 06-05-2019 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 15887661)
Hahaha! Matt, I think you’ve painted yourself into a “corner of excellence” in this thread. ;)

Again, there is no system that does everything the ideal system for most would encompass.

Having been one of the top two or three dealers for AiM for almost a decade, the top dealer for Racelogic’s Motorsport line of products, the first dealer for the Apex Pro (because it embodies the main thesis and methodology of my most effective work coaching drivers), the second dealer for a RaceVoice (now available in a simple add on kit for Solo 2 DL’s for audible coaching prompts) and now getting into the exciting new world of Cosworth because of it’s widespread use integrated by Porsche, Aston Martin and others in their factory race cars, the broad range of application and utility of these systems is known to me.

The NUMBER one reason why people call me is to investigate what might be the best system for THEM, because they know I have no blind allegiance to one system over the other. Makes for more satisfied customers.

As Joe Hullett has so aptly said, “these aren’t just blister pack products you hand over the counter, they have to be supported.”

Most of the people I talk to just want the equipment they buy to work, and to offer the features and performance the equipment manufacturers promise. That’s it. The idea the a dealer is committed to “excellence” in one product line is pretty easy, I know plenty of people like that all over the country for specific systems. It’s the multi line dealers that really excel, however. Dave and Ellen Ferguson, Chris Brown, Colin Harmer and the list goes on and on.

Bottom line is that those of us who are among the highest performing dealers for AiM have been tested, over and over again. From vaporware presented at PRI only to be delivered 7, 15 or even 23 months later to firmware updates issued the Friday before a big race weekend that breaks things that worked well before, it is a challenge to ride along with the growing pains of even a good, well meaning company. And their stuff is a really good value. I believe in it and use it myself. Every day...

All of the manufacturers have challenges, as this is not simple stuff and the hardware/software linkages are easily disturbed. The OP has a valid complaint, for sure. It’s important that we all listen and seek answers, rather than boast blind faith and allegiance, particularly odious when attempting to diminish others at the same time.

It’s an exciting time with interoperability between systems meaning that people use multiple systems together well (MoTeC-Cosworth, Cosworth-VBOX and AiM-VBOX are the most common combos I look after and supply) to get the best out of each and supply all of what my clients are looking for the best possible way.

I hope the OP gets to a solution and I’m sure, between Matt, Bob and I, we can handle it.

Originally Posted by Matt Romanowski (Post 15888195)
I think you read something into this that wasn't there. I would consider any of the dealers that regularly post on RL like you, Jerry, and Bob to be AiM experts. Some of us have more experience with specific parts and different backgrounds (I think Jerry is the only actual engineer?), but we all know the systems, what they can do, how to work with them, and the software well.

Everyone makes decisions on how to run their business. I've decided for me, it's best to know, carry significant stock, and work in depth with one. You've chosen something different.. I was simply posting the decisions that I've made. I choose to support AiM customers, whether mine of someone else's. That's why I posted up my personal cell phone here to help out the folks who aren't happy. Hopefully I can help them out with their system to get them what they want (besides an app - I'm not an iOS developer).


ProCoach 06-05-2019 02:28 PM

Originally Posted by mglobe (Post 15888296)



Matt Romanowski 06-05-2019 02:40 PM

You can pick who is which character

mglobe 06-05-2019 03:03 PM

Originally Posted by Matt Romanowski (Post 15888329)
You can pick who is which character

I don’t know...

gtreddy 06-05-2019 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by LandShark (Post 15887816)
I too agree the iPhone app was a decision maker for me to purchase the Solo2DL and is a must have. However, 14 months after my purchase, and it's still nowhere to be find is more than a little disappointed. I tried Circuit Tool app and was using HLT with external GPS+GoPro. I like both especially when pull the session data from HLT into CircuitTool app, it will show me the virtual best (by sector) within each session so I know how much I had left on the table given each session's condition. I was hoping I can do the same using Aim app with Solo2DL (and SmartyCam eventually), but that seems like just a dream in the near future (at least this season if you ask me!).

BTW, from you expect here, how do I see a "virtual best lap" (either within the session or within a day) in RS3 if it's available?

It's under the "Split Times Report". It will give you your best theoretical lap and best rolling lap. Here is a link to the youtube video explaining how to use it.

EDIT: Didn't realize how late I was posting this haha. I don't think this specific video was linked, so I'll leave it up.

ProCoach 06-05-2019 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by mglobe (Post 15888386)
I don’t know...


Matt Romanowski 06-05-2019 03:28 PM

Might be more like this

LandShark 06-05-2019 03:46 PM

Thank you guys for the split time and virtual best information. This really helps especially when use to compare with others driver. :thumbup:

Matt Romanowski 10-21-2019 03:53 PM

For anyone following this, AiM recently said the app will be out in December. I won't promise that date, but it is what they have said publicly.

ProCoach 10-21-2019 04:17 PM

We'll see… I think we'll see the PDM before the iOS app. If the app comes out, I hope it'll be for quick, limited review, like on the screenshots from the Solo 2 release a few years ago.

Would love to have it. Was talking to some folks today at Chin about it here at VIR. The easier it is to access the information quickly and simply, the more value people will get out of the information.

Matt Romanowski 10-21-2019 05:18 PM

I don't believe you hopes will be satisfied from what I've seen and was told in Italy, but I could be wrong. As you know, the screen shots from years ago were not accurate.

PDM - no comment on when you'll see it. It's a cool piece of kit as it sits right now...

ProCoach 10-21-2019 09:35 PM

Originally Posted by Matt Romanowski (Post 16181092)
I don't believe you hopes will be satisfied from what I've seen and was told in Italy, but I could be wrong. As you know, the screen shots from years ago were not accurate.

Make up your mind, Matt. On one post, you boast of a full-featured iOS app. On this one, you downplay the likelihood of even seeing simple speed versus distance graphs.

