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John D. 01-15-2010 05:04 PM

Buy a Bandage - Haiti....
I'm going to post this up as a new thread, rather than add to the old one - if that's OK?? Anyway - in short - I just want to say thank you to all of you... As well - after reading all the threads (I think???) and listening to your concerns about donations, how to make the biggest impact with limited resources - well, hopefully - we can pull this together with your support and incredible "let's just get it done attitude".... Thank you for both of those....

"Buy a Bandage"

What is "Buy a Bandage"? It's a Rennwish (a 501C3) partnership with Pwoje Espwa, based in Les Cayes, Haiti, to subsidize the Hospital in Les Cayes, Haiti for emergency medical care, supplies, food, and basic necessities for its operation and relief of earthquake victims. As of today - all those items are depleted.

To help - please visit

Summary: Again - I wanted to thank all of you for your words, ideas, support and encouragement. As you know, many of your comments I've shared with some of our friends in Haiti. They are more appreciated thank you may know - or, maybe you do know?

Over the past several days - I've been trying to understand exactly "how" Rennwish can make the greatest impact given our limited exposure and, well - to be frank - limited resources. From our previous projects, we have selected programs, which are guaranteed to directly impact and influence the lives and education of children within Haiti. We believe we have been successful with our "partners" in those efforts - namely the children themselves, the villages, and our more formal partners, such as Pwoje Espwa.

The current crisis and disaster has only strengthened our commitment to the same credo - do as much as we possibly can to effect immediate improvement to those children, women, and men who, as I write this - are suffering unimaginable injuries and trauma.

Therefore, after communicating with Fr. Marc Boisvert - we believe, that together - you, Rennwish and Pwoje Espwa - can assist those injured children, women and men who might be otherwise overlooked immediately by the tremendous International Aid effort underway in Port-au-Prince, Petionville, Jacmel and some additional regions

The Goal: Immediate Requirement: $75,000 ($21,000 Medical/Supplies and $54,000 Emergency food/relief).

In the last few days, Rennwish has received exactly $5,042.00 in contributions earmarked for relief, with another $4,550 committed. All of those monies will be released for their intended purpose specified below. The remaining roughly $65,000 we hope to raise in the next few days - and with your help - by gosh - we can and will do it.

Mission - short term: To subsidize the Hospital in Les Cayes, Haiti for emergency medical supplies, food, and basic necessities for its operation and relief of victims. As of today - all those items are depleted. In short, we will buy and distribute Medical supplies for the Les Cayes Hospital, re-stock Pwoje Espwa's medical clinic and provide medicine, food an comfort for many of the injured children, women and men who are strewn throughout the Les Cayes hospital grounds awaiting any relief whatsoever.

The Purpose: All monies will be wired to Fr. Marc Boisvert at Pwoje Espwa directly into Haiti. As well - that is the same orphanage we partnered with to construct one of several planned Technical Schools. I trust Marc and his staff implicitly and since they are "on site" in the Cayes region - represent our partnership locally for this huge effort.

As well, Marc assures us that if he had the money to acquire the medical supplies and food - he has access to them. So - let's get Marc that money so he can do his part to assist those most in need.

So - here is the deal….

As true to Rennwish's and Pwoje Espwa's legacy - we believe that getting your donations directly into the hands of those most in need sends a powerful message. While we could purchase the items outside of Haiti, pay for packing, pay for shipping, pay for delivery into Haiti and pay more to get them into Les Cayes - that option becomes both cost prohibitive and doesn't allow the emergency supplies to get into the hands that need them most - when they are needed most… Further, it also dilutes your donations with unnecessary packing/shipping/delivery charges. Our intention has always been - and will always be - 100% of what you donate goes to the programs. This program. "Buy a Bandage" is "one of those programs.

You may also ask that isn't this program outside what Rennwish has traditionally undertaken? Yes, it is. As you know, in the past - we have succeeded at building infrastructure in the care and education of children who can go on and change their own community as they mature. However, Rennwish has always responded to where there is the greatest need - which is why we have a legacy of programs in Haiti today. Today's need in Haiti is both acute and life threatening.

We are obligated to respond to those same needs today. Working directly with Fr. Marc, his staff, Pwoje Espwa and the hospital in Les Cayes as they struggle to make a difference in basic human life isn't an option. It's a requirement of "life" for us, the living.

We must not fail.

It really is that simple.

Our thanks,

John Dunkle

ehall 01-15-2010 05:16 PM

John, would it be any problem if I posted this to facebook? I won't send it generally, but just too friends.
I'd like to direct them to rennwish.

John D. 01-15-2010 05:20 PM

I would be pleased if you did.. Honestly? If you asked me a week ago if we could subsidize a hospital in Haiti to care for hundreds as they wait for international relief - I would have shaken my head in disbelief...

I know, today - we can and we will...

My sincerest thanks... Anyone who would like to help get what we are doing out - please, let's just do it...

My thanks... Not from me, really - but from those in Haiti, in Les Cayes, in the street - wondering if anyone really cares..


Eric - Plug Guy 01-15-2010 05:25 PM

Thanks JD.....took care of funding last night...and have cross posted on other forums as well.

Keep us posted on the progress.

John D. 01-15-2010 05:30 PM

Hi Eric!

I sure did - and as always - yours and others generosity never ceases to amaze me.. Remember - I'm just like you - and well, really just like all the folks... I'm no different - I just love my cars, the community - and well...

Anyway - all the donations received since the tragedy in Haiti are earmarked for the hospital... After we take care of that, then well, we'll get back on doing our other projects. But - in the meantime - there is a critical need - so, that's what we'll get done...

Eric - as always - simply - thank you....


Randy V 01-15-2010 05:31 PM

I'm in.

PTurbo965 01-15-2010 05:32 PM

Great plan! I'm in.

Marc Gelefsky 01-15-2010 05:33 PM


RJT 01-15-2010 05:55 PM

Originally Posted by ehall (Post 7226210)
John, would it be any problem if I posted this to facebook? I won't send it generally, but just too friends.
I'd like to direct them to rennwish.


I posted this on my Facebook page too. Hope it helps even more.

Darwantae951 01-15-2010 05:58 PM

Donation sent, John. My wife and I wish you and everyone down there the best!

John D. 01-15-2010 05:59 PM

You folks are wonderful... Thank you - from all in the Les Cayes Hospital and at Espwa....

Just - simply - thank you....


Bob Rouleau 01-15-2010 06:00 PM

John, perfect. I am in.

Amber Gramps 01-15-2010 06:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Thank you John for giving us direction.

Look at that face.... Who couldn't love this guy. :D

Electric Lizard 01-15-2010 06:24 PM

I'm in.

moorepower 01-15-2010 06:30 PM

Paypal sent.

Thanks John, for all you do.

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