Cayenne Discounts
Cayenne Discounts
I am in the market and was wondering if there are any hidden factory-to-dealer incentives. There is a huge inventory overhang of Cayennes at just about every dealer I have seen. I would imagine that the factory is offering significant discounts to dealers to move the inventory. My hope is that they are offering similar to the $10k discounts the factory was offering on the 911 a couple of years ago. Has anyone gotten a huge discount on a Cayenne S or GTS lately?
Any help would be hugely appreciated.
Any help would be hugely appreciated.
Im from NY/NJ and i'm about to pickup my 2014 Cayenne GTS and i got a 7% discount. One dealer gave me 7.5% but tried to screw me on my RR Evoque trade-in. MSRP on my GTS was $99k and with the 7% discount end up at 92k.. Not bad.. I was going to get the new RRS but i refuse to pay msrp so i went with the Cayenne.
Thanks for the response! I also looked at the RR and the RRS and I definitely agree to not pay MSRP. I have seen some dealers actually mark them up above MSRP so have decided to skip RRs. I will let you know how I do on a Cayenne.
I've seen email ads from both the Nashville dealer and Brumos in Jacksonville knocking off good size chunks of cash from MSRP but since I'm not in the market I didn't drill down to see if they're demo vehicles or other than fresh off the truck. Check those dealer's web sites to get an idea.