I don't know that the screenshots from years ago are not accurate, I assume that's what they WANT to do. I would hope they would follow through.

The job list is long. Like their hardware, I'll believe it when I see it. Vaporware doesn't get me excited, it makes me (along with current customers, prospective customers and the rest of the USAiM Sports staff) frustrated. But, you're a good cheerleader! ;)

I remain hopeful...

Matt Romanowski 10-21-2019 09:46 PM

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 16181696)
Make up your mind, Matt. On one post, you boast of a full-featured iOS app. On this one, you downplay the likelihood of even seeing simple speed versus distance graphs.

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 16180977)
We'll see… I think we'll see the PDM before the iOS app. If the app comes out, I hope it'll be for quick, limited review, like on the screenshots from the Solo 2 release a few years ago.

Originally Posted by Matt Romanowski (Post 16181092)
I don't believe you hopes will be satisfied from what I've seen and was told in Italy, but I could be wrong. As you know, the screen shots from years ago were not accurate.

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 16181696)
Make up your mind, Matt. On one post, you boast of a full-featured iOS app. On this one, you downplay the likelihood of even seeing simple speed versus distance graphs.

Time will tell. Read into what I wrote how you want, but time will tell what we get. I don't have any reason to believe it will be a "quick, limited view" app, but that part wasn't written when I saw it. I did see the other features of it. I'm not an iOS guy, so I don't have the development copies for it, but I know folks who do.

Edit: High Road.

ProCoach 10-21-2019 09:52 PM

Originally Posted by Matt Romanowski (Post 16181721)

Edit: High Road.

Hahaha! You and I know "all the best people," don't we.

Yes, time will tell. It will be what it will be.

Meanwhile, I had trouble loading configs today in 3.30.00 and 3.30.01... smdh...

I'd be a lot happier if the stuff that is CURRENTLY out there worked well and the software/firmware updates didn't continually break things.

Matt Romanowski 10-21-2019 10:02 PM

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 16181737)
Meanwhile, I had trouble loading configs today in 3.30.00 and 3.30.01... smdh...

I'd be a lot happier if the stuff that is CURRENTLY out there worked well and the software/firmware updates didn't continually break things.

There were problems with 3:30.00 that I reported and were fixed for me in .01.

I did notice some problem with predictive timing on 1.2 devices this weekend as reported in the FB group. I have to send some data in along with a config. I haven't had problems with loading configs.

ProCoach 10-21-2019 10:21 PM

Umm, they were fixed for ALL users, thank you. And there were several reports from several users, dealers and importers.

It would be nice for once not to chase our tails, which has happened all too often with the new gen hardware.

Matt Romanowski 10-21-2019 10:30 PM

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 16181805)
Umm, they were fixed for ALL users, thank you. And there were several reports from several users, dealers and importers.

It would be nice for once not to chase our tails, which has happened all too often with the new gen hardware.

I didn't mean they fixed it only because I had a problem, I meant the fix solved my problems. While the world does revolve around me...

Is there a reason you feel the need to take you're frustrations out on me?

ProCoach 10-21-2019 10:49 PM

I have no frustrations! I just spent several wonderful days at VIR with cool cars and great drivers... And I get birthday cake on Wednesday.

It's all good.

Matt Romanowski 10-21-2019 10:54 PM

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 16181852)
I have no frustrations! I just spent several wonderful days at VIR with cool cars and great drivers... And I get birthday cake on Wednesday.

It's all good.

Guess I misjudged the constant attacks. Glad you had a great days at VIR and get to celebrate a birthday. For my birthday we figured out the Sheng Xiao. Found out I am The Goat. Go figure.

bml376 12-13-2019 12:21 PM

I was hopeful that something about the AiM iOS app for Solo2/Solo2 DL might get announced at PRI this year. A quick check on the AiM website seems to no longer mention the iOS app, . Does anyone know if this is still planned? I'd love to carry something less bulky than a laptop to the track, maybe time to get a Surface tablet than wait for the iOS app.

ProCoach 12-13-2019 12:46 PM

Originally Posted by bml376 (Post 16287917)
I was hopeful that something about the AiM iOS app for Solo2/Solo2 DL might get announced at PRI this year. A quick check on the AiM website seems to no longer mention the iOS app, . Does anyone know if this is still planned? I'd love to carry something less bulky than a laptop to the track, maybe time to get a Surface tablet than wait for the iOS app.

Still planned, AFAIK.

Would recommend a Surface while we wait. I use an Eve V. Very pleased with it.

Matt Romanowski 12-14-2019 10:32 AM

Originally Posted by bml376 (Post 16287917)
I was hopeful that something about the AiM iOS app for Solo2/Solo2 DL might get announced at PRI this year. A quick check on the AiM website seems to no longer mention the iOS app, . Does anyone know if this is still planned? I'd love to carry something less bulky than a laptop to the track, maybe time to get a Surface tablet than wait for the iOS app.

Planned but far behind ☹. Buy a Surface be a long wait.

gtreddy 12-15-2019 12:35 AM

Originally Posted by Matt Romanowski (Post 15887013)
Not to get off topic, but I'd say this is where the advice and consultation with a good dealer is important. I'm not excusing the poor marketing, but a quality, knowledgeable dealer could help you navigate the systems and if they will meet your needs. I fall under the category of a single company dealer because I've made the conscientious decision to excel at AiM, not attempt to work at a lower quality through a number of systems. When AiM won't do what someone needs, I tell them. I'm not interested in selling a system to someone and have them either not be able to use it or not be happy. I also value the people I meet at the track, through FB, here on RL, and would never do anything to betray their trust or friendship (I've got lots of RL friends!).

Originally Posted by Matt Romanowski (Post 16180923)
For anyone following this, AiM recently said the app will be out in December. I won't promise that date, but it is what they have said publicly.

