25,000 Cayennes sold out for 2003!!
Ja der Porsche SUV ist hier but you can nicht vun haben!!! Demand for zis vehicel has been unprezedented! Everyboty vants one! Zee technolgy is amazing!!
I vud luv to zell you one but alas I have none to zell! For months- even years- zee customers vill have to vait! I had to turn away Ah-nold only last week.
Perhaps I can take your deposit and call you if if there is a cancellation?
The bull**** is really getting deep folks.
I vud luv to zell you one but alas I have none to zell! For months- even years- zee customers vill have to vait! I had to turn away Ah-nold only last week.
Perhaps I can take your deposit and call you if if there is a cancellation?
The bull**** is really getting deep folks.