ALMS report & why I will never own a Ferrari
At the Petit LeMans last weekend, it was the same deal. The Ferrari Corral was off-limits, unlike the Porsche, Vette, and every other corral. It was comical because Ferrari of Atlanta was selling "souveniers" out of the corral. The purchasers had to exchange money over the fence; not allowed to actually enter the area.
Why so snobby?
Why so snobby?
I'm surprised at this closed-off attitude. As a life-long Porsche owner (from 1961 to 2002) and a newbie Ferrari owner (2004 360 and 2005 F430) this has not been my experience at all. Ferrari of Silicon Valley is hosting a Ferrari corral at Laguna Oct 21, it will be interesting to see how it is handled. I'm hoping it is wide open, but I'm obviously not running it. As a group, Ferrari owners are much like any other bunch of car guys, most are great, a few not so great. I must say Ferrari of San Francisco beats any Porsche dealer I ever worked with, they are very professional, friendly and are true enthusiasts.
I had the same experience at the race here in Houston. The Ferrari guys were right next door to the Porsche tent. And they had a guard at the entrance of the tent to tell people to shove off. It was totally closed. But man those guys know how to party. Open bar, plasma tv's, pretty nice buffet. Rumor was that the local F club foot the bill so they wanted it closed off. The Porsche tent was totally open for anybody to walk in and enjoy the shade, water, and what meager food we had. It was sponsored by PCNA and PCA.