Originally Posted by Matt Romanowski (Post 16289707)
Planned but far behind ☹. Buy a Surface be a long wait.

The chronology of these statements (shown in order of the time you posted them) “fuel the fire”. If you’re wrong, you are perpetuating the problem as a dealer.

When you say “I won’t promise[...], but...” etc. etc. and then spew AIM’s catch lines, it makes me trust you less and less and less. Don’t regurgitate empty promises if you don’t believe them. If you believe them and are constantly wrong, that makes you a bad dealer for the consumer. Isn’t the point of having a good dealer to sift through falsities on the consumer behalf?

It’s only half way through December, but understanding that the holiday is coming up, it’s not promising, and will only irritate more people if they don’t deliver. I know it’s an assumption, but the correlation of facts would suggest this. And I TRULY hope I’m wrong, because I want the damn app.

As a side note, do you have the public statement you said they made so we can see it?

Matt Romanowski 12-15-2019 08:14 AM

Originally Posted by gtreddy (Post 16290958)
The chronology of these statements (shown in order of the time you posted them) “fuel the fire”. If you’re wrong, you are perpetuating the problem as a dealer.

When you say “I won’t promise[...], but...” etc. etc. and then spew AIM’s catch lines, it makes me trust you less and less and less. Don’t regurgitate empty promises if you don’t believe them. If you believe them and are constantly wrong, that makes you a bad dealer for the consumer. Isn’t the point of having a good dealer to sift through falsities on the consumer behalf?

It’s only half way through December, but understanding that the holiday is coming up, it’s not promising, and will only irritate more people if they don’t deliver. I know it’s an assumption, but the correlation of facts would suggest this. And I TRULY hope I’m wrong, because I want the damn app.

As a side note, do you have the public statement you said they made so we can see it?

I completely understand and apologize, though I know apologizing doesn't solve anyone's problems. At the risk over over disclosure, here is the full story. A year ago (or two - whatever) there was an app that made it to beta and wasn't considered to be too good. I never saw/used that one but guys in the US had. It wasn't ready to be released and then the iOS programmer that was doing it left. In July when I was at the factory, in Milan I used the app, developed by a new programmer, and saw the iOS version of RS3 with the programmers. It did a number of things, but still seemed to need a decent amount of work, but the caveat being I'm not an app developer or software guy (it all seems magic to me!). 8 weeks ago AiM Sportline (Italy) posted on their FB page that the app was going to be released in December. I expected I would see it this weekend. July to December is a long time and they could have certainly done what they needed to finish in that time. Turns out somewhere in there the developer left, things went off track, and no app to show. . In the end I was wrong. Last year AiM took the stance that they will not release a date for something until it's a solid date - that is why I trusted this one. Notice their is no date announced on RS3A, SCHD Gen 3 (or whatever it will be called) and other products in the timeline? When I saw this date, I thought it was good (and did lots of others in the AiM network).

So, I gave the best info on not just what I told, but what I saw, used, and touched. Turns out that info, while at the time was correct, didn't end up being the right info in the end. I get that people are mad about this and that people want an app that was promised and shown. If you want to be mad at someone - fire away. I said what I said and will take the heat for it.

NaroEscape 12-15-2019 10:22 AM

In Matt’s defense here, there may be no dealer more connected into AiM than him, so if Italy tells him something and says it’s ok to repeat it, I can’t see why he should take the blame for that. All he stated in those quoted comments is what AiM publicly posted, pointing out specifically about him not promising a date.

To be sure, AiM is frustrating. They should not announce any new products until at least they are in the final testing stages. And CERTAINLY not market it as “coming soon”!! But that’s not the Italian way....hype means everything. That said, as with any manufacturing or development company, unforeseen setbacks (like developers leaving)can cause major delays and disruption in the plan. I’m not excusing them, but I’ve worked for enough technology companies to not even be phased by it anymore. Heck, a simple update to the Bank of America Mobile app takes 6 months to release.

Because of this background, when any company says they’re delivering a new product, my stance to my customer base is “XYZ is working on this new gadget, looks cool, and they say this is a targeted release date, but I’ll believe it when it’s actually in my hands”... case in point: I was told months ago that Roux would have 8860-2018 helmets available to ship in I’m being told July...I’ll believe it when I have one.

Again, not excusing AiM in any way, but I think venting frustration on a dealer who is just sharing what the company releases - while also saying he makes no promises to the validity of it - is a bit harsh.

ProCoach 12-15-2019 10:37 AM

gtready, ease up, will you? You sound more like a prosecuting attorney rather than someone truly interested in moving forward.

Even though we are two of the most visible and long-standing auto line dealers for AiM, Matt and I frequently spar, often because of the difference between my lengthy, pragmatic experience with a broad range of product and feature releases from Italy, England, Australia and the US and his unabashed enthusiasm and loyalty to the exclusive line of products to which he’s hitched his wagon.

We’re each coming at it from different points of view, but the fact that the map bitmap never appeared in the MXL2 display, RS3 Analysis has not been released or the iOS app hasn’t been forthcoming (after several personnel challenges on the developer side) is no reason to trash AiM or impugn Matt’s best efforts to try and stir enthusiasm based on his wishes and desire.

Bottom line is that you rapidly learn in this business that best hopes and product/feature release date forecasts simply cannot be relied upon. It’s important not to count on anything until you can see it, touch it, feel it and work it.

This is not an AIM only issue, this is across a broad spectrum of tech. MoTeC, VBOX, R-T, pretty much standard practice.

The trade show mania stokes this, with each manufacturer trying to give a glimpse of the future, often without near-term capability of supplying the actual product.

I appreciate what Matt’s trying to do, even if I don’t agree with the way he does it, but I think you (gtreddy) seem awfully quick to condemn.

