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oolor13 04-25-2018 02:55 PM

I'm in the DC area and I wave to other 911s. Most wave back.

I told my wife about the "Porsche wave" a few weeks ago and later that day she got a wave from another 911 when she was behind the wheel. It made her day.

uury 04-25-2018 03:03 PM

I also live in the DC burbs and generally have a good response rate with flash/wave, especially this time of year. To whomever I saw in the white 964 cabriolet this weekend: Hi. I was the guy in the GT Silver 981 Spyder.

batchelorc 04-25-2018 07:53 PM

No P-cars in the Destin FL area are waving back. :(

Graham 04-21-2021 05:53 AM

In PNW I’ve had many 911 waves, especially with our roof down on my Targa 4S but also cabs. 👍

Maybe it’s the four spot lights because most have been 991 or 992.

IXIXI 04-21-2021 08:36 AM
Just be glad P car owners just wave 😂

991.1 Guy 04-21-2021 10:10 AM

Originally Posted by batchelorc (Post 14967677)
No P-cars in the Destin FL area are waving back. :(

Most Porsche owners in my area are stuck up a holes or are not car enthusiasts. Some doctors wife who doesn’t even know what kind of car they’re driving.

Wolpertinger 04-21-2021 10:30 AM

Went out for a drive yesterday in the beautiful early spring weather and there were waves and smiles aplenty. Saw another 911 and 2 718 Boxsters.

norfrode 08-04-2022 05:19 PM

I had a Mazda MX-5 / Miata for a while and it was loads of fun - my newly acquired Boxter is just more of everything.

A very high percentage of the MX-5 owners around here greet each other when passing.
They will however rarely acknowledge a Porsche, or so it seems.
In general I find that people are less likely to wave back at a car of a different make than their own unless it's a classic.
Though convertibles seem more likely to yield a friendly wave back.

Personally I am more than happy to wave at anyone, even if I get a scowl in return, that feeling of resentment is their problem, not mine 😊

Al.Fresco 08-04-2022 05:27 PM

Originally Posted by norfrode (Post 18285673)
I had a Mazda MX-5 / Miata for a while and it was loads of fun - my newly acquired Boxter is just more of everything.

A very high percentage of the MX-5 owners around here greet each other when passing.
They will however rarely acknowledge a Porsche, or so it seems.
In general I find that people are less likely to wave back at a car of a different make than their own unless it's a classic.
Though convertibles seem more likely to yield a friendly wave back.

Personally I am more than happy to wave at anyone, even if I get a scowl in return, that feeling of resentment is their problem, not mine 😊


I'm waiving at you Man!!!!

MingusDew 08-04-2022 05:36 PM

Lots of waves here, especially in the canyons. People seem happy and friendly to chat too.

DBH 08-05-2022 03:55 PM

Generally wave to and/or get waves from other Porsche sport cars - not usually SUV's or sedans. :bigbye: Don't think I've ever gotten a wave from a Miata. However, I've actually gotten the Harley wave a few times. :thumbup:

Elmiko 08-05-2022 04:10 PM

I'm in central/northern NJ. Look for my arctic silver 2015 C2S. I'll wave and flash my lights!

JimEb 08-05-2022 07:38 PM

Porsche's are somewhat rare in my area. Driving my 911 I've only ever encountered one Boxter (PCA rides don't count). They came up behind me and passed me on a multi-lane highway. Both driver and passenger were enthusiastically waving. I waved back but not sure they saw me.

I do get some Audi drivers wave at me sometimes. I don't wave back as I'm usually looking at them like "WTF? Do I know you?"

GTS99ONE 08-05-2022 09:15 PM

Waves are mutual here in ATL and surrounding areas

Live Steam 08-05-2022 09:24 PM

I don't wave. Sometimes it's the one index finger. Other times is just a nod. And still other times it's a blip of the hi-beams. Oh yeah, sometimes I just drive by lol

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