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Christopher Zach 07-12-2019 02:09 PM

Little oil drip by filter, why?
So I've had a small oil leak forever on the 944S, and I'm finally thinking it's time to fix it: The underside of the engine is filthy, and it's annoying.

It only makes a puddle when running or just after stopping. With a flashlight I can see it's coming from the oil filter. Except I have it crunched down tight (have to use one of those things that fits on the filter like a cap) and it looks like it's coming right from the filter itself.

Any idea how to properly seal that filter to the console? The car is normally parked nose down, so it needs to always work.
Drip drip drip....

royalschwarz 07-12-2019 04:46 PM

Sure it's not power steering fluid? It looks awfully dark to be oil. And PS fluid has a habit of coating everything in that area anyway.

Also, the filter shouldn't be tightened more than hand tight. It may seem counter-intuitive but over tightening it can actually cause things to leak when they normally wouldn't.

bonus12 07-12-2019 05:45 PM

I agree you need to make sure that's the actual leak. You can wipe down the area with a rag until clean, then use a flashlight pointed at the area while the engine is running to determine if the oil is indeed coming from between the filter and the housing. If it appears while you are watching it, it's a sure sign.

If you can determine that that is the site of the leak, you should remove the filter and check the mating surface. You may have a little scratch / nick that is allowing oil to escape. In that case, you can get a better housing or you can polish the mating surface ... but you would have to do this very well because it needs to be perfectly flat. A short-term fix would be to use a tiny layer of an oil-resistant gasket material, like permatex ultra black.

Do the S models have the external oil cooler? If so, are you sure it's not one of the adjacent oil cooler hoses?

Christopher Zach 07-12-2019 06:27 PM

I have wiped it down and I can see the oil coming down from there. It's annoying but not the end of the universe.

My guess is a little scratch or something, I could also take the filter off and put it on hand tight instead of gorilla tight.

The stock S models have the internal oil-water cooler, but not an external one. I think they put the external cooler on the S2 and later models.

It's not power steering fluid because that blew up about 20 years ago. I just took off the pulley and drained the system and drive it as manual steering. One of these days I need to get a round tuit and replace the rack. I also need to replace that swaybar bushing, the old one failed because it was soaked with oil........

Never dull.

KevinGross 07-12-2019 08:15 PM

Make sure you didn't put the new filter on with the old filter's rubber gasket still stuck to the manifold. Sounds basic, but I've seen this trick a few times. Smear the new seal with oil to keep it from sticking next change.

Check the aluminum mating surface of the manifold for scratches, nicks, etc. Clean with a single-edge razor, solvent, etc. If there are nicks, perhaps a careful filling with JB Weld will take care of them.

BTW, I learned years ago to torque the filter to spec this simple way. Spin it on until it just hits the manifold. Paint mark at 12 o'clock, then turn once, ie 360 degrees. It will be properly torqued. Cheers,

mj951 07-12-2019 10:45 PM

Originally Posted by Christopher Zach (Post 15969541)
I also need to replace that swaybar bushing, the old one failed because it was soaked with oil.

Replace the two center sway bar bushings with delrin, keep the outer ones rubber.

JustinL 07-13-2019 11:20 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Also check the camshaft seal. I had a similar leak that I thought for sure was the filter, but after taking off the covers it was clearly dripping down behind them.

Attachment 1345988

Christopher Zach 07-16-2019 09:10 PM

Originally Posted by JustinL (Post 15970641)
Also check the camshaft seal. I had a similar leak that I thought for sure was the filter, but after taking off the covers it was clearly dripping down behind them.

Good point. When I get the car back I'll start by wiping everything down, then running it till oil drip, then checking to see if anything on top of the filter (maybe with a paper towel stuck up there).

Christopher Zach 07-26-2019 09:25 PM

I'm starting to think it's the camshaft. There is a second drip up higher and regardless of the torque on the oil filler it's exactly the same amount of dripping. And it doesn't start until a few seconds after the car starts.

Guess it is time to replace the timing belt, while in there I can pull the gear and replace that seal. I assume it can be replaced without pulling the head?

KevinGross 07-27-2019 11:08 AM

Originally Posted by Christopher Zach (Post 16000504)
Guess it is time to replace the timing belt, while in there I can pull the gear and replace that seal. I assume it can be replaced without pulling the head?


Christopher Zach 07-30-2019 03:52 PM

Ok, time to buy the belt parts and do the old replacement...

I really should also fix the stupid odometer at some point; right now the little gear is broken so how would I know when to retension at 2500 miles (the balance shaft belt is so un-tensioned it's scary)

bonus12 07-30-2019 05:25 PM

Originally Posted by Christopher Zach (Post 16008027)
Ok, time to buy the belt parts and do the old replacement...

I really should also fix the stupid odometer at some point; right now the little gear is broken so how would I know when to retension at 2500 miles (the balance shaft belt is so un-tensioned it's scary)

You want to retension @ 1500, then again as you see fit. The odo gear is only about $22. According to instructions, it's easy to change. The balance shaft belt runs pretty loose by design. Check Van's videos on youtube (search porsche 944 water pump) --- there are 3 parts. He describes tension brilliantly. Post here again with updates or questions.

Christopher Zach 07-30-2019 09:34 PM

Been awhile, thought it was 2500. Still it's simple: Remove top cover, turn one bolt, turn bolt back, done. Do when engine is cold in morning.

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