We’ll get it when we get it. To make decisions on product purchases based on promises by a dealer, and even manufacturer packaging and sales boasts, is just not a good idea.

Matt Romanowski 12-15-2019 11:37 AM

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 16291289)
gtready, ease up, will you? You sound more like a prosecuting attorney rather than someone truly interested in moving forward.

Even though we are two of the most visible and long-standing auto line dealers for AiM, Matt and I frequently spar, often because of the difference between my lengthy, pragmatic experience with a broad range of product and feature releases from Italy, England, Australia and the US and his unabashed enthusiasm and loyalty to the exclusive line of products to which he’s hitched his wagon.

We’re each coming at it from different points of view, but the fact that the map bitmap never appeared in the MXL2 display, RS3 Analysis has not been released or the iOS app hasn’t been forthcoming (after several personnel challenges on the developer side) is no reason to trash AiM or impugn Matt’s best efforts to try and stir enthusiasm based on his wishes and desire.

Bottom line is that you rapidly learn in this business that best hopes and product/feature release date forecasts simply cannot be relied upon. It’s important not to count on anything until you can see it, touch it, feel it and work it.

This is not an AIM only issue, this is across a broad spectrum of tech. MoTeC, VBOX, R-T, pretty much standard practice.

The trade show mania stokes this, with each manufacturer trying to give a glimpse of the future, often without near-term capability of supplying the actual product.

I appreciate what Matt’s trying to do, even if I don’t agree with the way he does it, but I think you (gtreddy) seem awfully quick to condemn.

We’ll get it when we get it. To make decisions on product purchases based on promises by a dealer, and even manufacturer packaging and sales boasts, is just not a good idea.

I appreciate the sentiment, don't appreciate the dig, but don't agree with your comments. I have imported items from around the world - Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, Turkey, India, South Korea, and China to name a few countries. We have been in the data game the same amount of time, just in different ways. This isn't a discussion to boast your supremacy across data, but to acknowledge an angry customer.

gtreddy - you deserve to be mad. You were sold something, expected it to come, were told it was coming, and didn't get it. I'd be pissed too. I can't help you with an app, but if you want to vent, sell your AiM stuff, or just chat AiM, data, Porsches, Racing, or anything else, call me. My cell is 603-674-3250. I'm about to get on the plane for my last leg home, so give me until about 12:30. I'll listen and do whatever I can.

gtreddy 12-15-2019 08:17 PM

Originally Posted by NaroEscape (Post 16291260)
In Matt’s defense here, there may be no dealer more connected into AiM than him, so if Italy tells him something and says it’s ok to repeat it, I can’t see why he should take the blame for that. All he stated in those quoted comments is what AiM publicly posted, pointing out specifically about him not promising a date.

To be sure, AiM is frustrating. They should not announce any new products until at least they are in the final testing stages. And CERTAINLY not market it as “coming soon”!! But that’s not the Italian way....hype means everything. That said, as with any manufacturing or development company, unforeseen setbacks (like developers leaving)can cause major delays and disruption in the plan. I’m not excusing them, but I’ve worked for enough technology companies to not even be phased by it anymore. Heck, a simple update to the Bank of America Mobile app takes 6 months to release.

Because of this background, when any company says they’re delivering a new product, my stance to my customer base is “XYZ is working on this new gadget, looks cool, and they say this is a targeted release date, but I’ll believe it when it’s actually in my hands”... case in point: I was told months ago that Roux would have 8860-2018 helmets available to ship in I’m being told July...I’ll believe it when I have one.

Again, not excusing AiM in any way, but I think venting frustration on a dealer who is just sharing what the company releases - while also saying he makes no promises to the validity of it - is a bit harsh.

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 16291289)
gtready, ease up, will you? You sound more like a prosecuting attorney rather than someone truly interested in moving forward.

Even though we are two of the most visible and long-standing auto line dealers for AiM, Matt and I frequently spar, often because of the difference between my lengthy, pragmatic experience with a broad range of product and feature releases from Italy, England, Australia and the US and his unabashed enthusiasm and loyalty to the exclusive line of products to which he’s hitched his wagon.

We’re each coming at it from different points of view, but the fact that the map bitmap never appeared in the MXL2 display, RS3 Analysis has not been released or the iOS app hasn’t been forthcoming (after several personnel challenges on the developer side) is no reason to trash AiM or impugn Matt’s best efforts to try and stir enthusiasm based on his wishes and desire.

Bottom line is that you rapidly learn in this business that best hopes and product/feature release date forecasts simply cannot be relied upon. It’s important not to count on anything until you can see it, touch it, feel it and work it.

This is not an AIM only issue, this is across a broad spectrum of tech. MoTeC, VBOX, R-T, pretty much standard practice.

The trade show mania stokes this, with each manufacturer trying to give a glimpse of the future, often without near-term capability of supplying the actual product.

I appreciate what Matt’s trying to do, even if I don’t agree with the way he does it, but I think you (gtreddy) seem awfully quick to condemn.

We’ll get it when we get it. To make decisions on product purchases based on promises by a dealer, and even manufacturer packaging and sales boasts, is just not a good idea.

Originally Posted by Matt Romanowski (Post 16291397)
I appreciate the sentiment, don't appreciate the dig, but don't agree with your comments. I have imported items from around the world - Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, Turkey, India, South Korea, and China to name a few countries. We have been in the data game the same amount of time, just in different ways. This isn't a discussion to boast your supremacy across data, but to acknowledge an angry customer.

gtreddy - you deserve to be mad. You were sold something, expected it to come, were told it was coming, and didn't get it. I'd be pissed too. I can't help you with an app, but if you want to vent, sell your AiM stuff, or just chat AiM, data, Porsches, Racing, or anything else, call me. My cell is 603-674-3250. I'm about to get on the plane for my last leg home, so give me until about 12:30. I'll listen and do whatever I can.

