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RClurg84 06-17-2017 06:43 PM

I do enjoy a nice top down drive. But if your living in Dallas, your top down time is few and far between. I'd say coupe also!

sgtpeper 06-17-2017 06:44 PM

I actually live in Denver. I'm just in town for a family event and that red one happened to be advertised in Denver and Dallas.

Dock 06-17-2017 10:44 PM

Originally Posted by sgtpeper (Post 14262206)
I actually live in Denver.

Then I'd recommend a Cab.

996AE 06-17-2017 10:50 PM

Cab is awesome. If not tracking car the top down option is great. Top up its a quite as a coupe. Just gives you a very cool option.

FRUNKenstein 06-18-2017 11:59 AM

Originally Posted by sgtpeper (Post 14262138)
Thanks. I think you're right... It's super clean but 3 owners already... Nice options but I do think I can get more for less. Search continues!

Yeah, but it says in the ad that 2004 was the last year of the 996 Turbo, so that's gotta be worth something.

sgtpeper 06-19-2017 12:43 AM

Ahhhh - I'm so torn on cab vs coupe still.

Pros to Cab
- Top Down fun
- More engine noise
- Coupe feels dark inside
- Not a daily driver, so not worried about practicality

Cons to Cab
- Heavier
- More squeaks
- More flex (although I read an article that was surprised at how little they had to do to create the cab)
- Not as fun to drive with the top up

I grew up restoring XKEs, Ferraris, Alfas, Triumph. Most of the classics were best in their convertible form. However, Porsches seem to be their purest, especially to purists, in coupe form...

Other thoughts are still appreciated.


champignon 06-19-2017 01:31 AM

Originally Posted by sgtpeper (Post 14264550)
Ahhhh - I'm so torn on cab vs coupe still.

Pros to Cab
- Top Down fun
- More engine noise
- Coupe feels dark inside
- Not a daily driver, so not worried about practicality

Cons to Cab
- Heavier
- More squeaks
- More flex (although I read an article that was surprised at how little they had to do to create the cab)
- Not as fun to drive with the top up

I grew up restoring XKEs, Ferraris, Alfas, Triumph. Most of the classics were best in their convertible form. However, Porsches seem to be their purest, especially to purists, in coupe form...

Other thoughts are still appreciated.


I am fortunate enough to own a stable of cars, one of which is a convertible (2013 135is BMW Convertible). I love the car but drive it less than I would like to. I have been driving it the last couple of days, about 200 miles in total, including some fast curvy twisty roads, some of them with the top down, especially today.

Honestly, I could not imagine ever being in a situation where I would be trying to consider whether to buy the convertible or coupe version of a specific car. I would either be looking to buy a convertible, or looking to buy a coupe. It is such a fundamental aspect of buying a car, that I just don't get it. It's at least as important as the decision between automatic and manual transmissions, for example.

Personally speaking, I think that convertibles are nice to have, if you live in a climate where you can use it often enough to justify the purchase. Whether or not to have one would depend on where you live and how often you think you could use it, balanced by how many other vehicles you own, and if you care (or not) how much a given vehicle gets used.

The 996TT is a balls to the wall high powered car. This is not how I personally use a convertible. The whoosh around you when you drive a convertible is not necessarily speed-dependent. And because you are exposed to the elements, there is a certain fear-factor that may kick in beyond certain speeds and driving gymnastics get pushed to their extremes.

This is why I would buy a coupe in this particular car, and if I wanted a convertible I would choose something with less power, because it is unlikely I'd ever drive a convertible hard enough to get the full power capabilities of a 996TT.

But, to each his own.

Indiana Jones 06-19-2017 01:39 AM

I think your last post was a're listing pros and cons to the Cab and not the coupe, for a reason.
For what it's worth, I see you being more pissed off about not having a Cab on those nice days etc., than I see you loving a coupe. Don't get a coupe because purists and porsche guys like coupes...and I would like to see your quick knee jerk pros and cons list for a coupe.

Here are my lists, completely different than yours, and I live in Miami (good place for a Cab)

Coupe Pros -
-Less Potential Maintenance
-Better Resale/Desirability

Coupe Cons -
Higher cost of entry

Cab Pros -
Those few perfect days with the top down
More versatility - quasi acts as a coupe with top up lol
Cheaper cost of entry - if you like cabs, they are a damn steal, but don't let the seller know you want a Cab!

Cab Cons -
Not as stylish
More options that can break
Wind noise

sgtpeper 06-19-2017 10:18 AM

I don't disagree with your list though... I definitely think about how the coupe is more desirable for resale.

What is the actual weight difference between cab and coupe? One article said there isn't a difference, one article said it's 100lbs and change.

I'd also add in to the cons for a cab - cowl shake... I don't like cowl shake over big bumps in an exotic car. I barely accept it in my alfa - but that thing rattles so much you'd never notice it anyway, ha.

Atrox 06-19-2017 10:23 AM

I always make fun of old men in convertibles if that helps. The rest of the world gets a chuckle also.

sgtpeper 06-19-2017 10:40 AM

I'm only 36 :)

wross996tt 06-19-2017 11:44 AM

OK, So I live in CO know as well as I there are many great weather days here (don't tell anyone). I didn't buy my car with the idea of resale. I bought it to own it and drive it. The car is fantastic with or without the top. Mine weighs 3580 w/ .75 tank of gas. I have modified the suspension, and it handles great. I don't give two S***s whether Atrox makes fun of me and I am old...LOL.

Atrox 06-19-2017 12:21 PM

Atrox 06-19-2017 12:23 PM

All in good fun you can't go wrong with either.

T10Chris 06-19-2017 12:24 PM

Open air motoring is certainly more enjoyable than being in a coupe, why else does everyone lower their windows on a nice day when out for a drive.

The chassis on these cars is plenty stiff enough to negate most flex that would be noticeable at street speeds, maybe if you were on track or pushing harder than you should on some of the nice roads around Denver with sticky tires you would notice if driven back to back...

It is interesting that you are either/or with coupe vs cab. Most people I know with turbo cabs never really considered the coupe, it was cabriolet or bust, however that has started to change as the coupes prices have climbed faster than cabs. So maybe if you got a coupe and didn't like it, you could find someone who bought a cab to swap with you. Swapping cab for a coupe might be a harder thing to negotiate.

You can't really go wrong with either choice if you are honest with yourself about what you want/expect.

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