Porsche Is the Difference Between Le Mans and Le Boys

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What really makes people grow up? What turns boys into men? The question is one that has been heard for decades, and there really is no solid answer. What makes boys secure, happy, and stable? What makes them grow up to be men that their parents would be proud of? What makes them evolve into the person they truly can become?

As this old school ad proclaims, “Porsche Separates Le Mans from Le Boys.” Because, really, have you ever seen a boy that was able to handle a Porsche? On the rare occasion that you might have, we’re willing to bet that the vehicle met its end very prematurely. Porsche vehicles really do require a certain finesse to handle. They really require experienced and mature adults, and that’s where the difference lies.

So, really, what does separate “Le Mans from Le Boys?” We’re saying that Porsche has a pretty good answer to that. Do you agree?

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