Look, I’m not condemning anyone. It’s an opinion based on facts at hand.

Do I think any less of Matt? Absolutely not. He’s been super helpful trying to resolve whatever he can, but it doesn’t change the fact certain statements just shouldn’t be made and negates one of the main arguments he made about having a knowledgeable dealer.

You can absolutely disagree with me and I completely understand and accept that. But I still stand by my word.

edit: My opinion of Matt has actually increased because I respect people that are able to own up and offer help when they can. Everyone is wrong from time to time, but good character is less common.

ProCoach 12-15-2019 08:56 PM

Originally Posted by gtreddy (Post 16292263)
Look, I’m not condemning anyone. It’s an opinion based on facts at hand.

Reading over this thread from the beginning, you're absolutely right. I apologize. You were not, and your frustration is shared.

It is a problem when end-user expectations, brought about by the manufacturers and some well-meaning dealers, are not met. Over and over again.

It's not just AiM, that was my only point.

gtreddy 12-15-2019 09:59 PM

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 16292334)
Reading over this thread from the beginning, you're absolutely right. I apologize. You were not, and your frustration is shared.

It is a problem when end-user expectations, brought about by the manufacturers and some well-meaning dealers, are not met. Over and over again.

It's not just AiM, that was my only point.

I appreciate you taking the time to do that. I really do.

And your point is taken. Seems like an industry wide thing. It’s just hard to know what’s what, even if it’s not just AIM, based on all the information available. Dealer or no dealer.

ProCoach 12-15-2019 10:29 PM

Originally Posted by gtreddy (Post 16292417)
I appreciate you taking the time to do that. I really do.

And your point is taken. Seems like an industry wide thing. It’s just hard to know what’s what, even if it’s not just AIM, based on all the information available.

It's just wishful thinking, until it's in hand.

Since the beginning, I've tried to keep a tight rein on posts about things that have not shipped to this country. I agree with you about the iOS app. That was in print with the release of the Solo 2 line....

Hope this works out and it's worth waiting for.

Matt Romanowski 12-15-2019 11:20 PM

Originally Posted by gtreddy (Post 16292417)
And your point is taken. Seems like an industry wide thing. It’s just hard to know what’s what, even if it’s not just AIM, based on all the information available. Dealer or no dealer.

It is hard to know. Some of the guys in the US got caught out on this as well (they are the ones who told me about the app in December). I'm lucky that I get the info from many people, so many times it is good info, but this time it wasn't. Sort of like the weatherman!

My offer stands. Please feel free to reach out if there is anything I can do.

gtreddy 12-16-2019 09:42 PM

Originally Posted by Matt Romanowski (Post 16292526)
It is hard to know. Some of the guys in the US got caught out on this as well (they are the ones who told me about the app in December). I'm lucky that I get the info from many people, so many times it is good info, but this time it wasn't. Sort of like the weatherman!

My offer stands. Please feel free to reach out if there is anything I can do.

I will Matt. And I hope you didn’t take it personally. As I said above, my opinion of you has only gone up.

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 16291289)
Bottom line is that you rapidly learn in this business that best hopes and product/feature release date forecasts simply cannot be relied upon. It’s important not to count on anything until you can see it, touch it, feel it and work it.

This is not an AIM only issue, this is across a broad spectrum of tech. MoTeC, VBOX, R-T, pretty much standard practice.

The trade show mania stokes this, with each manufacturer trying to give a glimpse of the future, often without near-term capability of supplying the actual product.


We’ll get it when we get it. To make decisions on product purchases based on promises by a dealer, and even manufacturer packaging and sales boasts, is just not a good idea.


Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 16292334)
It is a problem when end-user expectations, brought about by the manufacturers and some well-meaning dealers, are not met. Over and over again.

It's not just AiM, that was my only point.

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 16292458)
It's just wishful thinking, until it's in hand.

Since the beginning, I've tried to keep a tight rein on posts about things that have not shipped to this country. I agree with you about the iOS app. That was in print with the release of the Solo 2 line....

Hope this works out and it's worth waiting for.

I hope more people searching about these systems, the way I was, see these 3 posts since we’re not all in race/track data business.

This probably would have changed my decision making process for a lap timer. I probably would have bought a system that currently meets my 80% of my needs vs. thinking I can wait a few weeks and maybe get 90% of my needs met. Good information about what to expect when reading claims by manufacturers in this space.

Matt Romanowski 12-16-2019 09:59 PM

Originally Posted by gtreddy (Post 16294560)
I will Matt. And I hope you didn’t take it personally. As I said above, my opinion of you has only gone up.

I didn't take it personally at all. I completely understand where you are coming from and try to treat people how I would want to be treated.

ProCoach 12-16-2019 11:18 PM

Originally Posted by gtreddy (Post 16294560)
I hope more people searching about these systems, the way I was, see these 3 posts since we’re not all in race/track data business.

This probably would have changed my decision making process for a lap timer. I probably would have bought a system that currently meets my 80% of my needs vs. thinking I can wait a few weeks and maybe get 90% of my needs met.

I think more and more people are doing just that.

No ONE system does everything most users would like it to do. It's one of the reasons why I carry at least half a dozen leading brands, and try to be facile with many more than that in my daily work.

It is a trade-off. Some more than others. Increase configurability and customization options, and you increase the learning curve substantially. Dumb it down and you may miss some of the display options for the data that really could be the "a-ha" moment for a driver self-coaching themselves.

In the end, I spend more time talking to people in the learning and purchase phase, because a well educated consumer makes a better choice for themselves, and they get more value out of the system they decide to get.

Lately, I've spent a lot of time sending out multiple manufacturer systems, because the interoperability of these between all the major brands (AiM and VBOX, VBOX and their official tie up with MoTeC, RaceVoice and Podium Connect with AiM, MoTeC and VBOX) is getting better all the time.

