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Shark Attack 04-28-2006 06:18 PM

Someone please tell me why PO's always have the pod, center console and seats ripped apart/out for no apearant reason? I have had 3 sharks now and every one, when it got to me had the cluster handed to me and the radio out, window switches hanging out like an octopus and the "oh yeah careful the seats are not bolted in"? All i can figure is it must be the mentality, They find this 928 porsche.. jump in head first cause the think its "cheap" and they are stealing it. then they find out that they really took it up the a$$ and the car costs a lot of money to repair and maintain. then i guess the run out of money. thus a lot of sharks being picked up be people that simply can not afford the car. I duuno..... nuts! I have become a pro at putting the pod back in place and the center consol back together.

Thaddeus 04-28-2006 07:35 PM

Definitely where my PO was at. Bought a fixer-upper 928, he then had it painted, then realized the extent of the mechanical stuff he'd have to do and dumped the car. Why anybody would START a restoration by painting a car is beyond me... but there you go.

Jim bailey - 928 International 04-28-2006 08:05 PM

They want it to look nice when parked in the driveway ? A lot of project cars get wheels and tires as well a quick and easy thing to make it look better. I also find that these cars sometimes get bought by people who have never ever actually worked on their car in the past but for one reason or another they start" FIXING " the 928 only to find that taking apart is much easier and quicker than putting together.

jeff jackson 04-28-2006 08:43 PM

Originally Posted by Shark Attack
Someone please tell me why PO's always have the pod, center console and seats ripped apart/out for no apearant reason? I have had 3 sharks now and every one, when it got to me had the cluster handed to me and the radio out, window switches hanging out like an octopus and the "oh yeah careful the seats are not bolted in"? All i can figure is it must be the mentality, They find this 928 porsche.. jump in head first cause the think its "cheap" and they are stealing it. then they find out that they really took it up the a$$ and the car costs a lot of money to repair and maintain. then i guess the run out of money. thus a lot of sharks being picked up be people that simply can not afford the car. I duuno..... nuts! I have become a pro at putting the pod back in place and the center consol back together.

and...YOU bought it NOT KNOWING ANY OF THESE THINGS...right ??? If you have bought 3 of these cars..and all 3 had these "issues"...have you EVER heard the phrase.. "F*** Me Once, Shame on You... F*** me 3 times, I ain't so sharp... :nono:

marton 04-28-2006 08:50 PM

HTML Code:

F*** Me Once, Shame on You... F*** me 3 times, I ain't so sharp

3 times? I read once that the chimps that NASA used to send up in space rockets took 22 repetitions before they learnt anything.
The NASA guys had Chimp ratings for everything, so 3 times =~1/7 Chimp rating

Nasty 928 04-28-2006 09:36 PM

Yea I know what you mean about previous owners of sharks. If I ever sell mine and want to move up, I will SPEND more money. When buying a Shark, (like all other cars) I always remember that you get what you pay for.

People, Shark Attack is not an IDIOT, he's on here isn't he. All the smart 928 owners are on the list. If I ever want to move up (to a newer 928) I will be looking on here 1st and often.

Rob M Budd 04-28-2006 10:23 PM

I don't think its unique to Porsche or the 928. Like a lot of you, over the years I've seen and purchased many cars. It seems whenever its a classic, exotic, or sometimes just a popular model someone has been "tinkering" with it.
When I look at one like that, I pull the rats nest of wire out, empty the nasty stuff out of the trunk, pull the junk from under the seats, pull on wires, wiggle handles, turn switches off and on like a madman, shake things, twist things, knock on body panels and rockers while saying "hello,, hellllooooo". Then say "holy mother of god, this thing is a piece of crap. What are you trying to get for it"?
I've seen the abuse you speak of in BMW, Porsche,Jaguar, Mercedes, etc and even the old Detroit iron muscle cars.

Shark Attack 04-28-2006 10:32 PM

Originally Posted by jeff jackson
and...YOU bought it NOT KNOWING ANY OF THESE THINGS...right ??? If you have bought 3 of these cars..and all 3 had these "issues"...have you EVER heard the phrase.. "F*** Me Once, Shame on You... F*** me 3 times, I ain't so sharp... :nono:

Who said they got ef'd???? where did that come from? i'm just making a comment. You are i guess one of the PO's im asking about. I bit touchy are you?

jeff jackson 04-28-2006 11:34 PM

Not Really Shark Attack...I got the "impression" you're post was a "bitch" post ...about buying a used 928 from someone, and finding out...NOT everything was "as you had hoped"...Thats OK by me, BUT, ...if and when, you say you have bought "3" cars like this...I can only assume, that either you never went and looked at ANY of these cars.. before you purchased just figured out how much you were looking at, in parts and repairs, to make the cars the way you "want" them to be... so NOW ... you are "Whining" in public about it....Tell me where I'm wrong with this assessment... :to_order:

jeff jackson 04-29-2006 12:16 AM

Originally Posted by Shark Attack
Who said they got ef'd???? where did that come from? i'm just making a comment. You are i guess one of the PO's im asking about. I bit touchy are you?

From you're "initial post"...I didn't think we were referring to "they"...I thought you were talking about "you're experience". ...To have this type purchase happen.... to the "same person".... (3) times...tells me, that either you, (NOT THEY)...were looking for the "deal of a lifetime", for a 928 and found out this is "either unavailable"....or you got beat out by someone by Ten Bucks or so... either way...if you bought cars in this state...why whine abut the PO. If YOU...are a "shark afficionado" certainly must know the price of the parts...and the ammount of time and effort it takes to make one of these cars, the way we "ALL" want them to be. Ad with regard to you're "last comment"...regarding ME, being one of the POs that "knowingly sell their cars "expecting" the new owner to deal with their "unfinished business" ith he car.. I HOPE YOU READ STEVE 88s assessment of the car he just bought from me, he will be taking delivery within the next week, for the price he got this car for....
( BTW...I did the TB-WP service, in the last week at his request), We shall see his impressions of the deal we struck, very soon. BUT...I BET he has NO complaints, about the "seats being unbolted"...OR...ANY of the cluster instruments being "disassembled" / non-functional ... Of course I "imagine"...he paid a bit more for this car, than the ones YOU bought with these issues.... YOU DO GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. :jumper: :jumper:

Shark Attack 04-29-2006 09:00 AM

man you are touchy........ sorry, didnt mean to offend you when you related yourself so closly with who i was talking about...

jeff jackson 04-29-2006 11:37 AM

I am sorry . I really did not mean to put any hostile or angry slant on my replies. Please accept my apology. :)

Shark Attack 04-29-2006 12:51 PM

no need for that! this is a computer message board.... I was playing with you also. no problem. you going to SITM?

jeff jackson 04-29-2006 12:56 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Nah...I won't have any car for this years gathering...The new owner is getting really anxious to pick the Black 86.5 up, and I cant say as I blame him one bit. I just finished the Timing Belt and Water pump R+R and did a "bunch" of engine detailing and cleaning for him while I was in there. I must say, as long as I have had this car...its NEVER looked better under the hood...OR ran stronger than it does right now. I am very pleased with the results of my efforts, and knnow the new owner will be pleased as well. :cheers: Here's how it looks now.

Shark Attack 04-29-2006 04:09 PM

man, that looks great. but fix that hood, its driveing me nuts, In the pix at the bottom of your post the hood seems to be a little mis-aligned on the passeanger side, May just be the pix..... but it makes me want to drive down there and turn the rubber stop my self. :cheers:

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