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JohnCK2014 04-07-2014 05:39 PM

Advice on Radar Detectors
Looking at getting a radar dectector. Budget is around $500. Two questions.

1. Are the ones under $500 effective enough to justify buying, assuming you plan to drive fast?

2. Within the $500 and under range are the more expensive ones really more effective than the cheaper ones or do they just cost more money?

I am willing to spend money but only if it actually provides a better product. Ideas on the best bets?

MiamiC70 04-07-2014 05:54 PM

Bang for buck I am on my 2nd Valentine1 on 4th car and they have served me quite well. Especially given I drive quite "spirited" ;)

Are they the end all be all they used to be? Probably not and certainly are behind in the techno, wiz bang factor but it's solid and just works.

fmmoto 04-07-2014 06:19 PM

I've been contemplating a detector as well. I'm not a techno-nerd but my casual research has me leaning toward the Escort Redline. Here's why. Years ago I used a detector regularly. Sure it helped more often than not but when I got nicked I never got a break; ticket scribbled and done (even after discretely pulling the radar down and tossing it under the seat before the officer approached). I have not used a detector in over 20 years with only two tickets to show but a number of pull-overs and warnings. The conspiracy theorist is coming out in me when I say I always had a feeling the police have radar detector detectors......When I read the Redline is "completely invisible to radar detector detectors" that sold me! With that said, I'm still taking my chances and have not purchased the detector yet, but probably will soon as it is only a matter of time before I don't choose the right time to have a little fun....

alpine003 04-07-2014 06:36 PM

oh boy, here we go again...

Here is everything you ever want to know from Porsche fanatics on here:

KoB 04-07-2014 06:39 PM

Originally Posted by alpine003 (Post 11275946)
oh boy, here we go again... Here is everything you ever want to know from Porsche fanatics on here:

Well played, sir.

CDLVancouver 04-07-2014 08:19 PM

Escort or valetin is what most are using here. I use an escort passport 9500ix and has provided me excellent coverage. Considering a laser jammer just to f with the federales just because.

aviography 04-07-2014 08:39 PM

Escort Redline or Beltronics STi Magnum are two great detectors which are undetectable.

The RDD you mentioned does exist, but not usually used together at the same time as radar units, it's usually State Troopers nabbing truckers, whom are not allowed to use RD. It's generally fine in the US except District of Colombia where RD is illegal for anyone to operate.

HOWEVER, you are not safe from LIDAR laser guns from any laser detector, unless you run laser jammer.

Kalashnikov 04-07-2014 08:50 PM

V1, Beltronics, and Escort radars over $350 will have similar levels of protection.

At the end of the day they are "helpful", but some luck has to be on your side. If cop just set up shop and has POP or laser radar set up, radar will not save you. If you are the only car on the road, and cop hits you with instant-on radar, radar will not save you.

In AZ some cops drive around with KA radar blasting, others wait for "potential" speeders to hide their location.

My radar saved me plenty of times, but you have to use common sense with it.

alpine003 04-07-2014 09:38 PM

Originally Posted by Kalashnikov (Post 11276332)
V1, Beltronics, and Escort radars over $350 will have similar levels of protection.

At the end of the day they are "helpful", but some luck has to be on your side. If cop just set up shop and has POP or laser radar set up, radar will not save you. If you are the only car on the road, and cop hits you with instant-on radar, radar will not save you.

In AZ some cops drive around with KA radar blasting, others wait for "potential" speeders to hide their location.

My radar saved me plenty of times, but you have to use common sense with it.

That about sums it up but I would also like to add to watch out for lines on the road in some areas.;) Nothing you can do from those pesky helicopters overhead wasting our precious tax dollars on fuel to float in the air. :mad:

MB_Fahrer 04-07-2014 09:41 PM

Originally Posted by Kalashnikov (Post 11276332)
My radar saved me plenty of times, but you have to use common sense with it.

This right here. I love my Valentine detectors. Not quite up to par with the Passport 9500ci (but I can't expect V1 to be--just look at the price difference).

kromdom 04-08-2014 12:47 AM

recent threads in case you missed em during your search :)

FWIW, I am a happy/satisfied user of Passport 9500iX.

silvergray951 04-08-2014 02:37 AM

Try 'Waze' in conjunction with your radar detector. Its a smartphone app that allows users to report the location of police traps. If you are running Waze, you will get the alerts automatically. Pretty good and improving as the app usage improves. One of my favorite pastimes is to report on the location of the local constabulary ;-)

Coloradocurt 04-08-2014 08:56 AM

Just a suggestion: I suspect that if you use one of those thick, coiled power cords plugged into the cigarette lighter and a cop pulls you over and can see that cord, you're in greater jeopardy of actually having a ticket written (versus just a warning) than if the cop doesn't know that you're using a radar detector. I use an optional power cord sold by Escort that's basically a thin, uncoiled phone wire which I hard-wire under the dash to a key-on power source, and then route the wire out-of-sight up behind the A-pillar and headliner.
This also makes your radar less obvious target for someone who might smash in a window just to rip off the detector.

MiamiC70 04-08-2014 10:24 AM

Hard wire kit to one of these very obscure

terbiumactivated 04-08-2014 10:34 AM

Originally Posted by alpine003 (Post 11276433)
That about sums it up but I would also like to add to watch out for lines on the road in some areas.;) Nothing you can do from those pesky helicopters overhead wasting our precious tax dollars on fuel to float in the air. :mad:

Most departments have the green light to go drones for whatever they please, the picnic will really be over once they start using them.

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