Is this an option for everyone? Of course not, but as I've said before, it's about ease of use. If it's easy to use, people will use it and get value out of it.

gtreddy 12-16-2019 11:33 PM

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 16294731)
I think more and more people are doing just that.

No ONE system does everything most users would like it to do. It's one of the reasons why I carry at least half a dozen leading brands, and try to be facile with many more than that in my daily work.

It is a trade-off. Some more than others. Increase configurability and customization options, and you increase the learning curve substantially. Dumb it down and you may miss some of the display options for the data that really could be the "a-ha" moment for a driver self-coaching themselves.

In the end, I spend more time talking to people in the learning and purchase phase, because a well educated consumer makes a better choice for themselves, and they get more value out of the system they decide to get.

Lately, I've spent a lot of time sending out multiple manufacturer systems, because the interoperability of these between all the major brands (AiM and VBOX, VBOX and their official tie up with MoTeC, RaceVoice and Podium Connect with AiM, MoTeC and VBOX) is getting better all the time.

Is this an option for everyone? Of course not, but as I've said before, it's about ease of use. If it's easy to use, people will use it and get value out of it.

I appreciate what you’re saying and fully agree.

But I just wanted to point out my qualm, in this situation, is not with the understanding of knowing that no system will meet my needs 100% on the technical level and trying to mix and match.

It was the fact that people doing the research, that don’t know the industry, don’t know that it’s an industry that is, less than forthcoming, in following through on promises they make when marketing their products. And the consumers that have done their analysis on the technical requirements should not factor any promises of features into their value proposition.

When I did that analysis, a non-multi mix and match system made sense. AIM Solo2DL with Smarty Cam. But that analysis was flawed because of the lack of understanding what you stated about the lack of follow through for data systems in the industry. I should have assumed those promises didn’t exist.

gtreddy 12-16-2019 11:47 PM

Also, please keep in mind that I’m the same guy that was trying to create this for everyone to use (for free) with the Solo 2 so there was something in the mean time. I know it’s not rocket science, but I am trying. Just couldn’t get any traction from aim.

NaroEscape 12-16-2019 11:52 PM

gtreddy, just curious...If you knew then what you know now, what other system might you have gone with? I ask because as we evaluate our offerings I’m curious what the users see as value or meeting that level of need to make them decide to purchase. Right now we carry AiM and Apex Pro. There are pros and cons to each, and each has its place in driver development. (The iOS app for Apex is pretty slick). We’re looking at maybe carrying a couple other products, but not sure yet.

As a related side note, Nadine and I were talking to a friend that does app development and we discussed another fundamental issue that AiM is probably experiencing which is causing some of the delays: they’re hardware is built to transfer information in a format and “language” to their computer based software, NOT to a mobile app. Information transfer to a mobile app is completely and totally different. Look at Apex Pro: it was built from the ground up to run on a mobile app platform, but even they found just to support both iOS and Android is too complicated, let alone the protocols to a computer based program. It actually may have become a much harder exercise than they anticipated...and my guess is that not only are they developing the app, but major firmware updates to all their product line. No easy task.

as I noted above, being in technology for a large part of my career I learned long ago that what marketing says is more optimistic than what sales says, which is more optimistic than what development says....which in the end is more optimistic than reality. No, that does not make it ok, and yes it’s frustrating, but unfortunately that IS the nature of the technology world....

edit: just read your post above, so obviously I’m kinda preaching to the choir here...

gtreddy 12-17-2019 12:01 AM

Originally Posted by NaroEscape (Post 16294784)
gtreddy, just curious...If you knew then what you know now, what other system might you have gone with? I ask because as we evaluate our offerings I’m curious what the users see as value or meeting that level of need to make them decide to purchase. Right now we carry AiM and Apex Pro. There are pros and cons to each, and each has its place in driver development. (The iOS app for Apex is pretty slick). We’re looking at maybe carrying a couple other products, but not sure yet.

As a related side note, Nadine and I were talking to a friend that does app development and we discussed another fundamental issue that AiM is probably experiencing which is causing some of the delays: they’re hardware is built to transfer information in a format and “language” to their computer based software, NOT to a mobile app. Information transfer to a mobile app is completely and totally different. Look at Apex Pro: it was built from the ground up to run on a mobile app platform, but even they found just to support both iOS and Android is too complicated, let alone the protocols to a computer based program. It actually may have become a much harder exercise than they anticipated...and my guess is that not only are they developing the app, but major firmware updates to all their product line. No easy task.

as I noted above, being in technology for a large part of my career I learned long ago that what marketing says is more optimistic than what sales says, which is more optimistic than what development says....which in the end is more optimistic than reality. No, that does not make it ok, and yes it’s frustrating, but unfortunately that IS the nature of the technology world....

edit: just read your post above, so obviously I’m kinda preaching to the choir here...

A VBOX sport, use my GoPro, and then RaceRender for all under $500 (since I had the GoPro already). Call me lazy, but the setup and forget system AIM provided WITH iPhone app support like CircuitTools was worth an extra $1k to not have to post process the video, but not at the expense of a phone app.

Yes its not as powerful as full desktop apps, but I used the Porsche Track app and it helped me tremendously until I needed more than 1 HZ and wanted both track side quick digestion and then later on the full analysis.

Data Analytics wise, the systems were fundamentally that different in my opinion or at least what I was using it for. (Edit: forgot to mention I use a Mac and didn’t want to run boot camp or parallels so I weighed the benefits of the ease of setup with giving up circuit tools on Mac as well)

Apex Pro was not on the radar for me 2 years ago, but I’m seriously looking into it now as a supplement to the downside of the AIM I have now. It’s not a full replacement, but it’s cheaper than redoing a new single system and provides me with much of my arrive and drive style liking with just a little bit of extra setup.

