Alternator whine with Dension
Alternator whine with Dension
I was wondering if anyone has experienced alternator whine with their Dension Gateway 500's? I only ask because I'm considering purchasing one and I don't want any alternator whine. When I've had aftermarket stereo equipment in other cars I've always had the dreaded alternator whine. Thanks
I experienced power whine with my Dension in my former cab. I was using the audio input, not the iPod input. It was mainly resolved by adding an inexpensive coil purchased from Radio Shack. The coil is connected in line with your audio leads to the audio input.
I had alternator whine using an in-line FM unit (goes in the antenna line) that was very bad and some was still there, albeit reduced, with the Dension. I've determined it is not the Dension at fault but rather the lines for my MP3 player that pick it up and introduce it into the system. I ended up having to wire my GPS/MP3 player directly to the battery and a solid ground near there. I tried different filters and these helped some, but not the best. Now I only hear the whine if the MP3 is on but not playing a song. Conclusion, Dension with proper power/grounding for the MP3 are the best you can get. Shielded cables would also be a good idea.
I think Porsche electronic interference must be quite high. I guess the other option is to get a 2009 where it has the aux input already installed...
I think Porsche electronic interference must be quite high. I guess the other option is to get a 2009 where it has the aux input already installed...