Originally Posted by NaroEscape (Post 16294784)
As a related side note, Nadine and I were talking to a friend that does app development and we discussed another fundamental issue that AiM is probably experiencing which is causing some of the delays: they’re hardware is built to transfer information in a format and “language” to their computer based software, NOT to a mobile app. Information transfer to a mobile app is completely and totally different. Look at Apex Pro: it was built from the ground up to run on a mobile app platform, but even they found just to support both iOS and Android is too complicated, let alone the protocols to a computer based program. It actually may have become a much harder exercise than they anticipated...and my guess is that not only are they developing the app, but major firmware updates to all their product line. No easy task.

Speaking to this specifically. If you design a new product with the 1.0 marketing material, you should have architected they system or understood very well the path forward to architect that system. You can’t say you’re going to do it and then claim it’s not easy...... It’s not that they are saying its the solo 1 that will have this feature. It’s the NEW solo 2. Even if it was the solo 1. Why promise it until you know you can do it?

And I wiresharked the connection on my Mac and know what transfer protocol its using, and it’s not super difficult since its broadcasting over port 2000 on a standard protocol. What I need help with is the proprietary data component.

ProCoach 12-17-2019 09:15 AM

The VBOX line offers Windows, Mac OS and iOS versions of the analysis software, and has for several years. A sizable percentage of users take advantage of the Mac OS, less so iOS.

As the first dealer of Apex Pro, I don’t think Andrew and the crew has any idea how far their app development would (and continues to) be developed. It’s quick and easy, which is what MOST users want at the track.

Racepak’s CL1 and CL2 are also very slick and designed for Android and iOS.

All of AutoSport Labs equipment is multiple platform, with a bias towards mobile app.

The thinking towards mobile apps is that the power required to do good calculations is already present in your phone or tablet. For the big stuff, send it to the cloud and let the company servers crunch the numbers and send it all back via wireless or cellular.

It’s just working out the GUI and the communications, then navigating App Store protocol requirements.

It has been my experience in the last fifteen years of selling significant volumes of this equipment to track day, HPDE and club racing users that many of them would rather NOT take a laptop to the track.

It’s good that the movement is towards this kind of app development. Prioritizes ease of use, IMO.

The older VBOX Sport had a 20 Hz GPS engine, too. All for less than $450.

It’s a wonderful world out there. Good tools exist. At all levels.

sportytoes 02-17-2020 10:45 PM

Synced video in race studio 2
I found this thread when searching for any reference to importing gopro video into the app. I can’t find any mention or doing this anywhere. I want to be able to load the video for a specific session, “load video” for the sesion then click on a position in the measures graph to have the video go to that exact time index in the video.

i can “load video” in the window but have to sync it to start point of the first lap. I did that. It is not easy since the video advances 1 sec at a time. Noin between. At 80mph across the line, 1 sec never hits the line. Any ideas? Anyone using this?

problem two it clicking the point on the measures graph to jump to the point in the video. If i have 4 laps selected in the measures graph (speed vs position), the video does not know where to jump to. Do I have to select just one lap at a time. I tried that but it still seems buggy.

i really need to get this to work with multiple laps. When comparing a corner entyr and 3 laps are the same but the 4th is 20 mph less, i want to know why. Seeing the video of that lap and time index will help me see if there was a rider in my way versus the bike running out of gas.

there is nothing on youtube about the feature and google only found this thread. AIM didn’t have any user manual to point me to. I’m frustrated too about no iOS app but the video feature if I can learn to use what it already has would make my year!

appreciate anyone else experience or wisdom with this feature.

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 15815503)


I’d rather have synced video within the data window than a “lite” iOS app, but that’s just as far out, I’m sure.

ProCoach 02-18-2020 08:44 AM

Originally Posted by sportytoes (Post 16428134)
there is nothing on youtube about the feature and google only found this thread. AIM didn’t have any user manual to point me to. I’m frustrated too about no iOS app but the video feature if I can learn to use what it already has would make my year!

appreciate anyone else experience or wisdom with this feature.

Sorry, but this is not a usable feature in AiM in my experience. The side by side video replay in Race Studio 3 is tough to use, does not always divide the video into laps and can’t be enlarged enough to be usable.

For your purposes, I would recommend a third party App called CompareMyLaps by Joris Mans. It will do what you want, with finer resolution and is much more usable.

I use other systems with software that already does all this not only automatically, but includes the graphs and split times so I can instantly identify areas of exceptional performance so I can SEE what I did to go faster and do it again. But that requires different hardware than the SmartyCam.

Right now, there is no capability in AiM hardware and software to do this with any reliability. I have recently seen good progress with the Race Studio 3 analysis beta that shows two videos side by side within the analysis window, but it still isn’t quite there and still a ways off from release. Promising, though.

sportytoes 02-18-2020 10:07 PM

Restrictions with useable files

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 16428560)
Sorry, but this is not a usable feature in AiM in my experience. The side by side video replay in Race Studio 3 is tough to use, does not always divide the video into laps and can’t be enlarged enough to be usable.

For your purposes, I would recommend a third party App called CompareMyLaps by Joris Mans. It will do what you want, with finer resolution and is much more usable.

I use other systems with software that already does all this not only automatically, but includes the graphs and split times so I can instantly identify areas of exceptional performance so I can SEE what I did to go faster and do it again. But that requires different hardware than the SmartyCam.

Right now, there is no capability in AiM hardware and software to do this with any reliability. I have recently seen good progress with the Race Studio 3 analysis beta that shows two videos side by side within the analysis window, but it still isn’t quite there and still a ways off from release. Promising, though.

i have also discovered some additional issues.
1. racestudio wants th video in .mov format. I have to stich together the short .mp4 files gopro produces. Then convert them. That whole bag seems to add tons of time to the process.i think. Thats a limit that anything that writes to fat32 storage i suspect. I don’t know if smartycam writes .mov or not.
2. when i did get it all to work, i still struggled. What i want to do seems logically simple but not within real capabilities of the system. I’m not giving up just yet, but not willing to throw that much money at a smartycam to confirm your wisedom is 100% Sound. Which I suspect isn’t off the mark. As you said it is buggy.
3. i use AIM solo2. Do your other recommendations work well with the data it produces? My biggest want is just a process to get to all resouces quicky rather that features galore.stiching videos together now just delays getting to the launchpad.

Thundermoose 02-19-2020 08:20 AM

Originally Posted by sportytoes
i have also discovered some additional issues.
1. racestudio wants th video in .mov format. I have to stich together the short .mp4 files gopro produces. Then convert them. That whole bag seems to add tons of time to the process.i think. Thats a limit that anything that writes to fat32 storage i suspect. I don’t know if smartycam writes .mov or not.
2. when i did get it all to work, i still struggled. What i want to do seems logically simple but not within real capabilities of the system. I’m not giving up just yet, but not willing to throw that much money at a smartycam to confirm your wisedom is 100% Sound. Which I suspect isn’t off the mark. As you said it is buggy.
3. i use AIM solo2. Do your other recommendations work well with the data it produces? My biggest want is just a process to get to all resouces quicky rather that features galore.stiching videos together now just delays getting to the launchpad.

Smartycam creates the video with data overlay automatically . Just pop the SD card and review between sessions. One of the best investments I ever made. Really enables track side coaching.

ProCoach 02-19-2020 08:54 AM

Sportytoes is using a GoPro. No help for that for anything like RS3 or CMLaps, I didn’t realize sportytoes wasn’t using the SmartyCam.

Exporting data from the Solo/Solo DL/S2/S2DL and the video from GoPro and combining them in RaceRender is the best. Still time consuming and limited, but better than nothing.

I really don’t recommend self-rendered video anymore. Don’t have time. AiM SmartyCam, VBOX Video, RaceKeeper, MoTeC V2, are the only video solutions I can recommend.

tgsmith4845 02-19-2020 04:10 PM

Loving the Vbox HD2 so far, and haven’t even been on track yet. Instant data and video.

ProCoach 02-19-2020 06:26 PM

Originally Posted by tgsmith4845 (Post 16431775)
Loving the Vbox HD2 so far, and haven’t even been on track yet. Instant data and video.

Now, that’s cool, opening in VBOX Tools, a more powerful and configurable analysis software for the VBOX files. I usually use that when I have lots more information, like wheel speeds, evaluating driver’s best use of ABS in factory built race cars.

Tim, make the x axis distance rather than time and up your sample rates on the AiM logger to get better resolution on the information.

I prefer Circuit Tools 2, which is a much quicker way to do the same driver performance analysis, set up segment times and save them to the file, and look at side by side video to see what I did to do the purple sectors in the session, compared to the fast lap. By easily finding and focusing on the exceptional corners or corner complexes, you can do them again.

This is my preferred tool for working with coaching clients. It’s Porsche’s preferred system for most of the rest of the world SuperCup series and their record runs, and I’ve sold more than sixty alone (out of five times that) just to GT4 CS and GT3 Cup cars running IMSA, PCA and SRO.

Most people buy VBOX because they don’t need to be geeks or even facile with a computer to coach themselves really effectively. Also runs on Apple computers natively.

Racing, testing and DE coaching engagements are expensive, with every moment on and off the track precious to both the driver and me.

VBOX is simply the quickest, easiest way for almost everyone I’ve worked with in the last decade to get quicker, safer and with less risk.

Tim’s set up is the best of both worlds. AiM and AiM sensors collecting information from an older car, the VBOX plugging with one cable into the AiM and getting all the most important information. There are more and more folks doing this. Why, because it’s easier. And more effective.

tgsmith4845 02-20-2020 04:35 PM

Originally Posted by ProCoach (Post 16432109)
Now, that’s cool, opening in VBOX Tools, a more powerful and configurable analysis software for the VBOX files. I usually use that when I have lots more information, like wheel speeds, evaluating driver’s best use of ABS in factory built race cars.

Tim, make the x axis distance rather than time and up your sample rates on the AiM logger to get better resolution on the information.

I prefer Circuit Tools 2, which is a much quicker way to do the same driver performance analysis, set up segment times and save them to the file, and look at side by side video to see what I did to do the purple sectors in the session, compared to the fast lap. By easily finding and focusing on the exceptional corners or corner complexes, you can do them again.

This is my preferred tool for working with coaching clients. It’s Porsche’s preferred system for most of the rest of the world SuperCup series and their record runs, and I’ve sold more than sixty alone (out of five times that) just to GT4 CS and GT3 Cup cars running IMSA, PCA and SRO.

Most people buy VBOX because they don’t need to be geeks or even facile with a computer to coach themselves really effectively. Also runs on Apple computers natively.

Racing, testing and DE coaching engagements are expensive, with every moment on and off the track precious to both the driver and me.

VBOX is simply the quickest, easiest way for almost everyone I’ve worked with in the last decade to get quicker, safer and with less risk.

Tim’s set up is the best of both worlds. AiM and AiM sensors collecting information from an older car, the VBOX plugging with one cable into the AiM and getting all the most important information. There are more and more folks doing this. Why, because it’s easier. And more effective.

thanks, Peter. This certainly helps me see where I’m losing time in my cul-de-sac. :)

donesnowangel 06-02-2021 01:19 PM

Looks like there's a new third party app coming out soon that should work with Aim Solo 2 and GoPro. Don't know whether it will make onboard videos though.

ProCoach 06-02-2021 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by donesnowangel (Post 17467608)
Looks like there's a new third party app coming out soon that should work with Aim Solo 2 and GoPro. Don't know whether it will make onboard videos though.


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